Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1162: The persistence of the elderly

"To be honest, when you invited me to attack the human turf, I was very moved. But you gave me too little and I have a big appetite, of course I disagree."

"After you left, I took the initiative to find your old opponent, and after a little talk, the agreement was quickly reached."

"Your territory and the captured human territory belong to me. As long as you die, the Dragon King of Abyss will make a profit without losing money. Why don't I do it." The Star Prison Beast King said with a smile.

"Hehe, as soon as my front foot left, you conspired to swallow me with my mortal enemy, so greedy, you are not afraid of breaking your teeth." The Dark World Beast King said angrily.

"Break my teeth? Haha, if you are in your peak state, maybe you will, but now you, you have that heart but you don't have that strength, and your ending is doomed." The Star Prison Beast King said triumphantly.

"It's really embarrassing. A human can force you into this. In the dark world, you are too embarrassed of our Beast King."

"But thanks to this human being, you hurt the roots and picked up such a big leak for us. In the face of us, you have no way to retreat in the dark world."

The Abyss Dragon King sensed that the aura of his mortal enemy had dropped to the extreme, and his heart was no longer excited. Today, he can finally kill his mortal enemy.

"Master Fubo Tian, ​​the person above replied that the two celestial beings guarding the alien gate can't leave the guard point to come to support, so we really can't detonate the destructive weapons here to retreat."

Wei Guangan and the others got the reply from the above, their expressions became complicated, the destructive weapon could not be detonated at close range and it would not hurt the S-rank Beastmaster, and the S-rank Beastmaster couldn't stand still and let them explode.

Detonating the destructive weapons left here is to not want the destructive weapons to fall into the hands of the Beastmaster, or for fear of drinking the Beastmaster not to make an inch.

But to do so, I really have to give up here and let the creatures of the ocean abyss.


Fu Botian sighed for some reason, looking at the mountains and rivers here with complicated eyes.

"Why sigh?"

Huang Jianzhi came to Fubotian's side, put one hand on Fubotian's shoulder, and gradually recovered from Fubotian's injuries.

"Such a beautiful mountain and river is about to be nuclear-leveled, and it is inevitable that I feel a little bit reluctant. After nuclear-leveling, I don't know how many years it will take to recover."

Fu Botian felt his injuries gradually recovered, and was a little surprised by Huang Jianzhi's healing powers. Thinking of Huang Jianzhi's specific age, a certain decision in his heart became firmer.

"If you don't want nuclear ping, don't nuclear ping. Kill the intruders and solve it." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Yes, kill them all, your idea is just what I want." Fu Botian also smiled suddenly.

Wei Guangan and the others looked at Fubotian in confusion, and didn't understand why Fubotian had such thoughts.

Even if Fu Botian's injuries were completely recovered by the Azure Dragon God of War, it would be more fortunate to face the two S-rank Beastmasters alone. Where did this self-confidence come from.

"Azure Dragon God of War, you are very young, and sooner or later you will be able to ascend to Celestial or S-level. I believe you will lead mankind to take back everything that belongs to mankind, and even lead mankind to go further.

"Take them out of here. They are also the guardians of mankind, and I have decided that I want to stay and die with them."

Fubo Tian couldn't feel Huang Jianzhi's specific strength, and believed that Huang Jianzhi's many special abilities were too much protected, blocking his perception.

However, he guessed that Huang Jianzhi's strength at the moment should be half-step Celestial or half-step S-level. If it was Celestial or S-level, just now he fought with the Dark World Beast King, Huang Jianzhi had already joined him in a two-to-one match.

It's a pity that he guessed wrong, and I don't know that he is facing the old yin-force Huang Jianzhi, and Huang Jianzhi's motto is that bad salted fish love to deceive people.

Fu Botian didn't think much at this moment, letting Wei Guangan and Huang Jianzhi leave, he was already confident that he would die with the Beast Kings.

"Master Fubo Tian, ​​you can't do anything. You are the patron saint of the people. If something happens to you, it will be unimaginably affected."

Wei Guangan and the others didn't know what method Fubotian would use to die with the Beastmasters, but they didn't want Fubotian to do this. Once they did this, mankind would lose a trump card.

"If we just retreat in such a dingy manner, they will fully occupy the coastal area and eat our territory bit by bit from the coastal area."

"The number of creatures in the ocean abyss is many times greater than that of humans. It is difficult for us to stop them from swallowing. The only way is to let me die with them."

"They are the king of beasts in the nearby sea. As long as they die, our coastal areas can be stable for twenty years."

"Twenty years are enough for the Azure Dragon God of War to break through the heavens or the S-level, and humans can also get sufficient time to develop, and then it will be our humans' turn to completely counterattack."

"Sacrificing me alone and getting so much, there is nothing to be satisfied with, if you stop me, you will be human sinners." Fubotian said firmly.

When Wei Guangan heard this, their expressions hesitated. Fubotian was right. Humans need time to develop, but at the expense of Fubotian, they didn't want to. They didn't know whether to persuade or not.

"What are you going to do?"

Many old people are more afraid of death the longer they live, and some become selfish. Fubotian lives longer than ordinary old people, but Huang Jianzhi's decision makes Huang Jianzhi look different.

Is a great old man

Wei Guangan and the others sighed when they heard the commander's questioning, thinking that the commander had agreed to Fu Botian's decision, what else could they say.

"There are ten destructive weapons on the strait defense line. I anchored them in the frozen space and detonated them with all destructive weapons."

"When detonating the destructive weapons, I also blew myself up. With the superposition of double power, it is enough to pull them to hell."

This time, Bo Tian did not speak, but responded with voice transmission to avoid being heard by the beast kings.

"This trick is very fierce. If they have no other means, they can indeed be taken to hell." Huang Jianzhi nodded slightly.

"Fu Botian, let's join hands. You can also see that their purpose is not only me, but also you. Joining forces is our only hope."

The Dark World Beastmaster no longer wrangled with his mortal enemies, and in its current state, it would be more difficult to face one, let alone two.

It can only cooperate with the humans who just beat you to death, otherwise it really won't have a chance to survive.

"Joining hands? Do you think it's possible!"

How could Fu Botian join forces with the Dark World Beast King? He now hopes that the two newly-appearing S-rank Beast Kings will besiege the Dark World Beast King, and it will be easier for the remaining two to return together.

"Fu Botian, teaming up is not only to help me, but also to help you. After they kill me, you think you humans can resist them."

"If you hate what I did before, I apologize and promise you, as long as you survive this disaster, twenty years, no, within a hundred years, I will never invade your human territory again."

The Dark World Beast King was forced to negotiate terms and wanted to join forces with Fu Botian. There was no way, who would let it have no retreat at the moment. ..

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