Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1160: Extremely cold mood


Huang Jianzhi watched the snow falling in the sky. It was beautiful, really beautiful. It might be even more beautiful if it weren't for the red sea water with countless ice **** bodies floating in it.

"Master Fu is serious, quickly solve them and help Master Fu."

Wei Guang'an and the others saw the snow flying in the sky, and they also knew that resuming Botian was going to be serious. They couldn't delay it anymore, and their attacks became more vigorous.

"Ice Rock Star Pendant"

One after another, huge ice meteorites fell from the sky, and each of them obscured the sky from the sight of human beings. If one smashed into a medium-sized city, the medium-sized city would have to lose its operation.

The ice meteorite is incredibly big, but the body of the dark world beast king is bigger, not knowing how many miles long, and not knowing how wide it is, and its fierce and sharp tail can't see the end.

"Sculpture Skills"

"Shoo, touch,,,"

The Dark Beast King didn't take the ice meteorite to his heart, but saw its tail shake, and the first few huge ice meteorites were directly divided into dozens of pieces.

The plane-like cutting surface of a mirror makes it clear that the ice meteorite was cut quickly by something.

The large ice cubes that were cut continuously fell on the body of the dark world beast king, and the dark world beast king's body shook, and the large ice cubes were all vaporized.

The strange thing is that Fu Botian did not stop his attack and continued to summon the ice meteorite to hit the Dark Beast King. No matter how the ice meteorite was destroyed, he did not intend to stop.

"Fu Botian, although I don't know what you want to do, humans are all cunning creatures, and I won't let you continue."

The Dark World Beastmaster knew that humans were extremely cunning and could not do useless work. Although he didn't know what Fu Botian wanted to do, there was absolutely nothing wrong with interrupting him.

It stopped waving its tail and flattened the ice meteorite on top of its head, not caring that the ice meteorite hit its body.

Its body is extremely powerful, and it is not a big problem if it is hit by an ice meteorite. In addition, its talents since its birth have made it directly ignore the impact of the ice meteorite.


The Dark World Beastmaster launched an attack, a cold light flashed, and in the next second, its eyes condensed slightly, and its tail directly cut off Fubo Tian.

This is too easy. The Dark World Beastmaster doesn’t believe that Fubotian is so weak. Upon a closer look, its guess is correct. It is not Fubotian himself, but the ice of Fubotian. Avatar.

"Fu Botian, are you hiding? Then I will kill that kid."

The ice clone shattered, and the dark world beast king could not find where Fu Botian was hiding, and countless ice meteorites were still smashing its body.

It is very annoyed. The ice meteorite can't do much damage to it and can be ignored by it, but it can't stand the attitude of Fubotian.

Hidden and hit it with an ice meteorite, what is the difference between throwing it with a small stone, do you look down on it, it can't find Fubotian, and its eyes cast Huang Jianzhi.

If Fubo days don’t come out, don’t blame it for attacking others.

"With me, you can't even go there."

Fu Botian appeared, but not one, but a dozen ice clones appeared around the Dark World Beast King.

"Master Fubotian, let's help you."

At this time, Wei Guangan and the others finally solved the remaining A-level spirit beasts, and all those who had the power of a battle came to support Fubotian.

Seven injured people left the field and came to Huang Jianzhi's side, wanting to rest and recuperate, but Huang Jianzhi squeezed the labor force and rushed to join the battle after a wave of treatment.

"Attack it, let it have more wounds, the better." Fu Botian said.


Wei Guang'an and the others rushed up decisively, but the Dark World Beast King claws over, avoiding them, and the hapless people were shot and flew out.

Several large holes were smashed into the ground severely, and the few people lying in the deep pit were bleeding desperately, and the injuries were obviously not shallow.

Although they still have a little fighting ability, they hesitate to go up, because the gap is a bit big, and after a few more hits, they will die.

"Go on, as long as there is a breath, with my dad, I will keep you alive and kicking the next second."

Huang Jianzhi, the dad, did a very good job. Whenever there was an injured person, he would directly milk him.

