This is also the reason why I was amazed after seeing Death at the Challenge Station!

However, even so, he still has to work hard, because death is his compatriot!

Compared to Daewoo, their world is much more peaceful, and people trust each other. All planes only believe in one true God, and there are five million performers who manage the true God. They believe in the only true God, their founders, and in the leadership of the executors to fight the world! They are not tyrannical, at least after they defeated the creation gods of the world, they did not take any mass slaughter to kill chickens and monkeys. What it is or what it is, only the highest existence has been replaced. The strange thing is that in the past two or three years, their true gods seem to have given up this world. Even if there is such a metamorphosis of Lu Yiqian, no measures have been taken. In general, the existence of such a specific supergroup is not allowed to exist, is it not? ! The wisdom of the true God is not at the bottom, and these little people cannot know. In fact, it is true that it is true God, even if it is the five million performers, they are not able to think about it!

But there is nothing wrong with retrieving your own compatriots. No matter which plane, as long as they belong to the true God, the relationship between them is very friendly... This is how they differ from the people of this world!

"Please come back to us, we belong to the people of the true God." Mi Cai persuaded, but he had a strong intuition that the man would not marry him.

Sure enough, the momentum of death is as calm as a mountain, and no response is given.

"Compatriots, we should be united in the same world, and the executors will soon come to the death of the true God. We will all gather under his wings." Michele sincerely persuaded that the last time he met The compatriots did not have time to say hello and fled, but this time they must fight for their compatriots.

"You are teaching me to leave the master?" The voice of the **** of death is like a ripple into the boundless moonlight, with a cold and cold, like the smell of all things.


He never wanted to leave his master, but some people didn't know how to touch his forbidden land!

The hand was held tightly by Lu Yiqian. She knew that if the **** of death was worried about it, it is estimated that the whole Shangguan had to be buried.

Slightly leaning, it contains the lips of death, soft and silky, and immediately stopped the action he used: "Hey, obedient, your business is my business, they are looking for you and I can't go, give it to me. Solved, huh?"

The **** of death was extremely obedient and nodded. The two met with each other and indulged in the spring and autumn rain.

The golden light flashed in the eyes of death, and it was fleeting.

But the beauty of the mutual attention is always the same.

Mi Cai and the twenty people behind him are not very good-looking. This is obviously despising. Isn’t she thinking that she can be an enemy? Also, they have just been scared by the coldness of the **** of death, this person is really terrible. They don't understand how such a person would recognize others as the mainstay. The people in their world are free and wild. How can they be male? Everything seems too strange!

I don't know when, the wind is up!

Lu Yiqian stepped forward and stood in the air. The wind and hunting ground blew her clothes and hair, making her light and elegant, and the hair, the dance, the posture, the strong and straight!

"Hey, talk nonsense, let's play one game!" Lu Yiqian said proudly: "I won, you will never come to him again, if I lose..." She and the **** of death looked at each other: "Everything is Based on his decision!"

Michelle’s face changed, but when he came, he made up his mind and nodded: “Good!”

The atmosphere is dignified when it is awkward.

A cloud floated in the sky, covering one of the March.

"Where is the **** of death, where are you going, why do you want to be strong?" Lu Qianqian’s voice seemed to sing like a sing, and the tail of the wind was hung, but the voice was not big, but with some kind of determination.

Before the other party responded, Lu Yiqian rushed past like lightning, and on the day of the shocking world, the twenty-five-style fire-wrapped clouds sprang out!

Cross-swords, squats, swords and slashes, the fire of the sky will be blasting to everyone, it is actually the overbearing style of sweeping everyone!

The sword is powerful, the sword is high, and the most important thing is that the sword is in the middle of the sword!

The use of this woman's body to use this pure man's tricks, but can not tell the harmony, can not tell the beautiful, but also a more delicious flavor!

At least from the eyes of outsiders, she is really as beautiful, but if she is in her move, it will not feel so.

The raging fire is not a general fire, but a fire shaped like a sword. Wherever the fire passes, the ground ruptures like a spider web. At the footsteps, the houses collapsed. And the meteor-like blade is also amazingly fast, and it’s definitely not hurt! Fortunately, she left her mind and came to the sparsely populated, houses are mostly vacant, otherwise this burst of destruction will definitely hurt the innocent people.

It is true that Lu Yiqian is serious!

In the blink of an eye, Lu Yiqian and the soul of the Millennium King fit together, and the nine-tailed snake armor fits!

The thousand kings of seven thousand six hundred stars, nine and five thousand five hundred stars, these two beasts, one is comparable to the peak of the gods, one has reached the second level of the gods, this is the fit, the strength is higher!

This is the highest level of Lu Yuqian's so far, so she can pay attention to this war!

She cares about death, well, she cares about death!

And the **** of death naturally understands this, his eyes are smiling, and he looks sweetly at the woman with blue cyan armor and blue-blue hair!

Taking advantage of the 20 people still avoiding, Lu Yiqian did not hesitate to use paralysis, dizziness, bloodshed and other toxins. Both the Millennium King and the Nine-tailed Snake are extremely sinister and sinister, dealing with the enemy. In addition to their tyranny, they also make good use of toxin traps.

"Despicable!" The young man around the meter was glaring, and he accidentally said, his head was a little faint!

Yes, mean!

On the battlefield, just wins and loses, regardless of the means, she is even more mean!

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