Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1084: deadlock

"Can you kill him?"

When Kang Zimu saw that his group's trump card was knocked down by Huang Jianzhi, his face was completely solidified.

Hearing his son's heart-piercing shouts, he clenched his fists tightly, and looked at Chi Ming next to him anxiously.

"a bit difficult!"

Chi Ming slightly squinted his eyes and looked at Huang Jianzhi who was showing great power on the court, and replied in an uneven tone.

"A hundred children, kill him, I will give you a hundred children." Kang Zimu said angrily.

"No problem, you will see his body soon..."

When Chi Ming heard a hundred children, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he was about to attack Huang Jianzhi.

"Wait a minute, when my son is safe, you are doing it."

"Go, get him up."

Kang Zimu saw that his son was still at Huang Jianzhi's feet. He was deeply afraid that Huang Jianzhi would make up for his son when he was unable to resist.

Seeing Huang Tianwu who had lost his ability to resist not far away, he narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand to stop Chi Ming from doing it, and let his hand go down and grab Huang Tianwu.

"Stop it for me, or I will kill your brother." Kang Zimu saw that Huang Tianwu was under control by his subordinates, so he shouted to Huang Jianzhi.

Huang Jianzhi saw the youngest being put a knife on his neck by Kang Zimu's men, and didn't panic. He shot all the dead men around him flying out, standing still watching Kang Zimu quietly.

"You threaten me with my younger brother, then your son will not want it." Huang Jianzhi also held the bone cutter on Kang Chenfei's neck by his feet.

"You won't kill my son, because you know that once you kill my son, your family will tell you all about it."

"Release my son, I will let your family leave safely, one life for three, I believe you know how to choose."

Kang Zimu never wanted to let the idea of ​​Huang Jianzhi's family go, beheading one of his son's legs, and this family must die.

He is not afraid that the cultists can't deal with Huang Jianzhi, because he knows that Chi Ming is a C-level supernatural being.

Although the C-level abilities corresponded to the strong martial artist, he knew that Chi Mingyin died a lot of the strong martial artist.

Now he only needs to replace his son safely. Once his son is safe, Huang Jianzhi and the others will die.

"Uh, uh, uh,,,"

At this time, Huang Chengde struggled, and he wanted his eldest son to notice him.

"Old man, I almost forgot about you."

Huang Jianzhi turned his head and looked at his father still tied to the post, smiled, kicked Kang Chenfei at his feet to his father's side, walked to his father's side, and untied his father.

"Damn, you are not afraid that I will kill your brother."

When Kang Zimu saw Huang Jianzhi dare to treat his son like this, his eyes were filled with raging anger, but it was a pity that no one paid any attention to him.

After Huang Chengde was untied, his eyes were full of complicated look at the eldest son in front of him.

The son who once disappointed him so much has grown to this point before he knew it. He is pleased, but now is not the time to be pleased.

"Okay, okay, very good,, Zhier, I am very happy and proud now that we finally have a real genius in the Huang family."

Huang Chengde laughed and stopped within a few seconds.

"Zhier, don't worry about me and your brother, you will leave here now." Huang Chengde said solemnly.

"I'm afraid I can't save you!" Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid. Up to now, all the dead men of the Kang family have done it, and none of the cultists have done it."

"They did not show a trace of fear, indicating that they are sure to deal with you."

"You are dragged down by me and your brother. How can you beat them all by yourself? Go and escape here alone."

Huang Chengde was in anguish. He wanted Huang Jianzhi to take Huang Tianwu to flee here, but he knew that Huang Tianwu was in the hands of the enemy and it was impossible to save it.

Bringing one more person would be more dangerous, and it would be better to let the eldest son escape by himself.

"Go, listen to Dad, leave here, and have a chance to avenge us again in the future."

Huang Tianwu naturally heard his father's words, he agreed with his father, let the eldest brother leave them alone.

"When we don't exist, stop daydreaming. Without my consent, no one can leave here, let alone escape."

"Now you have only one choice, let my son go, I can show mercy to let you go, otherwise, you all have to die here." Kang Zimu said fiercely in his eyes.

"Compy, don't treat everyone as a fool. Cooperating with a cult is a capital crime. We all know about your cooperation with a cult. Will you let us go?"

"Don't be kidding, you just care about your son's safety. Once your son is safe, you might want us to die right away."

"Zhier, hold him away, he is your protector."

Huang Chengde knew what horrible idea Kang Zimu was playing, Kang Chenfei was the key, and Kang Zimu would always have scruples if his eldest son had him in his hands.

"Dad, save me..."

After Kang Chenfei got used to most of the pain, he asked his father for help with a pale face. He didn't want to die, he was afraid of death.

"Don't let go of my son, none of you want to leave."

Kang Zimu gritted his teeth when he saw Huang Chengde breaking his mind, but when he saw his son's pale face, he roared eagerly.

"Zhier, hold him away, if they dare to stop, they kill him." Huang Chengde said without giving way.

"You can't let him go. Once he is gone, he will definitely go to Lingwu She to report you. By then, your Kang family will be in danger."

Chi Ming didn't want to lose his help in Ancheng, so he quickly reminded Kang Zimu.

"If you dare to leave, I will kill him."

Kang Zimu also threatened Huang Jianzhi with Huang Tianwu.

"Don't worry about me, go." Huang Tianwu shouted hard.

"You go and try!"

Kang Zimu faced Huang Jianzhi angrily, as if Huang Jianzhi made a move, he immediately let his men kill Huang Tianwu.

Huang Chengde's heart is complicated and entangled at the moment. He can see that Kang Zimu is serious. Once the elder son is gone, the younger son is in danger.

He wanted to tell the eldest son to leave immediately and leave them alone. But he can't open this mouth now. As soon as he opens it, his youngest son is probably about to die in front of him. He can't do it.

In this way, the scene reached a deadlock.

"Old man, it's all like this. If we don't let them know that we are afraid, they think we are easy to bully." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Haha,, let us know that I'm afraid, boy, can you do it!" Chi Ming said provocatively with a smile.

"Friends who have watched the show for a long time, do you think I can do it?" Huang Jianzhi raised his head and smiled mysteriously.

Huang Jianzhi's words stunned the people at the scene. Chi Ming and the others solemnly scanned the surroundings. Gradually, they also found something wrong, a little too quiet.

"Come out, you should be from the Lingwu Society." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"How did you find me?"

Zhao Xinglong appeared on the huge pipe, looking down at the scene from a high level, staring at Huang Jianzhi curiously, not understanding how Huang Jianzhi found him.

While he is a warrior, he is also a C-rank supernatural ability person. His ability is invisibility, and the invisibility state can also eliminate the breath of his body.

With this alone, it is difficult to find his existence at the same level, but today someone has discovered him.

To be able to detect his existence, either the martial artist level or ability level is higher than him, or he is the owner of special abilities, such as those with abilities such as spirits.

With the appearance of Zhao Xinglong, a lot of footsteps gradually appeared outside the abandoned factory building, vaguely surrounding the entire factory building.

The moment Kang Zimu saw Zhao Xinglong, his expression suddenly changed, and Chi Ming became solemn. ..

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