In Black City, the monsters are more self-sufficient, and rarely rob the food of the beast, unless the predator and the hunter lose both sides, and then do it all.

A seeing B catch up, the soul must be scared to fly, it just arrived in the Black City, the good life has just begun, of course, do not want to kill here, but do not want to be swallowed by other monsters.

Lu Yiqian was extremely calm, and she flew while paying attention to the terrain and guiding A to retreat.

The militant factor of the sub-season comes up, and B and fight back, all the way!

The strength of the sub-season is at the peak of Shen Jun, and it is more than enough for B.

"Don't kill it first!" Lu Yiqian tried his best: "Let it take us all the way!"

A can't hide two people. She needs a new target. It is true that B is a good choice. When the two sides fight, the rest of the monsters are lurking, at least to avoid the melee and the situation of dealing with many beasts at the same time.

How clever the sub-season is, immediately understand the tactics of Lu Yiqian, in addition to suppressing B, from time to time to harass it, let it anger, and try to chase!

A恍惚 thinks that these two are really devils, B and it is too poor. But at this moment, in addition to Lu Yiqian and the sub-season, there is no other choice. If it goes down alone, it will be hunted!

Now, no matter how much the attack angle of B is so different, it still poses no threat to the sub-season.

Unconsciously, it is far away from its own territory. It has no knowledge of it and has become the target of hunting for other monsters.

The huge wings fanned, a seven-headed snake head, and the body rushed like an owl-like monster. First, it solved the big B, and quickly licked its heart, letting its body be Other monsters compete for food, and it has set their sights on Lu Yiqian and Zi Ji. Although these two are ugly, they do not affect the nature of their consumption. They are ugly and may taste good.

And call this weird owl C.

c pursues along the road, the means is much more than B, actually can use this world's power to send out attack techniques similar to the Eudemons trick, the attack range is wide, the attack power is great!

A feels that he must die!

The sub-season is highly wary. After hitting all the invincible hands of Daewoo, I have long been eager to come to a battle that is full of enthusiasm. This guy is a typical strong encounter, but a metamorphosis is more abnormal. At this time, instead of being afraid, he is even more excited. If he is not to suppress his strength and let C lead the way, he has already released a big fight!

When he reaches this realm, he can no longer be measured by the normal state.

Soon C is also tragedy, being more powerful D hunting, using Lu Qianqian's tactics, passing E, F... until Z, A has become very calm after repeated shocks, it has a dream The feeling, the dreams mentioned here, is just a statement. It can only be said that it is experiencing the state of mind that monsters have never experienced. For Lu Yiqian and Zizi, A can only be described as metamorphosis. Of course, there is no metamorphosis in this world, it just has this feeling.

In other words, even the monsters who feel the metamorphosis of Lu and his son are really unusual metamorphosis!

By the time he set foot on the tens of millions of kilometers of white castles, Lu Yiqian and Zizi and A had been fighting for nearly two weeks, and they experienced a second-time escape.

"Little flies, you continue to run!" z climbed up seductively.

The strength of Z is definitely the peak of the gods, and will enter the level of God. This monster grows... very much like an individual.

Well, to a certain extent, it is really a beauty, if you don't pay attention to its long claws and silverfish-like tail. In addition to being like a human being, Z's wisdom is much stronger than the monsters he encountered before. It masters the human language even in a few minutes.

Z has been fighting the two men for two days and two nights, A is completely unable to insert the claws, only responsible for escape.

A looked at the hustle and bustle of the white castle. It felt very intense at this moment, and its life became a fantasy at this moment!

The higher the strength, the higher the place to live in the Black City, and this castle is undoubtedly the belief point of the world. As long as the owner's order is made out, the rest of the world's monsters will not dare!

And it did not dream of dreaming, one day it will stand under this majestic castle!

...if it will dream! feels filled with great emotions!

As Lu Yuqian saw the castle, the first reaction that jumped out was: It is here! The second reaction is: really majestic!

This castle is undoubtedly the center of the world, and a powerful and unparalleled force is radiated from here to every corner of the world, like the air on earth, or the darkness of the universe.

To say that it is majestic, it is indeed worthy of the word, a castle that is three times as big as the Wanguan, hundreds of thousands of meters of castle, who can say to it? Such a building, I really don't know how it was built, but the palaces of the gods are just that!

It is white, and it even has a construction pattern of the magical dance mainland palace...

His mother's, because of this, it is unclear and weird!

"Little flies, let me eat it!" Z's voice is very exciting, it has been stunned by anger, it does not even realize that it has entered the restricted area!

The palace is not qualified to stand on this level!

The sub-season has exposed six pairs of black wings, and the battle with Z has entered a white heat, both sides are very excited, the light ball shines, the momentum is amazing!

Fortunately, the hardness of the land under this palace is very strong. Even if the battle is louder, there is no gap in the land!

Excellent quality!

Z is very difficult, clever and deceitful, and the means of attack are very diverse. The rare enemy is a little too screaming, "Little flies, little flies" is called non-stop, she bet, it must not know what the flies are. She regrets very much that she should not be a small fly a day ago. It has been called for a whole day, so she can hear vomiting when she hears the words of flies. The noise attack is far more powerful than the attack!

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