Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1190: Empire tomorrow

Sixteenth year

The Principality of Tomorrow, which the Federation secretly controls on the Tianyuan Continent, finally showed its appetite, and it was no longer slowly devouring the surrounding princes.

It was the unscrupulous plundering and invasion, and the duchy of the ranks did not hesitate to enter the devouring mode directly.

At the beginning, when they were on the bar with the old neighboring principality Tianqing Principality, many forces in Tianyuan Continent were not optimistic about the new and stubborn Principality of Tomorrow. They felt that the Principality of Tomorrow would be a bit premature to engage with the old principality.

The veteran Duchy of Tianqing has existed for almost a thousand years, and its background is definitely not comparable to that of a new duchy that has been promoted only a few years ago.

A lot of forces are watching the excitement, and the good people are still guessing how many days the Principality of Tomorrow will last, but they are all beaten up by the Principality of Tomorrow.

The Principality of Tomorrow and the Principality of Tianqing went to war, and the Principality of Tomorrow used the same strong and military strength as the Principality of Tianqing, and even defeated the Principality of Tianqing all the way.

The Star Alliance knew that they belonged to outsiders to the Tianyuan Continent, and did not intend to expose it too early, for fear that they would be besieged by all the forces on the Tianyuan Continent too soon.

Therefore, the battle between the Principality of Tomorrow and the Principality of Tianqing did not use any technological power, but instead used local power with a little federal assistance.

This battle was unexpected to everyone, and the new principality, which had just been established a few years ago, had the same power and strength as the old principality.

Still making the veteran duchy suffer a big loss in a head-to-head contest, which is not like a duchy that has just been established a few years ago can do.

There must be secrets in the Principality of Tomorrow. Many forces think this way. For a while, the dark moves of the major forces all acted and sneaked into the Principality of Tomorrow to obtain intelligence.

Of course, the Federation has long prepared for this move, and has long established a Skynet agency to deal with spies. Most spies enter the eyes of Skynet agencies as soon as they enter the city, and are either arrested or killed.

The Principality of Tomorrow had just captured several major cities in the Duchy of Tianqing, and unexpectedly had an antagonism with the Principality of Moon God in the west. This made other people who watch the excitement feel that the Principality of Tomorrow was floating.

The Principality of Tianqing, which was crushed and beaten, was already miserable. Seeing that the Principality of Tomorrow was so dying, he was excited to join forces with the Principality of Moon God to prepare to destroy the Principality of Tomorrow.

As a result, it didn't take long for the Principality of Tianqing to be annihilated, and the Principality of Moon God was also annihilated, which caused the Tianyuan Continent to shake up.

The Tianyuan Continent has more than two hundred principalities, and countless princes can be warped all year round, but the principalities are not the same. Except for the five empires, they are already top powers.

The destruction of a top power has not happened for many years. This time, two came at once, which caused all the power in Tianyuan Continent to surge.

There are constraints among the five empires, and you cannot easily attack the principality and the Hou Country. The ability to destroy the two principalities at one time has proven the strength of the Principality of Tomorrow.

It can be said that the Duchy of Tomorrow is already the first duchy under the five empires.

The promotion to the duchy became the first duchy under the empire within a few years, and it would be a ghost to say that there is no secret.

For a time, all forces in the Tianyuan Continent once again dispatched elite intelligence personnel to dig out the secrets of the Principality of Tomorrow, and also to guard against the next move of the Principality of Tomorrow.

Except for the restrictions between the empires, there are no restrictions between the principality and the candidate countries. They can fight each other as they want, as long as they don't provoke the superior empire stupidly.

The five empires are also interested in the Duchy of Tomorrow, but there are restrictions. They cannot easily attack the weak dynasty, but it does not prevent them from exploring the secrets of the Duchy of Tomorrow.

Believe them, as long as the benefits are large enough, all restrictions are false. They just want to see if the benefits are enough to make them want to take action.

"These two principalities are really rich, they have so many resources, and they can train a large number of masters. Come here, and transport 60% of the resources back to the Federation. Our footsteps are still going on." Under the command of life.

