Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1118: Supernatural fruit

"What, the Azure Dragon God of War is the A-level healer Huang Jianzhi that appeared before, it's incredible, there is such a monster in the world."

The hidden great master bosses and A-level supernatural beings are different from other people. They can learn more from the country.

Knowing that Huang Jianzhi was a great master and a dual-class A-level ability, they were already willing to go down.

When they learned that Huang Jianzhi was still the only A-level healer in the world, they were numb with amazement. This was a big master and an indescribable old monster with three-line abilities.

Most of them have the mind to make friends with Huang Jianzhi, but when the country announced the situation of Sky City, it closed Huang Jianzhi's specific information.

Even they just know the Azure Dragon God of War is called Huang Jianzhi better than the average person, and they don't know anything else.

They wanted to send someone to investigate, but they resisted it. They knew that it didn't matter if they were checked, and they were afraid to offend Huang Jianzhi.

However, they are all old tortoises who have lived for a long time. They are very shrewd. They heard that Huang Jianzhi became the mentor of Huawu College. The new students enrolled on the day Huang Jianzhi arrived at Huawu College.

Thinking of this, they suddenly had an idea. There are many outstanding grandchildren in their family. Great-great-grandchildren were admitted to Huawu Academy. This might be an opportunity.

All of a sudden, a few great masters summoned their proud descendants, telling them vaguely that your future mentor might be the Azure Dragon God of War, and perform well in the academy, and strive to turn the teacher-student relationship into a teacher-student relationship.

When several teenagers with Grand Master Grandpa or Grandpa Grandpa heard the news, their eyes lit up, and they all pledged to their elders that they would perform well in Huawu Academy.

"Strange, this Azure Dragon God of War has two abilities that are exactly the same as those of Big Brother. This is not a coincidence."

In Ancheng, Huang Tianwu saw that everyone in the streets and alleys was discussing this Azure Dragon God of War. He knew that it was normal for legendary figures to be discussed in this way.

But he was very curious how the two abilities of the Azure Dragon God of War were exactly the same as his elder brother's.

"Say it's not the big brother, but these two abilities are too coincidental."

"Is it the eldest brother? But how is this great master's cultivation possible? Martial arts training does not mean that you can break through with enough resources. It requires a breakthrough in the state of mind. Breaking through the master will kill most of the people."

"The conditions for breaking through the Grand Master are even more secret, but it must be even more difficult than breaking through the state of mind. It's impossible for Big Brother to get this far."

Huang Tianwu thought very tangled in his heart, and soon put the matter down. If the Azure Dragon God of War is the best of his eldest brother, and his relatives become so good, he is of course happy.

If it's not, it doesn't matter to him. The strength of others belongs to others, and the strength of oneself truly belongs to him.

For a while, Huang Tianwu went back to the training room to practice.

Southern Military Region

"Captain, now wherever our 7th team goes, they attract a lot of enviable eyes, and those eyes are waiting to join our 7th team."

"Even some clerk girls in the military area know that you have a target for the captain, and they are still asking about your hobbies, etc., the captain."

After training, the seven team members all rested in the lounge. The Black Wolf thought of the changes in the past two days, even he felt unreal.

Huang Tianyang heard many girls inquiring about his hobbies, and looked carefully at Yang Xueqi next to him. He was relieved when he saw that Yang Xueqi's expression was not emotional.

He didn't know the changes in the past two days. After returning from Skyrim, every time he led the team in training, he would meet various leaders by chance.

As soon as the officials saw him, they praised him as a national leader without saying anything. The more they praised him, the bigger he was, it made him feel a little embarrassed.

The chief who hadn't seen each other for months or even half a year had met him several times by chance in these two days. He didn't know why that would be weird.

Forget it, some daring military district girls still asked Yang Xueqi for his contact information in front of Yang Xueqi. Fortunately, he refused to leak and announced the relationship with Yang Xueqi's lover on the spot, which made Yang Xueqi not angry.

However, there are obviously several daughters of the chief who didn't intend to give up, and secretly inquired about his hobbies, which made him very helpless.

This is all brought by his elder brother, he understands very well, but because of this, he is very helpless, and sometimes he doesn't know what mood to use to meet his elder brother.

"The changes are quite big, but these are trivial things. Don't worry about it. Now the Military Region has a plan to let me leave the Seventh Team and create a 100-man God of War Squadron." Huang Tianyang said calmly.

"What, Captain, you want to leave us, no, how can this be..."

"Captain, I don't want you to leave, can you apply with the above and continue to stay as our captain."

"Jixue, persuade the captain, you don't want the captain to leave the seventh team even more than we do."

When the seven team members heard this, they were all anxious, and they wanted to persuade Huang Tianyang to stay.

"Don't persuade you, the duty of soldiers is to obey orders, and we can probably guess why Tianyang left the seventh team to create the God of War Squadron." Yang Xueqi said with reluctance.

"Extreme snow, you..."

The other members of the seventh team didn't expect that the person in the team who was most reluctant to leave the captain let go.

"Tianyang staying in the seventh team is like a real dragon trapped in a fish pond. Only after leaving the seventh team will Tianyang soar into the sky, and the future will be beautiful."

"Continuing to prevent Tianyang from leaving the seventh team will only block Tianyang's future." Yang Xueqi said empathetically.

"Yes, we can't be so selfish. After the animal tide incident, the captain was promoted from the rank of major to colonel by an exception."

"The military region asked the captain to create the God of War squadron. It may be that when the captain broke through to the master, he immediately became a major general. We can't stand in the way of the captain."

"Captain, you go, anyway, in a military area, we think you will go to see the captain."

The other members of the seven team compromised.

"Haha,,, what are you thinking about, I am leaving the seventh team, but I am not the only one leaving the seventh team, there are you."

"Founding the God of War Squadron, the leadership gave me a lot of power, I can freely select members from the entire Southern Military Region, unfortunately, you are all selected by me." Huang Tianyang laughed and said.

"Really, Captain, why didn't you say it earlier, that made us think that the God of War Squadron is made up of powerful martial artists."

When the seven team members heard Huang Tianyang's words, their expressions of excitement couldn't be hidden, and then they complained about why the captain didn't say it earlier.

"It's almost time to rest, let's go, and follow me to select members."

Huang Tianyang and the others had just stepped out of the room, and news spread quickly that the Military Region was about to establish the God of War Squadron.

For a time, everyone wanted the place in the Ares Squadron, who would let them know that the captain of the Ares Squadron was Huang Tianyang.

Soon the one-hundred-member War God squadron was assembled. Huang Tianyang looked at the people he had selected and nodded in satisfaction. No nonsense, he directly led them to practice.

In the evening, Huang Tianyang learned that his eldest brother was looking for him, so he just sorted it out and went to the eldest brother's place and knocked on the door to enter.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a lot of littered pits on the ground. I moved my eyes to see that there were still a few strange fruits left on the table.

The eldest brother is watching the novel, holding the bizarre fruit in one hand and eating a few bites, throwing away the core and eating the fruit on the table again.

This casual appearance caused Huang Tianyang's mouth to keep cramping.

This prodigal son, took the priceless treasure's supernatural fruit as an ordinary fruit and ate it.

Of course Huang Tianyang recognized that the eldest brother ate the fruits of supernatural powers, and he also knew how these fruits of supernatural powers came from.

Ten thousand contribution points are a supernatural fruit. The eldest brother killed the A-level spirit beasts and saved the people of Skyrim. With millions of contribution points, he can naturally exchange many good things from the Lingwu Club. ..

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