Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1113: A-level abilities

"If I kill all the nine-headed spirit beasts, you should be fine with the rest?" Huang Jianzhi asked.

"Kill it all? You didn't joke with us!" Shi Minglong asked in a daze.

"If you can really kill all the B-level spirit beasts, what is left will be like a chicken and sheep without threat."

"They may be forced by the existence of the natural disaster lion king, and they dare not retreat, but they will not siege the city like their lives. They will only choose to behave perfunctorily because they are also afraid of death.

Although Meng Cailiang didn't believe that Huang Jianzhi was capable of killing nine B-class spirit beasts, Huang Jianzhi dared to say that. He must have any idea, so he replied to Huang Jianzhi seriously.

"Well, I'll..., um, they got up, it seems that they don't want to wait anymore."

"The purpose seems to be my mind barrier. I want to break my blockade and let the beasts attack in. Sure enough, a wise spirit beast is not easy. Knowing this gap is the key."

Huang Jianzhi was just about to set off to kill the nine-headed spirit beast, but found that the nine-headed spirit beast had set off earlier than him, and came towards him mightily.

Shi Minglong and Meng Cailiang saw the nine-headed spirit beast that was staring at him moving, their eyes were sharp, and they knew that the beast tide was about to attack in an all-round way.

All the masters and B-level abilities in the city did not need to greet them, they all gathered at the fork, plus Shi Minglong and Meng Cailiang, a total of eleven masters and four B-level abilities.

Fifteen human powerhouses faced nine powerhouses of the same rank, they were not very sure.

Not to mention that spirit beasts are inherently stronger than humans, but that there are also strong and weak points between humans.

It is true that some people can kill fierce beasts or spirit beasts of the same level alone, but such people are very rare and belong to enchanting figures.

Although the fifteen powerhouses have already been promoted to the world's top powerhouses, there is still a big gap between the combat power of the enchanting figures.

So facing the spirit beasts of the same level, they can only win with more. Nine-headed spirit beasts have to have 20 strong to be sure to win, and 15 people are a bit difficult.

Can this be held?

Some great masters can't help but think of this kind of thought, don't blame him, he is not the only one who has this kind of thought.

Many people can't help thinking like this, but they dare not show it for fear of affecting their peers.

"Humans, don't struggle, you can't stop us, obediently accept your fate as our food." A B-class spirit beast evolved from a parrot flew over the wall and said with contempt.

"So proficient in human language, you have been raised by humans before. Now that you have evolved, but you want to use humans as food, are you a bit ungrateful?" Huang Jianzhi said with squinting eyes.

"I have indeed been raised by humans, but say I am ungrateful, huh,,,"

The B-class spirit beast evolved from the parrot had a sarcasm at first, then became murderous and continued.

"You know what I went through. My former owner was a lunatic. I was bought by him from the second-hand market. He either experimented on me or abused me."

"Have you ever experienced the scene of being locked in the same cage with a cat? Have you experienced several electric shocks every day."

"Have you experienced this kind of desperate days? I am lucky to survive and escape from his hands."

"Perhaps this kind of memorable experience made me reborn and evolved in the wild. My first thought after evolution was to let my former owner try endless despair."

"Unfortunately when I found him, he was already dead."

"He is dead, but my heart still can't calm down, so I want to retaliate against you humans. Maybe if you kill all of you humans, my heart will be calm."

When Shi Minglong heard about the origin of this B-class parrot spirit beast, they suddenly didn't know what to say.

The hatred of spirit beasts towards humans is largely due to human injuries, which are sins committed by humans.

"You have killed enough people, and I can feel a thick death spirit from you."

"Not enough, I have slaughtered the town and swallowed thousands of people, but I can't calm the anger in my heart. Maybe if I kill everyone in this city, I will feel more comfortable."

The B-class parrot spirit beast is obviously enchanted.


When Shi Minglong heard them, there was an angry expression on his face, and even Huang Jianzhi's eyes narrowed.

"What nonsense about food, I can't help but kill."

