Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1091: Malicious

In the early morning, the Ancheng Lingwu Society's emergency call was issued suddenly, and all the captains arrived in the meeting room, and the sub-director Ding Guangsong sat on the main seat with a serious face.

"Director, what happened, actually activated an emergency call."

Zhao Xinglong also received the emergency call just after dawn. He had been in Ancheng for two years. Of course, he knew that Lingwu She had initiated the emergency call, and something big must have happened.

This was the second time he had seen Lingwu Society initiate an emergency call in Ancheng, and the first time Ancheng initiated an emergency call in the face of a small beast horde.

"I received news that the Shenlin organization sent a grandmaster and ten martial masters to come to Ancheng to retaliate. Maybe the enemy has already entered Ancheng at this moment." Ding Guangsong frowned and said.

"What, great master,,,"

"Bold and arrogant, the cult dared to be so arrogant."

"Director, who is the strong master sent by the enemy? Should we ask for support from above?"

The captains in the conference room reacted differently. Hearing the enemy came from the strong master, they were somewhat anxious, and they didn't know whether their director could resist the strong master of the enemy.

"Blood Wuhen, the great master sent by the Shen Lin organization is him." Ding Guangsong squinted his eyes.

"B-level wanted criminal has no trace of blood, and blood has disappeared seven years ago. It turned out that he joined the Shenlin organization, no wonder there was no movement at all."

Captain Passer-by said.

"Seven years ago, he was in the early stage of the grandmaster. After joining the cult for seven years, he probably broke through to the middle stage of the grandmaster by means of the cult."

Passers-by have already said the captain.

"Now he has brought ten powerful martial artists to Ancheng to retaliate. If we want to win them, we will have to pay a lot of money. Chief, or we should ask for support from above."

Passer-by Captain C said.

"What kind of support is there? The director is here. We are afraid that they will not succeed. If I want to shut down the city and capture them, this is a lot of contribution points."


"We are the official power, and Ancheng is our turf. No matter how stupid the Shenlin organization is, it will not be confrontational with us."

"They want to retaliate against us, they can only come to Yin, they have to find them quickly, otherwise the people in Ancheng will suffer."

"I order to activate spies throughout the city, and the reserve personnel will look for the enemy and send a signal once they are found."

"I want the people of the cult to come and go, and make arrangements,"

Ding Guangsong didn't want to put a lot of credit on it. Thinking of the overall power of the Ancheng Lingwu Society, it would be easy to win the people sent by the cult, provided that they were found.

All captains left the meeting room and went to make arrangements, but Zhao Xinglong did not leave.

"Uncle, how confident are you in dealing with Xue Wuhen?" Zhao Xinglong asked curiously.

"About 70%, but Ancheng is such a big city, they have the intention to hide, and it is difficult for us to find them." Ding Guangsong said calmly.

"Uncle, why don't you apply for support from above, or apply for a person who is capable of detection to come down and help us, so that it is not someone who takes the cult faster." Zhao Xinglong asked.

"We have the strength to win them, why should we share the credit for it."

"People have selfish intentions, so much credit can make Xinglong you develop in a better big city, and I can also exchange valuable treasures for cultivation." Ding Guangsong said calmly.

Zhao Xinglong has nothing to say, anyone who doesn't have a little selfishness, especially in the era of aura recovery, people who have no selfishness are almost dead long ago.

An urban village somewhere in Anseong

"Master Xue Wuhen, the latest information on Ancheng's top 100 richest list is available, please have a look."

A powerful martial artist brought back a document from outside and handed it to Xue Wuhen respectfully.

Xue Wuhen took it over and took a look

Ancheng Rich List

The richest man, Huang Chengde, was originally the 23rd on the rich list. He annexed the Kang Group and now ranks first on the rich list.

Home address: a certain street in a certain place, three sons under the knee, the second son is a soldier, the eldest son and the third son are home.

Regal second: Passerby is not important, please ignore.

Regal third: passersby are not important anymore, please ignore.


"Kang Group is one of our many collaborators, but now it is completely annexed by this Huang Chengde. It seems that the relationship between Huang Chengde and Lingwushe is not shallow!"

"It just happens that he is the richest man, so let's start with him." Xue Wuhen got up and led the powerful people towards Huang Chengde's home address.

Huang Family Training Room

"The strength reached 1756 jin, and it was more than two hundred jin to break through to the martial artist. It is 100% of your time to break through to the martial artist before the college entrance examination."

"What's the matter? Why did you slow down? I just praised you. Are you floating?"

Huang Jianzhi was lying on the sofa. Huang Jianzhi moved into the training room from the sofa. He gnawed a big apple in his right hand, and controlled three solid wood puppets to attack Huang Tianwu with his left hand.

"Asshole, you can control the puppeteer to attack me with the mutant thought power, and use the mutant thought power to cover the surface of the puppet, making the puppet extremely hard."

"You're cheating. If you say that you can crush the puppet, I will win. You will let me win, or else I would have crushed the puppet with my nearly 2,000 catties." Pi Qing's face was swollen and yellow. Tian Wu shouted frantically.

"I'm doing this for your own good, you must understand my conscience!"

When Huang Tianwu heard this, he almost exploded with anger. How many times he heard this sentence, and every time he beat him severely, he used this sentence to perfuse him, as if he was a three-year-old child.


Huang Tianwu saw the time clock on the wall and hurriedly stopped.

Huang Jianzhi immediately stopped the puppet when he heard it.

"Yeah, it's time for the little girlfriend to meet up, let's go, girlfriend is important." Huang Jianzhi looked at the time clock and knew the reason for the third stop.

"You peek at my phone!" Huang Tianwu suddenly angrily faced Huang Jianzhi.

"I didn't take a peek. My mutated mind can sometimes be used as divine consciousness. I accidentally saw the content of your phone." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want with the ability. You are not allowed to use your abnormal ability to supervise me in the future, huh,,,"

Huang Tianwu found that he really had nothing to do with this elder brother. He couldn't beat him, and the curse was inappropriate. He had no choice but to turn around with a cold "hum.

Even the blue skin on his face was not treated by Huang Jianzhi. Perhaps he had many ways to deal with Lin Yudie's question about his face injury.

"As soon as the third child left, he sensed such a deep malice from afar. Someone wanted to be unfavorable to my family. I really didn't know how to live or die.

After Huang Jianzhi muttered, his figure disappeared.


Xue Wuhen, who was heading towards their destination, suddenly noticed a person in front of them, and then stopped and became vigilant.

"You are members of a cult, the smell of blood on your body is really heavy." Huang Jianzhi said calmly with his hands on his back.

"Master Xue Wuhen, he is Huang Chengde's eldest son Huang Tianzhi (Huang Jianzhi), and there is a picture of him on the profile." The martial artist standing on the left of Xue Wuhen reminded him.

"kill him"

Because Huang Jianzhi saw through their identities, Xue Wuhen felt tight, thinking that Huang Jianzhi was a member of the Lingwu Society.

But when he heard that he was the son of the target person, he suddenly lost interest.

As soon as Xue Wuhen's voice fell, the many martial masters behind him rushed out of a strong man to culminate in Huang Jianzhi.


The martial artist was less than ten meters away from Huang Jianzhi, his face suddenly changed, and his knees were bent directly in the **** Wuhen's incomprehensible eyes.

"You, you are a superpower!"

The body of the strong martial artist seemed to resist the boundless gravity, looking up at Huang Jianzhi in horror. ..

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