Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1166: World number one

"It's really weak, the S-level spirit beasts are so vulnerable!" Huang Jianzhi said disappointedly.


The S-class spirit beast is vulnerable to a single blow!

Wei Guang'an and the others stared at Huang Jianzhi for a moment. Does anyone with strength have trouble standing and talking? Except you dare to treat S-class spirit beasts improperly, who dares to treat S-class spirit beasts improperly? thing.

Seeing that Huang Jianzhi solved the three beast kings so easily, their hearts were very complicated. Seeing Huang Jianzhi's young face, they thought of a word.

The back wave of the Yangtze River pushed the front wave, and the front wave was shot to death on the beach in the next second. They are the people who were shot dead on the beach by the back waves, and the sour taste is disturbing.

However, they are more excited, and humanity has ushered in a supreme combat power, this combat power is still a celestial person with an S-level ability. Not surprisingly, the Azure Dragon God of War is already the world's number one powerhouse.

The world's number one powerhouse, what an eye-catching honorific name, Wen is no first, Wu is incomparably two, but the Azure Dragon God of War is qualified to be the number one in this world.

Who dares to disagree, the record of killing the three big beast kings has said everything.

"He is my grandson, my grandson!"

The most excited person was Xia Chaoshan, who was more excited than him, with a smile on his face, grabbing the shoulders of the people next to him and shaking them.

"Yes, I see, he is your grandson, can you stop shaking."

When Xia Chaoshan heard this, he nodded in satisfaction, and shook his head with another person.


"Your sister, it's not enough for the people on the scene to be shaken by you. You turned around and shake me, why didn't you go and shake Lord Botian." The old Patriarch Lin Xin was shaken and shaken by Xia Chaoshan again, angrily. His beard curled up.

"I'm not stupid. Shake you up to a few complaints from you. If you go to Shake Master Botian, I still know myself."

In order to retaliate against Lin Xin for complaining about him, Xia Chaoshan's hand shaking increased again, causing Lin Xin to stare at Xia Chaoshan with a dark face.

"It's not that they are too weak, but you are too strong. I have a question in my heart, I hope you can answer me, when did you reach this level?"

Fu Botian came to Huang Jianzhi and asked Huang Jianzhi with incomparable eyes.

The ears of the people at the scene were better than dogs, and all of them raised their ears. Even Xia Chaoshan, who was shaking people everywhere, stopped moving, very curious about when his grandson reached this state.

"A few years ago, I forgot the exact time." Huang Jianzhi lied and even believed him.


"Years ago???"

Everyone took a deep breath, how many years ago, three or four years ago, or seven or eight years ago,

"A few years ago, you had this strength, why can you keep a low profile like this!" Fubo Tianping asked the fluctuations in his heart.

"Please, I have a little money in my family. I am considered a rich second generation. I have almost no desires and desires in my life. I am not a child. Why do I have to be able to know everything about the world?" Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Hahaha, what a desireless person, I know why you are so strong. If it weren't for the country to push you to become a national hero, you might still keep a low profile in obscurity."

"Azure Dragon God of War, continue to retain your innocent heart, and you will grow to a level that we can't imagine." Fubotian smiled.

Innocent heart, talk about me, I can only say that you look misleading, I'm just an old bad.

"These three beast cores are my trophies. I accept them. I don't want the corpses of other marine creatures. The corpses of the three big beast kings will be sent to me for one-fifth.

"The rest, those who deserve to be rewarded for meritorious service will be rewarded. Don't chill the hearts of the soldiers."

"The three first-tier cities, the plains, Xingwu, and Haogu are still attacked by beast tides. I will deal with them first."

"After processing, I will go straight back to rest. I won't be with you anymore, and I won't be looking for me at any celebration party. I like to be quiet." Huang Jianzhi disappeared after speaking.

"Why are you so stunned? The soldiers from the rear are recalled to take all the dead bodies of marine life, and even the blood will be put into the bottle to take away. We must take away nothing left."

"Wei Guang'an, send these ten destructive weapons back to their original places, be careful, they are much more valuable than you." Fu Botian ordered.

Wang Jianyuan and the others moved. One went to the rear to recall the soldiers, and the others went to the sea to salvage the body of the Beast King.

No way, except for them, it is difficult for anyone else to pick up the body of the Beastmaster Giant.

"My brother did this!"

Huang Tianyang, who came back with the army, learned of the heroic deeds of his elder brother, and looked at the three giant corpses on the beach, his eyes staring round and his mouth opened in a big O shape.

"Yes, it was your brother who did it. Your brother killed the three beast kings with his own power. You didn't see that scene. You know how powerful your brother is when you see it."

Xia Chaoshan caught the wild grandson on the battlefield, and spoke tirelessly with his mouth that had just stopped.

"Grandpa, where is my brother?"

Huang Tianyang felt that his eldest brother was a liar, and all that appeared on the surface was just the tip of the iceberg. To be honest, with such a elder brother, the pressure was really great.

"The three first-tier cities have been invaded by the beast tide, and your brother rushed to deal with it. With your brother's strength, this should be resolved." Xia Chaoshan replied.

What else Huang Tianyang wanted to say, but was interrupted by the eruption of the surrounding crowd.

"What, the three big beast kings were really killed by the commander alone!"

"The commander is already a celestial person and an S-rank superpower, wow, monsters..."

"The world's strongest man, my idol is the world's strongest man,,,"


The combatants returning from the strait defense line learned of Huang Jianzhi's heroic deeds. They were all very excited and couldn't stop for a long time.


After Huang Jianzhi easily resolved the invasion of the animal tide, he went back to Xianyu early, not interested in the outside world.

When his heroic deeds were completely spread, Huang Jianzhi regretted it a little. He found that the periphery of his place was surrounded by the students of the college.

The densely packed students were quietly standing on the periphery, looking at Huang Jianzhi's attic in admiration and excitement, as if they knew that Huang Jianzhi liked quietness and did not dare to interrupt.

"You are all around here if you don’t go to class. Are you all so idle? If the students don’t say anything, it’s okay. Why are the teachers stuck here? You are..."

Huang Jianzhi felt so quiet outside, he opened the window to throw Rem outside~

"World number one"

"World number one"

"World number one"


When everyone saw Huang Jianzhi appearing in the window, his breathing accelerated, they were very excited, and they didn't know who opened his head and called the number one in the world.

As a result, people in the entire college are shouting "the world's first."

"You are sick"

Huang Jianzhi was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what to say, leaving a word, and ran away proudly.

Huang Jianzhi decisively ran to his father's courtyard to hide, and as soon as he entered the door, he was greeted by his father with a relieved smile.

"Good job, worthy of being my son."

Huang Chengde also heard about the heroic deeds of his eldest son. After his excitement, he was infinitely gratified. He raised a good son.

"The people outside are crazy, I'm going to hide here for a few days." Huang Jianzhi said.

"This is your home. You can stay for as long as you want. By the way, Tianyang took a half-month vacation to come back."

"I should be home at night. Our family hasn't had a meal together for a long time." Huang Chengde said with a smile on his face. ..

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