Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1127: What to do if you are invincible

"I have never heard of the devil fruit. Did your master discover it from that place?" Lin Yudie looked at the devil fruit and asked Huang Tianwu in a low voice.

"which place?"

Huang Tianwu asked without understanding.

"No, your master didn't tell you, then I can't say more. I want to know, you should ask your master yourself."

Lin Yudie thought that Huang Tianwu had a master of this level, and learned how to hide the secrets of the world from his own master, but found that Huang Tianwu was a little white who knew nothing.

Thinking that his master didn't intend to let him know too much, Lin Yudie also preconceived to stop this topic.

When Huang Tianwu saw Lin Yudie stop the topic, he didn't ask much, and deeply remembered that the devil fruit came from somewhere.

"Tianwu, have you awakened after eating Devil Fruit a long time ago?"

"No, once Master planned to give me three Devil Fruits, but I thought that Master was joking with me and rejected it. Now I regret my death."

Lin Yudie:,,,

Huang Jianzhi saw the eager eyes of the students and knew that they couldn't wait.

"I have seen from the look in your eyes that you are very interested in this devil fruit, but there is only one squad leader. Do you have any Mao recommend yourself? Please stand up if you have any."

Huang Jianzhi only said that the devil fruit can be 100% awakened, but did not say the specific situation of the devil fruit, what side effects, or any ability.

Maybe he is talking while waiting for the elected monitor, maybe he is not going to talk.




The classmates all stood up, obviously they were all fighting for the position of monitor. The geniuses looked at each other, and watched so many geniuses competing with them, their hearts became solemn.

"I want to be a squad leader, yes, I like your attitude, but as I said just now, there is only one squad leader."

"If you are allowed to vote, of course some of you will form a gang, and the result of the vote will be unfair, and some will be dissatisfied."

"In that case, let me watch the election, sit down and ask two or three questions. Whoever of you answers satisfies me, and I will let him be the monitor." Huang Jianzhi motioned to everyone to sit down.

Everyone in the classroom sat down like good children, looking at Huang Jianzhi with expectation and seriousness. They wanted to get out of the crowd. The next question was the key, and they had to take it seriously.

"The first question, if one day you are invincible, what do you want to do or what do you want to do? Whoever thinks it well, you can raise your hand to answer." Huang Jianzhi smiled and looked at everyone.

When the geniuses in the classroom heard this question, they all frowned and bowed their heads in thought.

Many of them are struggling with the goal of being No. 1 in the world, but this is the goal of struggle, and they are far away from realization, and they have never thought about the problem of suddenly invincible.

But this didn't stop their thinking. Some of them soon thought about what to do after invincible, but they hesitated to raise their hands to answer.

They were afraid that this was the test of the Azure Dragon God of War, and once the answer made the Azure Dragon God of War dissatisfied, their future opportunities would be wonderful.

"This question must have hidden profound meanings, and there must be, but I didn't find it. Think about it again, I can definitely figure it out when I'm so smart."

"What I want to do after Invincible, I can think of, and other people will definitely be able to think of it, this question will not be so simple, **** it, is this a test, why is it so difficult."

"Invincible, power, money, reputation, etc. are meaningless, and I can't take any interest in other things. What can I do!"


For a long time, no one in the classroom raised their hands to answer. They were very cautious, thinking about it too much.

"No one raised their hands to answer, is this question difficult?" Huang Jianzhi looked at the group of students who wanted more and asked speechlessly.

He Caisheng tried his best to remind his nephew with his eyes, as if he was telling him that no matter what the answer, the first person to stand up to answer is always impressive.

"Tutor, here!"

Mrs. He Chang saw the look in his uncle's prompting eyes and didn't care about it. She raised her hand to indicate that he wanted to answer.

Huang Jianzhi raised his hand to signal that He Changtai could tell his answer. The classmates also turned to look at He Changtai who stood up, wanting to hear what He Changtai answered.

"If I am invincible, I will work for the family first, not to mention that people are selfish, but that the parental grace will not be repaid for the rest of my life. It is natural to want my family to live a better life."

"After arranging everything in the family, my personality is unbearable. I will go out to play the world. When I get tired of playing, I may go back to the family to amuse the children and grandchildren or sit in the family in retreat." He Changtai finished speaking with a face. Looking expectantly at Huang Jianzhi.

"Sentimental and righteous, not forgetting the heart, not bad." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile and applauded.

The other students also clapped. They did not applaud because of He Changtai's answer. They applauded when they saw the instructor applaud.

At this moment, they looked at He Changtoo with a hint of urgency. It was obvious that they saw that the instructor was very satisfied with his answer, which was not good for them.

A smile appeared on He Caisheng's face. He was very satisfied with his nephew's answer. The most important thing was the satisfied attitude of Qinglong War God.

He Changtai heard the tutor's compliment, and she was happy in her heart. He knew that he was one step faster than the other classmates, and if he continued to behave like this, the position of monitor must belong to him.

"Sit down, please. Any other students want to answer?"

Huang Jianzhi motioned to He Changtai to sit down and continued to ask everyone. As a result, forty hands were raised.

"You come"

Huang Jianzhi pointed to someone casually.

"If I am invincible, I will destroy all beasts, spirit beasts, sea creatures, etc., and regain our lost home."

"Yes, there is national spirit. I am also very satisfied with this answer. Please sit down and the next one." Huang Jianzhi smiled and applauded for him, and continued to let the next one answer.

The remaining people see that as long as the answer is positive, the instructor is satisfied, what else are they afraid of, they raise their hands to answer, and are ready to tell their thoughts about the answer, and praise it.

Huang Jianzhi never refused to come. He asked questions one after another. He applauded every question, but the number of people who answered it at the end decreased.

Because the people who raised their hands in the front to answer almost said the answers that the people in the back thought about, leaving the rest of the people with poor words.

"The first dozen students answered very well. Do the remaining students have anything to answer." Huang Jianzhi asked, looking at the quiet crowd.

At this time, Huang Tianwu raised his hand.

"Please speak"

"What can I do if I am invincible, I should eat, drink, sleep, and do things with a clear conscience." Huang Tianwu stood up and replied simply.


The whole class looked at Huang Tianwu in amazement, what the **** was this answer.

Did the people in front say everything that should be said, he said nonsense only after he was too poor, but he couldn't say that no matter how nonsense he said, he was not afraid to leave a bad impression on the Azure Dragon God of War.

"This foolish man is really a fool. He should eat and drink. It seems that I don't need to do anything. He will leave this class soon."

Cai Yuying heard Huang Tianwu's non-connotative answer, and it would definitely make her tutor unhappy, and the tutor was unhappy. Is Huang Tianwu still far away from this class, so she gloated over misfortune. ..

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