Federal Headquarters

"After three months, we have taken another step forward in the layout of Tianyuan Continent. Next, our task will become even heavier."

The two brothers Huang Tianyang sat opposite each other, drinking tea and talking about federal affairs.

"Swallowing two principalities is a lot, but it is far from the territory of an empire. At least another six or seven principalities will be swallowed to have an empire as large as the territory. This is conducive to our next move." Huang Tianwu said. .

"Come slowly, don't rush, if you act too quickly, the unity of other principalities will always be a trouble for us." Huang Tianyang said while drinking a little tea.

"Well, we have to take it slow. We have no problem with any empire now, but we have no chance of winning with five at the same time."

"We have to wait until the Principality of Tomorrow is promoted to the Empire of Tomorrow, and then use the Empire of Tomorrow to destroy one or two empires. Then, we will be relaxed." Huang Tianwu smiled.

"An empire that has existed for tens of thousands of years is not so easy to be destroyed. Don't underestimate them, otherwise we will pay a heavy price." Huang Tianyang reminded.

"I didn't underestimate them. I fought with the Dark Night Empire 16 years ago, but it gave me a deep impression. If it weren't for the presence of the big brother, I might have died in the battle." Huang Tianwu recalled.

"It's not easy for us to walk all the way to this day. Before, we thought of serving as a soldier to defend our country. Now, it is not the soldiers who obey orders, but the decision-makers who give orders." Huang Tianyang said with no emotion.

"I'm not the same. I was thinking about becoming stronger just to protect the people I care about. As a result, I haven't become a guardian of human beings." Huang Tianwu smiled bitterly.

"Why, do you blame Big Brother for changing your destiny?" Huang Tianyang smiled.

"Can I blame him? Without him, there would be us today, but I can't figure it out. My eldest brother was so ridiculous a long time ago. How can I be patient to keep the mountains hidden and the water hidden."

"If it wasn't for a series of changes, it would be impossible for the eldest brother to stand up and tell others that he is not strong." Huang Tianwu said.

"Big brother has many secrets. We don't know it so far. It doesn't matter what we are doing. If he is our eldest brother, it is enough."



At this time, a knock on the door sounded.

"Come in"

"The president, the president, and the secrets are here to retaliate. The Minister of Retaliation discovered a new alien gate in Tianyuan Continent. The alien gate connects to a small world. It seems that this small world has not been discovered by other forces in Tianyuan Continent." The secretary said excitedly. .

"Okay, very good, other empires have small worlds, how can we be less, let the Minister Fu directly take this small world, no, this time I personally dispatched." Huang Tianyang said excitedly.

"There is no strong man or immortal in the small world, but be careful not to make too many killings." Huang Tianwu reminded.

"Don't worry, they will also be ours in the future, how could I kill people indiscriminately." Huang Tianyang nodded and left with the secretary.

"I don't have anything to do, go to Big Brother's to eat and drink."


After another month, the Federation finally took the small world of Huangshi down.

With the supply of resources from the small world, the Principality of Tomorrow speeds up its offensive strategy, which can provoke the anger of the surrounding principalities and unite one by one against the Principality of Tomorrow.

There were seven or eight United Principalities. This battle made the other forces in Tianyuan Continent think that the Principality was going to end tomorrow. As a result, on the day when the Defense Headquarters of Seven or Eight Principalities gathered, the strong people appeared and directly defeated the entire United Defense Headquarters.

Seven or eight United Principalities directly surrendered. This is not important. What is important is that the strong human and immortal appear, and this will be the strong human and immortal of the Principality of Tomorrow.

At this moment, all the forces in the Tianyuan Continent were shocked instantly, and they all knew why the Principality of Tomorrow was so unscrupulous. It turned out that there were some immortal powerhouses.

There are immortal powerhouses, and the Principality of Tomorrow is no longer a principality, but is promoted to the sixth largest empire of the Tianyuan Continent, the Empire of Tomorrow. ..

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