The few people lying in the deep pit were very happy to recover. There is a commander. They just can't kill Xiaoqiang, they can't kill the dark world beast king, they can also grind the dark world beast king to the blood.

Wei Guang'an and the others are also very excited. The commander's role is too great. With a dad, what are they afraid of? The crazy attack is, as long as you keep a breath, the next second, you will be another hero.

Fu Botian nodded secretly, and while working hard to gather his energy, he did not forget to support them. Such a dedicated person is a veritable commander.

"Damn ants, me..."

The dark world beast king became completely irritable, human beings were too cunning, never confronted it, either attacked it remotely, or was grinding its blood.

I want to kill them completely, so that they don't even have a chance to be treated, but this group of humans will save their lives, forcibly letting themselves save a breath for the people below to heal.

I want to kill that treatment dad, but that dad is more able to hide, and his spatial ability randomly flashes, and he doesn't give him a chance to get close at all.

"good chance"

Seeing an opportunity to attack, Fu Botian waved his hands, and the cold was soaring into the sky. Two icicles appeared in the sky, and the body of the Dark World Beast King was directly pierced by the two icicles.

One pierced through the huge and incomparable body of the Dark World Beast King, and the other pierced the dark world Beast King's head.

"we won!"

Wei Guangan and the others became excited when they saw this scene. No matter how they looked at it, the Dark Beast King was dead. They cooperated with Fubo Tian to kill the S-class spirit beast, and the ocean abyss creature invasion incident was resolved.

"Don't be too happy, continue attacking it, it's not dead yet." Unlike the others, Fubotian shouted to Wei Guangan and the others calmly.

"Master Fubotian, it's all like this, how can it be returned..."


Seven or eight celebrities were shot directly into the air. The Dark Beast King wanted to take the opportunity to kill these seven or eight people. As a result, it was just about to take action. Huang Jianzhi flashed and took the people away, making it roar in anger.

"Fu Botian, you learned a few years ago, I have the power of immortality, you can't kill me."

The dark world beast king shattered the two sky-reaching icicles that penetrated its body, and the void in the body and brain instantly recovered, not losing to Huang Jianzhi's healing power.

"Hehe, if you really have the power of immortality, you would have unified other seas a long time ago, and you will invade the land without invading other seas because of the pollution problem."

"Your ability is nothing more than speeding regeneration. A few years ago, if you hadn't figured out your specific abilities, you would have lived until now." Fubotian smiled.

"Hmph, you have found out what my abilities are. As long as I have a trace of flesh and blood, I can be reborn infinitely. What's the difference between this and the undead ability."

The Dark World Beastmaster didn't expect his abilities to be found out so quickly. Although he was a little surprised, he was still confident and could not kill him if he recovered Botian alone.

"Mouth of lies, there is no truth. Speeding regeneration requires life energy. Your speeding regeneration will make you rebuild half of your body at most, and your life energy will not be able to provide it if you have more life energy."

"As long as I keep you hurting, keep you consuming life energy, or destroy two-thirds of your body at once, you will die if you don't die." Fu Botian said without any scruples.

"Human beings are really annoying. You guessed it. Unfortunately, you can't do it. You don't know how much my life energy is. If you want to destroy two-thirds of my body at once, you are just a pipe dream. ."

The Dark Beast King was right, its body was so big that it was impossible to destroy two-thirds of its body at once.

"Everyone stay away!"

As soon as the order of Fu Botian came out, Wei Guangan and the others would retreat as far as they would go without saying anything.

"It's difficult to destroy two-thirds of your body, but you can give it a try. Do you know why I have been hitting you with ice meteorites before."

"It's meaning to keep smashing minor injuries, forcing you to regenerate overspeed and consume a little bit of life energy."

"But my biggest purpose is not this, but to let the cold air enter your body. Now you should have a lot of cold air in your body." Fu Botian smiled.


The dark world Beastmaster's eyes changed slightly, and before it had any other actions, Fubo Tian had already made a big move.

"Extremely cold mood"..

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