Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1197: Completely exposed

"who are you?"

When the seven generations of ancestors saw the appearance of the enemy, they knew that they could not escape.

Sharing abilities, the ghost knows how much abilities the other party has shared, and the light space transfer ability leaves him with nowhere to go.

He was very unwilling, but helpless, he wanted to know who he lost to.

"Second brother, look at him so poor, do you want to satisfy him?"

Huang Tianwu suddenly shifted his sight to the back of the Seventh-generation Patriarch, and said with a chuckle as he looked at his second brother and Fu Botian.

The seventh generation ancestor's attention had been on Huang Tianwu just now, and he hadn't noticed the movement behind him at all. Seeing Huang Tianwu's behavior, his eyes condensed and he suddenly turned his head back.

"Human...human immortal powerhouse, two..."

The seven generations of ancestors sensed the powerful aura of the next two people, and immediately fell into consternation. They were two strangers and strong men. When was the strong man and immortal so worthless.

"The dying person is the same whether he is satisfied with his curiosity or not. After today, Tianyuan Continent will know our existence."

Huang Tianyang won't let the enemy in front of him live. The Federation, including him, hopes that the human and immortal powerhouses in the Tianyuan Continent will die, so that they will be able to control the Tianyuan Continent.

He also knew that the death of a strong human and immortal would inevitably cause a great earthquake in the Tianyuan Continent, so that all the forces in the Tianyuan Continent would notice them, and it would be impossible for them not to expose it.

If it was before, they might still be taboo one or two, but now it's different. They are ready for everything. It doesn't matter if they are exposed or not.

"You are not from our world, you are from other worlds!"

The seven generations of ancestors knew that they had only a certain end, but instead put down the fear before death, calmly meditated, and looked at Huang Tianwu for a moment and said in a positive tone.

"Now that we can remain calm like this, we deserve to be seniors who have lived for a long time. That's right, we are indeed not people in your world." Huang Tianyang replied calmly.

"Sure enough, no wonder the Empire doesn't have the slightest information from you. It turns out that you,,, are you from the special world that the Night Empire invaded twenty years ago?"

The seven generations of ancestors suddenly thought of something, and their eyes again asked for proof.

"Guessed again, why do you always guess so accurately when you think about it?" Huang Tianwu asked in surprise.

"Because your world hides big secrets, the small world shouldn't have humans and immortals, but your world already exists."

"In addition, the alien gate disappeared, and the empires were completely blown up."

"As long as the alien gate appears, it will never disappear, but the alien gate connecting your world has disappeared."

"We don't have the ability to make the alien gate disappear, and you are the only ones who make the alien gate disappear."

"There are strong human beings and immortals, and there are ways to make the alien gate disappear, saying that your world has no secrets, that is fake."

"Now that I see you three, I know that the empires' guesses are correct."

"Your world really hides a great secret, otherwise it is impossible to create three powerful people and immortals in just 20 years." said the seven generations of ancestors.

The empires’ brain replenishment is really amazing, but they guessed right, isn’t the big secret of our world our eldest brother.

The two brothers Huang Tianyang didn't refute, they thought to themselves by default.

"The magical medicine was born, it's not accidental that it is also your ghost!"

Seven generations of ancestors saw that the enemy did not refute, he knew that he was right, and vaguely looked at the strong man who followed him behind, and continued to speak with the fluctuations in his heart.

"I don't know what to say anymore, you continue to say, we will listen."

Huang Tianwu was speechless. What happened to the enemy didn't need them to explain. He always brought his own halo to paint what they did.

"Don't treat everyone as fools. The magical medicine is born. The five empires can't help being tempted to make a big move. You can't hold it back, but you can't help it."

"There is only one possibility, and that is that the magic medicine was your ghost from the beginning."

"You are really good at hand and good calculations. Using the magical medicine to make the other forces of the Tianyuan Continent drift away from the five empires, and also greatly hurt the vitality of the five empires' high-end combat power.

"To muddy the waters of the Tianyuan Continent, your purpose is probably not just the five empires, but the entire Tianyuan Continent," said the Seventh Generation Ancestor.

"Second brother, does the old undead who have lived for a long time have such wisdom? Sure enough, I don't like dealing with old foxes." Huang Tianwu said.

"Kill him, we still have a lot to do." Huang Tianyang said.

"What are you doing in a daze, run away quickly, take back what you have heard, verbatim, and let the empire and other empires deal with outsiders together."

The seven-generation ancestors suddenly turned around and shouted to his own people behind him. Most of those who followed him were strong celestial and human levels, and he could hear his conversations with the enemy clearly even when he was far away.

He can't escape, but he hopes that his men will bring back the enemy's situation so that the empire will be prepared to defend against outsiders.

As soon as they heard the order, many powerful people in the Shenguang Empire dared to stay more, and they scattered and fled.

"I will solve them."

After Fu Botian finished speaking, he turned and left, and went to wipe out the little mice.

"It's just for this to keep talking about our words, but unfortunately we don't care."

The two brothers Huang Tianyang glanced at each other, and rushed to kill the seven-generation ancestor together. In less than five minutes, the seven-generation ancestor was strangled to death by the two brothers.

"The points were too scattered, and we ran a few, but we were exposed like this. Will it be harmful to us?" Fubotian said after looking at the body of the seven generations of ancestors.

"It's okay, this is the eldest brother's account."

When Fu Botian heard that it was the order, he suddenly had no opinion.

"Could it be,," Huang Tianwu showed complicated eyes.

"Well, big brother can't wait."


The Divine Light Empire and the Empire of Tomorrow battle the small world, and many forces in the Tianyuan Continent are paying attention.

So when the strong human beings died, all the forces in Tianyuan Continent knew it, and at that moment all the forces were terrified.

The god-like human and immortal powerhouse fell. This is something that hasn't happened for many years. The most shocking thing is the Empire of Tomorrow. No, it should be the outsider.

The outsiders come from the small world, and there are three immortal and powerful people in the small world. The magic medicine is made by outsiders in this world, and the purpose of outsiders is the entire Tianyuan Continent.

This piece of news impacted the hearts of everyone in Tianyuan Continent, and they never expected that they would be counter-invaded by the small world.

All forces are panicking, such a powerful outsider is not something they can deal with, and it can only rely on the five empires to deal with outsiders.

They were silent, watching the trends of the five empires quietly. Most of them had figured out whether they could work without effort, or just work without effort.

Let the five empires and outsiders fight, it is best to fight to the death, so that they have the opportunity to get more resources to promote the empire.

Shenguang Empire

"Damn it, no wonder the empire develops so fast tomorrow, it turned out to be controlled by people from a special world."

"There are three strong people and immortals, how can there be three? The Dark Night Empire doesn't mean that they only have one strong person and immortals."

"Damn outsider, I won't make you feel better, contact me with other empires, and I want to fight outsiders."

The Emperor Shenguang was extremely angry. In order to fight for the magic medicine, the high-end empire's combat power had been greatly injured, and the ancestor was seriously injured, and now another ancestor fell directly.

Let the Divine Light Empire completely become the weakest empire among the five empires, how upset him.

All this was brought by outsiders. If he didn't kill all outsiders, how could his anger calm down? ..

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