The other B-level spirit beasts all flew in the air looking at Huang Jianzhi who was blocking the fork, obviously wanting to take the fork to let the beast tide enter the city.

"Little friend, this nine-headed spirit beast will be handed over to us, you guard the fork and don't let the beast tide attack it."

The masters all knew that the fork was the key, and they decided to desperately hold the spirit beast. Without the interference of the spirit beast, Huang Jianzhi should be able to hold the fork.

"Don't have to be so troublesome. They come to die. I can't justify them if I don't complete them." Huang Jianzhi said and put away the mind power barrier.

As soon as the mind barrier was closed, both sides felt it, and both were very surprised how Huang Jianzhi closed the mind barrier.

Different from the nervousness and worry of human beings, the spirit beasts are curious for a while, but they are more of surprises.

"It's said that humans are very cunning, but I think you are a big idiot. No matter if you accept it, then we're welcome, rush~"

Seeing the opportunity, the spirit beasts directly let the tide of beasts rush towards the fork.


The beast tide roared and rushed towards the fork, and the people in the city didn't have time to wonder how Huang Jianzhi put away the mind barrier and prepared to face the beast tide.



The warriors and soldiers of the Lingwu Society clenched their weapons to face the beast tide, but they saw the beast tide close to Huang Jianzhi's radius of one hundred meters and it exploded into blood clots inexplicably.

This anomaly shocked everyone in the city.

"It's him, what kind of power is this, so that the beast tide can't get close." The spirit beasts also looked at Huang Jianzhi in surprise.

The tide of beasts stopped, and every fierce beast looked at Huang Jianzhi in fear, whether it was a D-level or a C-level, blood clots exploded as soon as they approached this human being 100 meters away. There was no warning, could they not be afraid.

"Kill him, he was too much trouble."

A hill-sized orangutan spirit beast smashed towards Huang Jianzhi from the sky, and his huge steeled fists slammed down at Huang Jianzhi.

Huang Jianzhi smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth and opened his five fingers at the hill-sized orangutan. The hill-sized orangutan was directly held in the air in the incredible eyes of everyone.

"Roar, this,, strength, how is it possible," the orangutan spirit beast struggled to apply the power of thought, showing a frightened expression.



Huang Jianzhi's open palm was gripped, and the body of the hill-sized orangutan spirit beast was directly twisted into a twine, and his body fell.


"A,, A-level, he is an A-level ability person."

When Shi Minglong and the others saw such a scene, they all took a deep breath. They still didn't understand that the only people who could easily kill the B-level spirit beast were the A-level supernatural powers.

Among all the people in the city, the most shocked were the members of Shi Minglong and Huang Tianyang who stayed in the city to fight. They all knew that Huang Jianzhi was very young, not a rejuvenating old monster.

Huang Tianyang is only twenty-three years old. Where can his brother grow up? He has fantastic legendary power at this impossible age. Can they not be shocked to fear?

At the moment when Huang Jianzhi showed the power of the A-level supernatural power, the people in the city were shocked, but also had a great surprise. With him, the problem of this beast tide crisis is not big.

"It's great, I didn't expect that he was actually an A-level superpower. Now Skyrim City is saved."

The Xu Huamao trio, who fought against the Scourge Lion King at high altitude, also paid attention to the situation on the ground all the time. When Huang Jianzhi was indeed an A-level superpower, they laughed.

"Scourge Lion King, your conspiracy has come to nothing, waiting for him to solve the eight B-level spirit beasts, it will be your death date."

When Xu Zhenhai saw that the safety below was relieved, he was excited to attack the natural disaster lion king.

"Humans, don't get too proud of it too early. Kill one of my men because I underestimate the enemy. You humans are cunning to make a sneak attack."

"Then it won't be that simple. With the cooperation of eight B-level spirit beasts, ordinary A-level abilities can be killed, and even more powerful A-level abilities can be entangled."

Although the Scourge Lion King said so, it did not dare to guarantee that its eight subordinates would be able to do it. ..

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