Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1050: Become stronger

"Big brother, it's still dark, why did you come so early."

Before long, a pair of Huang Jianjie and Huang Jianjie who were not awake reluctantly appeared in front of Huang Jianzhi, complaining with all their faces about Huang Jianzhi's disturbing their dreams.

"Do you want to become stronger?" Huang Jianzhi said indifferently.

"miss you"

Huang Jianjie and Huang Jianjie, who hadn't woken up before, heard the word "become strong", and their spirits flashed in an instant. They looked at Huang Jianzhi with cumin light.

"Very well, then you have to be mentally prepared. My training is very painful." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"No matter how painful we are, we can stand it up, eldest brother, just come." Huang Jianjie said seriously.

"You are ready, let's start. A hundred push-ups, a hundred squats, a hundred sit-ups, a ten-kilometer run."

"This is your training task today. Can you complete it?" Huang Jianzhi said with a serious look.

"Big brother, this is it, no more?"

Huang Jianjie and both looked at his elder brother in a daze. They were mentally prepared to face the hell-level training of the elder brother, but when they heard this, they wondered if they had heard it wrong.

"That's it, why, is it difficult?" Huang Jianzhi asked rhetorically.

"It's not big brother, this is really training rather than warming up." Huang Jianjie and the two expressed skepticism.

"Why, look down on this training, this training method has created a bald devil. If you have one billionth of the power of the bald devil, you will definitely be invincible in this world." Huang Jianzhi said seriously.

"Brother, you're not kidding, there are people who have become so powerful by this training method."

Huang Jianjie and the two still feel unreliable, this kind of warm-up exercise is not even considered, how can it make people stronger.

"Believe it or not, go for training. I'll go to sleep first. You don't need to call me after training. I want to sleep in." Huang Jianzhi occupied Huang Jianjie's room and went to sleep in.

"Big brother will not get a useless training method for no reason. There must be a big brother's intention in it. We will complete the training according to the requirements of the big brother first."

Huang Jianjie didn't say anything when he saw his elder brother occupying his room. Seeing the eyes of his third brother asking for help, he decided to complete his eldest brother's training task first.

It didn't take long for the two of Huang Jianjie to complete the training task assigned by Huang Jianzhi.

"Second brother, this doesn't even count as a warm-up. Did the older brother make a mistake?"

Huang Jianchen, who completed the training task easily, couldn't feel any effect, and he doubted whether his eldest brother had made a mistake.

"Big brother can't make a mistake, I think the reason why big brother has become so strong is probably because of this training method."

Brother Huang Jianjie's brain supplementation method has become stronger because of this training method, and doubts whether this training method is effective with some oral determination or mental method.

"No, this is the secret of why Big Brother is so powerful." Huang Jianchen suddenly felt that it was possible.

"As for whether it is right or not, I won't know when the eldest brother wakes up." In this way, Huang Jianjie and the others began to wait for the eldest brother to wake up.

As time passed bit by bit, the number of people around Huang Jianjie increased. The joining of Su Yunshi and others made the waiting Huang Jianjie less boring.

During the period, Tang Yixing came over, leaving a sentence and left: Your eldest brother is here, and the training of you will be handed over to your elder brother first, and the old man has gone to refine the pill.

"It's all afternoon, and you haven't woken up yet, your eldest brother can sleep too much." Su Guoer said flatly.

"Big brother was not like this before, maybe he was too tired of worrying about the two of us, let my brother sleep for a while. Guoer, you don't have to wait with us, you can go play by yourself." Huang Jianjie said.

"I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat?" At this moment, Huang Jianzhi opened the door and came out.


"It's delicious, this roast chicken tastes good, this fish is very fragrant, this meat is very...," Huang Jianzhi ate with relish at the table, and the fat cats and parrots also enjoyed their food.

"Brother, the training method you gave us is too profound. Until now, we don't understand the meaning of it. Brother, can you tell us what is different about this training method." Huang Jianchen asked when he saw that his eldest brother had almost eaten. Tao.

"For a certain kind of person, it is like the big bald devil I said. It is useless to most people, and can not be said to be useless, at least it can exercise." Huang Jianzhi laughed.

"Then brother, did you use this method to train us because?" Huang Jianjie and the others asked curiously.

"You have soaked so many secret medicines, and your body has not completely absorbed it. This method is good for you to absorb. Of course, if you are lucky, you will become the next big bald guy. It's not necessarily." Huang Jianzhi laughed.

"Brother, what about our training?"

"It's very simple. The most effective training is actual combat. You have been fighting against me these days. I can't stop if I don't stop."

"If you can stick to it, you will have a reborn change." Huang Jianzhi said after he was full and moved his body.

"Brother, we are ready, let's start now." Huang Jianjie and the two said with high morale.

"Yes, don't cry if you can't hold on at that time." Huang Jianzhi showed a bad smile.

"Wait, Mr. Huang, can I join?" Chen Fengqing asked expectantly.

"Don't be afraid of pain, just do as you like."

Then, Huang Jianzhi and his entourage came to the training room, and the actual combat began directly. No, it should be said that the abuse began.




"Left fist a younger brother, right fist a younger brother, why am I so happy."

Huang Jianzhi became addicted to hitting, one left uppercut and one right uppercut. Huang Jianjie and the two were knocked to the ground, and within a few seconds they got up and rushed towards Huang Jianzhi.

As for Chen Fengqing, he was on the wall of the training room and couldn't get out. He was obviously taken in by Huang Jianzhi's special care.

"Sister, am I wrong? He smiled happily, as if he enjoyed the feeling of abuse." Su Guoer looked at Huang Jianzhi with a punch and felt something was wrong.

"You, what are you thinking about? The reason why he laughed so happily is because he saw his two younger brothers making constant progress. This is a gratifying smile." Su Yunshi corrected the little girl's blind thoughts.

"Well, maybe I think too much."

The next day, the actual combat continued, but there was one more person, Wang Wenze. He knew that Huang Jianzhi was training his two younger brothers and asked to join him.

Of course Huang Jianzhi would not refuse. No, there was another figure inlaid on the wall, which made Chen Fengqing no longer lonely.

"Hey, why are there two people hanging on the wall? Did I make a mistake." At this time, Huang Yihan also came to the training room.

"You are not mistaken, one of them is my brother." Chen Yuelan said emotionally.

"Little girl, you are here, do you want to join in, you have made a leap forward in the actual battle with the big brother."

When Huang Jianchen saw the fourth sister coming, he rushed to the eldest brother even more majestic, telling the fourth sister how fast he is progressing with practical actions, but he flew, not right down to Huang Yihan's feet.

"Ahem, what I said just now, I remembered, I'm not hungry, don't call me when you eat."..

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