Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1136: News leak

"Big brother, don't you have nationalism or dedication? You are so strong, so stubborn, so lazy, do you treat God with such a terrifying talent?"


Huang Tianwu was very unwilling to eat and wait for his eldest brother to die. He wanted his eldest brother to live a little more meaningfully, but as soon as his voice fell, he received another blow in the head.

"You are young, what do you know, what I do is my freedom, you don't even know if you are sold to the end with your reckless mentality."

The Xia family finally knows that Huang Jianzhi is so strong when he sees it now. Why have they never heard of Huang Jianzhi before? It turns out that Huang Jianzhi is too steady.

"Grandpa and grandma, I left beforehand, and I will come to visit your two elders when I have time." Huang Jianzhi is about to leave.

The Xia family's mind was condensed. They felt that there was an invisible gap between them and Huang Jianzhi, but they also vaguely knew how this gap came about. It was caused by the influence of Huang Jianzhi's strength.

Lai Linqing wanted to open her mouth to keep her grandson, but he was hesitant and entangled, and finally sighed helplessly.

"Your status is different. Everything is a big event. Don't delay the big event because of us. Go, and come here often when you have time."

Xia Chaoshan felt a little pressure to get along with this grandson, and wanted to get along with this grandson more in his heart, but found that there was already a vague estrangement between them, and his grandson wanted to leave, of course he had to agree.

"Be with grandpa and grandma for me more. It doesn't matter if you stay with me for a few more days. I am a mentor, so I will treat you as a holiday." Huang Jianzhi disappeared after speaking.

Huang Tianwu was helpless when he saw his elder brother leave like this. He knew very well that the eldest brother was not in trouble at all, but had gone home. At the same time, he also keenly discovered that the Xia family was lost because of the eldest brother's departure.

The three brothers Xia Dongjie also obviously felt that Huang Jianzhi, the big nephew, was not easy to get along with, but they also understood.

After all, after so many years, they have never understood this eldest nephew, nor have they offered him any help. It is normal to have a gap.

Because of the younger sister's relationship, the eldest nephew can still recognize them, which is already the biggest surprise for them.

"Dongxiong, put down the plan in advance and ask for two days of leave to go back. It is the first time your grandson comes to the house. You can't be absent." Xia Chaoshan said to Xia Dongxiong.

"Well, right now..."

In this way, Huang Tianwu was taken back by the Xia family to ask for warmth.

Soon after Huang Jianzhi came back, an accident happened, and Huang Jianzhi's specific information was leaked out somehow.

"If the information is leaked, it's not a big deal. Don't block it, just follow the trend."

Huang Jianzhi received an exclusive phone call from Lingwu She, knowing that his information had been leaked, his expression remained lazy and unchanged, and he let his information drift with the flow at will.

After hanging up, Huang Jianzhi shook his head helplessly.

"If it is not allowed by the above, how could my information be leaked as soon as it is leaked? It seems that the people above are a bit anxious, so they push me into a national hero.

"It should be that I have been a little lazy recently, wanting to use the people's praise and worship to encourage me to break through as soon as possible. Sure enough, the people above are too eager to give birth to a celestial power or an S-level supernatural power."

"Worry, it will be impossible to live a life of salted fish in the future. The whole country is watching me." Huang Jianzhi became a little annoyed.

After the country deliberately released Huang Jianzhi's specific information, the people of the world were completely shocked. The legendary Qinglong God of War was only twenty-five years old, which shocked people's hearts.

Countless people heard this news, and they couldn't help but exclaimed "monster" in their hearts. Then they worshipped the Azure Dragon God of War even more. In this era, the strong are the stars, especially Huang Jianzhi, such monsters as evil as gods.

After the freshman's strongest Tianjiao class received specific information from their tutor, their expressions were all stunned.

Their mentors are only a few years older than them, so how do people who consider themselves geniuses live? Compared with their mentors, they are scums, not even scums.

They also knew about the relationship between Huang Tianwu and his mentor. They were brothers. They also knew about the relationship with the Xia family, and they had all the information.

"The instructor is actually the eldest brother of the monitor, good fellow, is he such a pig and tiger?

"What should I do in the future, can I still pursue my happiness, Lin Yudie, you must protect your body and don't let him succeed."

Cai Yuying received the news from her mentor and was as shocked as the people outside, but her thinking was very understandable, so she thought of other things.

"Yes, it's a real brother, not a master, this is too scary, Tianwu has such a powerful brother, but there is no telling of it. This is simply..."

Lin Yudie was incredulous when she got the specific information from her instructor.

Soon, Lin Yudie was met by Lin's parents. The elders had a clear meaning, and the relationship with Huang Tianwu could not be broken. They would take Huang Tianwu to visit the house if they were free.

What else could Lin Yudie say, nodded and agreed.


"Fuck, you said that my eldest son is the Azure Dragon God of War, Director Ding, are you kidding me?"

Huang Chengde found many people around him unknowingly, and vaguely felt that these people were here to protect him.

This puzzled him, but not long after he was puzzled, Director Ding came and told him Huang Jianzhi's information.

As soon as he heard the eldest son's news, he certainly didn't believe it for the first time. He knew his eldest son too well.

I was idle all day long. Although he was surprised when he faced the cult showing strong strength, he could accept it. The enchantment was not unavailable. The eldest son had this strength, and he should have reached his limit.

He suddenly heard that the eldest son was the Azure Dragon God of War, and he couldn't believe it. He knows a little bit about the Azure Dragon War God, the great master's combat power and two-line A-level abilities are unprecedented in the past and present, and he can be said to be a legend today.

Such a legend would be his otaku-like eldest son, he thought it was impossible to believe it.

"Mr. Huang, I know you don't believe it, but it's all true. We have a video. You can watch it first."

Director Ding knew that Huang Chengde would not believe him, so he took out a mobile phone to play the video. The content of the video was exactly the footage of Huang Jianzhi killing the A-class spirit beasts and ten B-class spirit beasts in Skyrim City.

Huang Chengde didn't believe it at first, but when he saw the protagonist on the video, his expression was stiff, he didn't know his hands were shaking, he didn't know whether it was excited, or was scared by his eldest son. .

"I, I want to calm down, can this video stay?" Huang Chengde wanted to calm down for a while after watching it.

"Yes, you are surrounded by people sent by the country to protect you. You can treat them as if they don't exist, and they won't affect your life. Everything is to prevent people from using you against the Azure Dragon God of War." Director Ding explained respectfully. , And left.

"My son, you are scared to be a father..."

After a long time, Huang Chengde, who had watched the video and didn't know it several times, said a word leisurely.

Xia Jia

"Father, since the relationship between the Azure Dragon God of War and us was made public, the people who came to visit one after another were trying to curry favor or make friends with us."

"There are a few big forces who want to pass our line and ask the Azure Dragon God of War to take action to heal the strong in their forces." Xia Dongjie said.

"You can make friends. If you want to ask the Azure Dragon God of War to do anything through us, you don't need to pay any attention to it." Xia Chaoshan said solemnly.

"Yes, father,,,"..

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