Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1124: Hold grudges

"Jade Butterfly, you said that we have descendants of five big families in Kyoto in our class. Apart from the strange flower and you just now, who are the other three?" Huang Tianwu asked curiously.

"The person over there who is sickly white is the Li family-Li Anfen, the Zhang family-Zhang Songda with the back against the wall, and the beautiful woman in loose martial arts clothes is Xia family-Xia Qingling."

"The three of them are highly talented and have endless resources. Even if the elders in their family let them suppress the realm and lay a solid foundation, they still broke through to the middle stage of the warrior."

"In addition to the three of them, our class is also rampant with evildoers. The number of Ba Rong City has broken through to the early stage of the warrior, and there are more than a dozen in the middle of the warrior."

"The quality of this session of ours is much better than that of the older brothers and sisters of the previous session. I see that there are more than a dozen people over there who gather together and vaguely form a group."

"They are all seed students booked by Tianling Academy, and they are here for the Azure Dragon God of War."

"Their abilities are all outstanding. In the early stage, facing them alone, we would only lose more and lose less."

Lin Yudie briefly introduced the geniuses of the other three big families, and then briefly talked about the basic situation of the class.

"Being in the same class with so many enchanting evildoers, this pressure is really not normal. Fortunately, I have been mentally prepared for it, and the martial artist must fight."

When Huang Tianwu heard Lin Yudie introduce the Xia family-Xia Qingling, his eyes were dimmed. Of course, he knew from his father that the Xia family, one of the seven major families in Kyoto, was his grandfather and grandmother's home.

He looked at Xia Qingling a few more times, and soon he withdrew his gaze. He was not in a hurry to step forward and do what he did. He still doesn't know what the attitude of his grandpa and grandma's family is towards him.

After he visits the house, it depends on the situation to decide whether he should admit his relatives.

At this time, a handsome noble son stepped to Lin Yudie, showing a handsome and obsessive smile, and slightly raised his palm.

Liao Miao's hand was cold, and the white cold dew condensed into a icy rose. This hand seemed to attract people's attention.

"Miss Miele, your beauty is deeply attracted to me, can you tell me your name?"

Huang Tianwu narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the noble son in front of him very dangerously. He was so close to Lin Yudie that he deliberately told others that Lin Yudie was already in charge.

But some people pretended to be stupid and stepped forward, ignoring that he wanted to know Lin Yudie. How could he allow this, let alone a handsome blond boy.

"If you want to know me, you have to ask my boyfriend if you want to!"

Lin Yudie seemed to know who the handsome blond guy in front of her was, and replied with indulgence.

"Boyfriend? Just him, looks average, there is nothing surprising, beauty, break up with him, he can't give you happiness."

The handsome blond guy scanned Huang Tianwu a few glances at random, and said with a look of disgust.

"Can I give my girlfriend happiness? It's up to you. Don't show off your abilities here. I want to pick up girls and go elsewhere."

Huang Tianwu heard Lin Yudie say that he was her boyfriend, and he was very pleased in his heart, but when he heard the words of the handsome blond guy in front of him, his face turned dark, and he said indifferently in a plain tone.

As for whether it will cause a conflict, he doesn't care. He has the strength, but he is bigger in the background, so his courage is fattened.

"Beauty, take a look, you still don't have a boyfriend with such a temper, he is not worthy of you, it is better for us to know each other."

The handsome blond guy heard that the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped a lot, obviously because of Huang Tianwu's words, but he controlled it well, and nothing happened. He didn't want to give the Azure Dragon God of War a bad impression.

Suddenly, the handsome blonde's eyes changed slightly, he felt the punches that broke through the air, and suddenly took a few steps back.

"How dare you do it!"

The handsome blond didn't expect Huang Tianwu to do it directly without hesitation. He was not afraid to leave a bad impression on the Azure Dragon God of War. Is he a reckless man?

The surrounding evildoers also diverted their attention because of the movement here, and they didn't expect someone to have trouble at this time, is this a fool.

However, they don't care about this, they are watching this scene with a dramatic face, to see how the troubled person will end up in the end.

"I'll let you go," Huang Tianwu said coldly, staring at the handsome blonde.

"You,,, very good, very good, I took you down."

"You will remember this for me, I will definitely find it back in the future, Cai Yuying wrote it down."

The handsome blond man resisted his anger and didn't want something to happen at this time. He firmly remembered Huang Tianwu's appearance. The moment he turned and left, his appearance changed.

His body changed from being strong to weak, his blond hair became longer and turned into white and silver, his clothes also turned into a silver dress, and an extremely cold fairy who was convex and curving appeared.

The most beautiful ice cold beauty stopped after less than two steps, and looked back at Huang Tianwu's face again, as if she had repeatedly remembered Huang Tianwu.

Perhaps I remembered it completely, the anger in his eyes became more intense, he gave a cold snort and returned to the team of superpowers.

"Huh, a ladyboy. I thought I had the dual abilities of Binghan and Transformation, and I was scared by anyone other than a certain bastard."

Huang Tianwu thinks that the handsome blond guy deliberately turned into a beautiful woman when he left, is threatening him, let him be more careful in the future, maybe in the future, a "familiar person" stabbed him in the back.

"Tianwu, you shouldn't do it to anger the girl, she will hate you for a lifetime."

Lin Yudie also didn't expect Huang Tianwu to make a sudden move. Huang Tianwu made a move for her. Her heart was very warm, but it was a bit reckless to act like this. After all, the other party had a girl besides her identity.

"Girl? Isn't he a man?" Huang Tianwu asked a little confused.

"She is a female, named Cai Yuying, the eldest lady of the Cai family of Jichuan supernatural power family, Cai family has an A-level supernatural ancestor, and her power is no less than that of any of the seven major families in Kyoto."

Lin Yudie had investigated her future classmates a long time ago. Of course, she knew about Cai Yuying's family. Seeing Cai Yuying, Lily, wanted to make her mind, she left the matter to Huang Tianwu to deal with, who wanted to turn into this.

"Really, really female, then why does she want..."

"Because she is Lily, her powers are indeed the dual powers of transformation and ice cold. It is her usual practice to become the opposite **** and close to the same sex."

"Tianwu, you are in trouble. Girls are the most vengeful animals. She will definitely think about how to trouble you in the future."

"If you don't want her to make trouble, Tianwu, you'd better announce your relationship with Qinglong War God as soon as possible, so that she will have some restraint, or it is not impossible for her to take the initiative to show you good."

Lin Yudie knew that Cai Yuying's family was very powerful, but she did not worry much about Huang Tianwu's situation. Indeed, as she said, Huang Tianwu's backstage was harder.

"Why are my future classmates so weird? Are geniuses so sick?"

Huang Tianwu didn't feel any guilt. He didn't think he had done anything wrong with the girls. He didn't care much about Cai Yuying's troubles.

In Huawu Academy, with his elder brother, he is absolutely safe.

The people around saw that they didn't watch it lively, and they withdrew their eyes in disappointment, and continued to wait patiently for the appearance of the Azure Dragon God of War. ..

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