Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1187: One change a day

The arrival of Shui Qilin made the Huang family a little flattered. After all, Shui Qilin now has the title of guardian spirit beast of mankind. This number of existence stays at home like this, and there is a hint of surprise.

However, after vaguely hearing that Shui Qilin was an unscrupulous guardian spirit beast, they were a little worried that they could not get along with the guardian spirit beast, but found that their worries were unnecessary.

As soon as Shui Qilin arrived at home, he was not as easy to get along with them as the rumors outside. Perhaps Shui Qilin knew that they were all Huang Jianzhi's family members and treated them separately.

Two or three days after arriving at Huang's house, Shui Qilin was still behaving. After three days, the nature of Shui Qilin's house was exposed.

Since understanding the human network, with its cleverness, I quickly started.

This start is a living creature who is soaking in his computer and mobile phone all day long. Except when he walks out of the room during meal time, he stays in the room and knocks on the keyboard the rest of the time.

According to Shui Qilin's words, its former houses were all small roads, but the current house law is the main road. It is now much happier than before.

"Tianzhi, it is the guardian spirit beast of mankind in name, but it is actually the trump card you found for us before you leave!"

At dinner time, the Huang family are there. Compared with outsiders, the Huang family knows that Huang Jianzhi is running out of time.

Outsiders don't know this. Once they know this, they may fall into panic. Therefore, the Huang family has done a good job of keeping secrets, not revealing the slightest news that Huang Jianzhi is about to leave the world.

Huang Chengde looked at his eldest son hardly, his tone was very certain, this human fairy beast was prepared for them before his son left.

"Well, it's really only responsible to our Huang family, and it's just a meaning to the Federation. It can be said that it is the guardian spirit beast of our family." Huang Jianzhi nodded and laughed.

"Big brother, human beings, fairy beasts are indeed very strong, but what we need more is you, the Star Federation cannot do without you, and the people cannot do without you."

"After a year or two, if you leave, what shall we do to deal with the eyes of the Tianyuan Continent? Just a human, fairy and spirit beast, we may not be able to protect our world."

"Brother, we can feel at ease with you, but if you are not here, who can come down with peace of mind."

Huang Tianyang was naturally happy when he heard that the human fairy spirit beast was actually the guardian spirit beast of their family, but he thought that his eldest brother would leave in one or two years, and he would inevitably worry about the scene after his eldest brother left.

"Indeed, as soon as I left, Alien Gate was a big problem. It's okay for me to say that if I'm gone, then the trouble will be big."

"Once the forces of the Tianyuan Continent discover the alien door, the invasion is certain. Without me, with the current strength of the Federation, it is almost difficult to resist the enemy's massive invasion."

"If I destroy all the alien gates and leave, it will make our world lose the opportunity to fly, but the advantages of this approach outweigh the disadvantages, you can give it a try."

"But who can guarantee that after I leave, there will be a new foreign door."

"Thinking about it, I have decided that I will extend my time of leaving until our world is not afraid of the Tianyuan Continent's attack." Huang Jianzhi said.

"Really, but didn't you say that one or two years is your limit?" Huang Chengde and the others asked in surprise and doubt.

"I have thought of a way to limit the ascent. I should be able to achieve the results I want to see before leaving." Huang Jianzhi said.

"Well, well, I can stay. I am still worried that I will never see you again." Huang Chengde felt that his old tears were about to flow out.

"Big brother, why didn't you think of a way to say it earlier, causing us to worry about it, you are too much." Huang Tianwu scorned his elder brother unceremoniously.

"Brother, will your behavior hurt yourself."

Huang Tianyang felt that the ascension was illusory enough, and now that he heard that the ascension could be restricted, it was inevitable that he would be worried that his eldest brother would restrict the ascension by hurting himself.

"I don't have masochism, why hurt myself? Don't think too much, I won't do stupid things."

Huang Jianzhi saw his father and the third child also paying attention, and said funny.


At this time, a cat-sized water unicorn opened the door and walked out.

Seeing Huang Jianzhi that they are all full, you are welcome. They jumped onto the table and took a roll. Soon there was only a clean plate left on the table. After the meal, Shui Qilin did not look back and went back to the room. .

"Now it's good, the leftovers in the future don't need to be wasted."


This year was the most exciting year for the people. It defeated the invasion of the Dark Night Empire, controlled the alien gate, cleared the land spirit beasts, and regained the human turf.

Immediately after sweeping the marine life, so that marine life can no longer threaten humans, Huang Jianzhi's great achievements have come out, and his reputation has reached a position that no one dares to shake.

With the integration of resources, the world has entered a stage of full-speed development. During this period, Huang Jianzhi was approved by the three highest conferences of the federal government and became the highest chairman of the conference.

The result was rejected by Huang Jianzhi, on the grounds that he had to concentrate on his cultivation in order to better deal with the invasion of the Heavenly Origin Continent in the future.

When the people knew Huang Jianzhi's reason for refusing to be the Federal Assembly President, they were shocked and shocked. They were so strong and worked so hard. What reason do they have for not working hard?

For a time, the people around the world were brought into a crazy practice mode by Huang Jianzhi.

In the second year, the number of martial artists surged, and the new population also surged a lot. The improvement of the Gongfa Pavilion gave the middle-aged and elderly people the opportunity to practice martial arts for free.

Coupled with the investment of resources, five strong men of heaven and human were born, more than two hundred strong men of great masters were born, and the quality of other warriors also changed every day.

Such resource input only consumes less than one-tenth of the massive amount of high-end spirit beast corpses obtained last year.

In May, the infiltration of the Tianyuan Continent began. Choose a few insignificant Hou Kingdoms to gradually control and grow, and use this as a springboard to open the first step. If there is a first step, there will naturally be a second step, a third step,,,

During the period, Huang Jianzhi was nominated again, and once again unanimously approved as the chairman of the meeting, Huang Jianzhi continued to refuse.

In the third year, the Lingshi Mountain Range was discovered, breakthroughs were made in the research and development of energy agents, and the second generation of genetic enhancement and ability awakening potions were also developed, and the number of ability players gradually increased.

The practice continued, and the Federal Supreme Council once again unanimously approved Huang Jianzhi to be the chairman of the conference. Huang Jianzhi did not respond, and obviously refused.

So far, the seat of the Federal Council President is still empty, and Fu Botian and others are still in charge of the Federation at this moment.

In the fourth year, changes continued. This year, there was something related to Huang Jianzhi. Huang Tianyang's second brother, Huang Tianyang, got married.

In the fifth year, Huang Jianzhi added two twin nephews, the second brother’s child, named Huang Chuanqi and Huang Chuanshi,,,


In the seventh year, Huang Jianzhi’s third brother was also married,,,


In the tenth year, the Dark Night Empire finally found an alien gate leading to Huang Jianzhi's world, and was ready to summon an alliance to defend the headquarters to invade. As a result, the alien gate disappeared as soon as the defending headquarters was prepared, and it was obviously destroyed by Huang Jianzhi.

This situation made the management members of the five empires frown. This small world really has the means to make the alien gate disappear.

This is not good, isn't it that this small world can infiltrate, swallow, and plunder them, but they can't help it with this small world.

This is definitely not what they want, letting this small world grow up will sooner or later become a major problem.

For a time, the five empires jointly issued an order to search for the alien gate leading to that small world with all their strength, not to be surprised, and let the people on the opposite side know that this alien gate has been discovered by them. ..

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