Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1078: Man of the Wind

"Arrogant, what qualifications do you have to challenge our monitor..."

"Our squad leader is the strongest in the class, with a strength of 912 Jin, and soon became a senior warrior. Huang Tianwu, you want to challenge our squad leader, are you worthy?"


The first group of people saw Huang Tianwu directly challenge their strongest, this is undoubtedly provoking them, one after another angry at Huang Tianwu.

And the people in Class 3 were also worried because of Huang Tianwu's actions. Of all the candidates in Ancheng No. 1 Middle School, there were only seven or eight candidates above 900, and Kang Chenfei happened to be one of them.

Huang Tianwu may have been an intermediate warrior for a long time, but his strength may not reach more than nine hundred. Such a rigid challenge to Kang Chenfei would not be dangerous.

Lin Yudie's cosmetic contact lenses looked at Huang Tianwu on the ring closely. She was also a little worried. Although she gave Huang Tianwu a C-level energy agent, how much could Huang Tianwu absorb in just a few days.

Even if Huang Tianwu accidentally absorbed the C-level energy agent, his strength was unlikely to increase from the original 400-plus strength to more than 900, and it would be good luck to be able to increase it to 700-800.

Thinking of this, Lin Yudie couldn't help but worry about Huang Tianwu.

"I accept"

Kang Chenfei was initially upset, seeing Huang Tianwu still provoking him, he could bear it, and jumped directly into the ring.

"Why attack my dad's company?" Huang Tianwu asked curiously.

"I have to ask, if you don't understand business competition, if you don't understand, let your dad stop starting a company and declare bankruptcy directly."

Of course Kang Chenfei would not tell the real reason. He still wanted to keep his image in front of Lin Yudie and his classmates.

"Forget it, the farce between us should also end."

Huang Tianwu didn't get any answers from Kang Chenfei, and didn't care too much. Today he plans to end the farce between him and Kang Chenfei. As long as he shows the strength of a senior warrior, his father's company problem will be solved. Up.

"Thinking that you can beat me with a little strength, don't be too naive."

"The gap between you and me will only be a sky, an underground..."

Kang Chenfei didn't think that Huang Tianwu could move him by relying on the C-level energy agent to improve his strength in just a few days. He couldn't say that Huang Tianwu was serious, but he would definitely do it cruelly.


Teacher Bai, the head teacher of the third class, saw that both parties were okay, and immediately announced the start.


A figure appeared in front of Kang Chenfei instantly, and the lift of his foot directly hit Kang Chenfei's abdomen.

Kang Chen flew, he really flew, and flew directly out of the ring, knocking down some people in a class.

Everyone was stunned, even Kang Chenfei himself was stunned. He didn't know how he got the trick. When he came back to his senses, the severe pain in his abdomen made him too late to think about other things.

With blood on the corners of his mouth, he was holding his abdomen and bending his body in a stumbling crowd, and his complexion was silent and painful.

"You are right, the two of us are indeed one heaven and one underground."

Huang Tianwu stood quietly on the ring, looking at Kang Chenfei indifferently, and his voice echoed in the quiet gymnasium.

"Tianwu, are you a senior warrior?"

The head teacher of the third class also looked at his students dumbfounded, but he reacted quickly.

A certain thought flashed, the whole person looked at Huang Tianwu in shock and surprise, and the tone of asking Huang Tianwu became unconfirmed.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I used to hide my strength. I wanted to surprise everyone during the college entrance examination, but I couldn't help it anymore."

Huang Tianwu couldn't tell others that his strength had been improved in the past few days. He distinguished the importance and chose to lie.


The crowd took a deep breath when they heard Huang Tianwu admit that he was a high-level warrior. None of them expected Huang Tianwu to hide so deeply.

Senior warrior, they finally have a senior warrior in Ancheng No. 1 Middle School. Even if Huang Tianwu doesn't take the college entrance examination, there is a place guaranteed to Huawu Academy.

After being shocked, the people in Class 3 became very happy. Can they not be happy because their classmates are senior warriors?

It's a lot of face to speak out. Among the entire Ancheng candidates, there are only two senior warriors, two before Huang Tianwu.

Now that Huang Tianwu has only three known senior martial artist candidates, this is so well-known, and suddenly they look at Huang Tianwu and worship a lot.

Compared with the third class, the first class has not recovered from the shock.

Lin Yudie looked at Huang Tianwu in surprise. In school, she paid more attention to Huang Tianwu than others. She was sure that Huang Tianwu was a low-level warrior a few days ago.

As a result, a few days later, Huang Tianwu directly passed the intermediate warrior to the senior warrior, which made her not surprised.

But she was surprised and surprised, but the joy in her heart was more than surprise.

"Well, well, well hidden. If you have strength, you will hide instead of being proud. You will definitely achieve great achievements in the future."

Teacher Bai, the head teacher, didn't blame Huang Tianwu for hiding his strength at all, but he was ecstatic.

Especially his heart fluctuates: Haha...how many years, Lao Tzu has finally taught a senior warrior, and this year's promotion has stabilized.

"Our No. 1 High School hasn't had a senior martial artist candidate for many years. I didn't expect a senior martial artist to appear among the students of Brother Bai this year. It seems that I will ask Brother Bai for more education issues in the future."

The head teacher of the first class saw the presence of senior warriors in other people's classes, and he didn't know how imbalanced, but imbalances turned to imbalances. Some nice things are still to be said.

"Hahaha,,, it's all the students' own efforts. I didn't play any role. We are both teachers. We will communicate more in the future."


"Impossible. It's been a few days since you got the C-level energy agent, how can you use the C-level energy agent to break through to the high-level warrior, this is impossible."

Kang Chenfei eased from the pain, thinking that Huang Tianwu was already a senior warrior, and yelled out irrationally.

"It's you, that robber was sent by you."

Huang Tianwu first wondered how Kang Chenfei knew that he had a Class C energy agent in his hand, but with a few rapid brain movements, he was sure that the robber was sent by Kang Chenfei.

"What robber? I don't know what you're talking about. Teacher, my wound hurts. I'm going to the infirmary first."

Kang Chenfei heard Huang Tianwu's words and saw Lin Yudie cast doubtful eyes. He was guilty and left with the reason of going to the infirmary.

"Brother Bai, or we end the exchange meeting early, after all, you still have to take him to the principal."

A class teacher didn't want to continue, he was afraid that Huang Tianwu would pick all the students in his class, and then he would be even more shameless.

"Yes, I will take him to the principal first."

Teacher Bai agreed to face and asked the students in the class to go back to the classroom first. He took Huang Tianwu to find the principal.

Soon, the students in Ancheng No. 1 Middle School were alarmed. There were senior warriors in their school, and senior warriors hadn't appeared in their school for many years.

For a time, Huang Tianwu became a man in the school. ..

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