Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1069: The third is out of help

Huang Jianzhi's gossiping heart was burning, and he leaned forward furtively without saying a word. It's rare to have the third child's gossip, how can he not eavesdrop.

At the same time, someone in the other direction of the park was watching Huang Tianwu and the beautiful girl, but this person clenched his fists and stared at Huang Tianwu with anger and ferocious eyes.

This person is a student of Huang Tianwu's school, named Kang Chenfei, and his family strength is overwhelming Huang Tianwu. He is the admirer of that beautiful girl, and he is the rival of love.

A dog leg happened to see the school flowers enter the park. After he heard the news, he quickly took care of his clothes and rushed to the park, hoping to have a good chance encounter with the school flowers.

As a result, he saw this scene, and the woman he had appointed for a long time actually met with other men outside.

He still knows this man, he is a classmate of the school, his family is pretty good, and his grades are in the top ten in the class.

Originally thought that there was little communication between the two and there would be nothing between them, but he did not expect that what he thought and what he saw were two results.

At this moment, Kang Chenfei was full of fierce eyes, and wanted to rush out to teach Huang Tianwu, but his reason told him that he couldn't.

Once jumping out, it is very likely that the schoolgirl thinks he is following her. To let him go, he couldn't do it, so he could only endure the anger and stare at Huang Tianwu.

"Lin Xiaohua, you really came. I received your message in the morning, thinking it was your punishment for playing games, or your pranks. I didn't expect you to actually invite me to meet here." Huang Tianwu saw Lin Yudie came and said with a little surprise.

"Thinking I was a prank, then why did you come?" Lin Yudie looked at Huang Tianwu curiously and asked.

"Recently, I was too tense. I wanted to relax, so I came to this park, so whether you are a prank or not, there is no loss to me." Huang Tianwu explained easily.

"The identification is complete, a straight man." Huang Jianzhi directly labelled the third child as a straight man in the dark.

When Lin Yudie heard it, her sweet smile was put away: I really don’t know how I fell in love with him, so stupid, so straight...

"But I was surprised at one point. In my impression, your attitude towards other boys in the school is very ordinary. I have never heard that you have met that boy in private."

"Suddenly you asked me to meet in private, which made me feel a little weird. If other boys at school knew that you asked me to meet, I might be slobbered to death by many of your admirers."

"But I can understand that you must have something in school that needs my help, and you don't want others to know about it."

"I have the least communication with you in the class. Others won't notice me, so you think of me, right?" Huang Tianwu said suddenly.

"Well, the third child is not saved." Huang Jianzhi saw the emotional intelligence of the third child in the dark, and shook his head helplessly.

Lin Yudie almost slapped it when she saw Huang Tianwu say I understand what you mean. Fortunately, she had a good temper and couldn't bear it.

"I have nothing to do with your help!" Lin Yudie said lightly, shaking her head.

"Then you asked me to come?" Huang Tianwu looked at Lin Yudie curiously.

"Can you break through to a senior warrior in a month?"

Lin Yudie did not directly answer Huang Tianwu's question, but instead asked Huang Tianwu a question.

"Difficult, difficult, even if there are resources to provide, there is little hope, but I will work hard, why are you asking this?" Huang Tianwu asked.

"I hope you can be admitted to Huawu Academy, this is for you." Lin Yudie took out a potion from her bag and handed it to Huang Tianwu.

"This,, this is a C-level energy agent,,,"

Huang Tianwu saw the grade indication on the bottle of medicine, and his whole person was surprised.

It was already very difficult for his father to get the E-level energy agent, but Lin Yudie carried the C-level energy agent with him, which already showed how powerful Lin Yudie's family was.

"C,, C-level energy agent, why would she give such a precious C-level energy agent to that kid? Isn't it,,, no, it's impossible, I don't believe it."

The fingernails of Kang Chenfei who peeped not far away had already fallen into his muscles, and his eyes had already revealed crazy killing intent.

"This is for me, why?" Huang Tianwu didn't take over the C-level energy agent, but instead asked with doubts.

"Just treat it as my investment for you!" Lin Yudie couldn't help but chuckle when seeing Huang Tianwu's appearance.

"There are so many geniuses in the school, why not invest in them and invest in me?"

Of course Huang Tianwu knows the meaning of investment, and many families do the same. Investing in a strong person who has not grown up is only good for his family and nothing bad.

But his talent is good or bad, and it's not bad. It's just so idiots want to invest in him.

But today, someone really invested in him, using the precious C-level energy agent, and the investor was still his classmate.

"Who said that I only invest in you? Before you, I had already invested in the best seed candidates in the school. In the end, there was a bottle of medicine left. If there is no one who can invest, it will be cheaper for you." Lin Yudie laughed. Replied.

Lying, Huang Tianwu could tell Lin Yudie had lied at a glance. His school knew that if there were particularly powerful candidates, it was normal to invest with C-level energy agents.

But his school does not have such a strong candidate, it is amazing enough that Lin Yudie carries a C-level energy agent on her body.

It is even more impossible to bring so many C-level energy agents. Her family is powerful, and it is impossible for her to carry so many C-level energy agents with her, let alone send her to invest.

Thinking about it, Huang Tianwu suddenly looked at the girl with a surprised expression, even his eyes changed.

Seeing such a beautiful girl, it is fake to say that he has no certain aspects. He had fantasized about this girl before.

It was before because the girl announced that she had a favorite in the first semester of high school.

Although he didn't know who Lin Yudie liked, Huang Tianwu felt that that person could not be himself, so he quietly put aside some fantasies.

Now looking at the precious C-level energy potion that Lin Yudie handed over, a certain thought in his mind flickered: Is it possible that the person she likes is me.

"Don't think about it, it's just that I can't send it out to invest in you, don't let me down, I am waiting for you at Huawu Academy."

Lin Yudie seemed to see that Huang Tianwu had found her thoughts, her face turned red, and she stuffed the C-level energy agent into Huang Tianwu's hands, and she ran away like a little rabbit.

"It feels really good, don't worry, I won't let you down..."

Huang Tianwu glanced at the C-level energy agent in his hand, looked up at the direction Lin Yudie was leaving, with a very happy smile on his face, and then he lifted his foot and left.

"Kill, kill him, I will kill him. No, no, his family still has some reputation in Ancheng, you can't kill him, otherwise it will attract the attention of Lingwu She."

"Wait, wait until my father finishes that, it's not too late to kill him."

"But my current anger can't be suppressed. Damn it. If I can't kill him now, then I will destroy him."

"Little boy, follow him, pretend to be a robber and rob him, break one of his legs and **** the C-level energy agent in his hand."

Kang Chenfei directly ordered his father to arrange to protect his dead warrior by his side. He was not afraid that the dead warrior would miss his hand, unless Huang Tianwu also had a late warrior strong protector.

"It's nice to be young, looking at me, I want to fall in love."

Huang Jianzhi sighed for his infinite youth, while secretly following the third child, he didn't want to see the third child go home with a broken leg and a turn. ..

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