Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1202: Monopolist

"God, why are you so unfair? I wait for the realm that I have been striving for in my life, and you don't want to wait for me at all."

"But he, a native of a small world, how can He De get your squint, I'm not convinced, I'm not convinced..."

The ancestor Hei Ye raised his head and let out an unwilling shout, that voice was full of resentment, perhaps because he couldn't see the hope of life, he was full of resentment for this piece of heaven that didn't give them a chance.

"Tell me, is your breakthrough to the Celestial Realm related to your world? What secrets exist in your world? Tell me, I don't want to die!" the ancestor of the Shenguang Empire asked.

"What secrets can I have in my world? I can break through to this level. It all depends on my own talent and hard work. You can't experience my hard work."

Huang Jianzhi opened his eyes and said nonsense, boasting shamelessly once.

"Impossible, how can you reach this level by talent and hard work alone, you lie."

"A few of us have achieved the realm of human beings. The talents are at the top of the Tianyuan Continent. It is impossible to put in less effort than you."

"Plus the inherent advantages of Tianyuan Continent, if what you said was true, we would have broken through long ago."

"Why wait until now without seeing a glimmer of hope."

The seven ancestors all felt that Huang Jianzhi had concealed something from them, and there must be some secrets they didn't want to say, so they deliberately used talent and hard work as an excuse.

"The frog at the bottom of the well, the time it takes for the fastest of you to break through to the realm of immortality is almost a thousand years, do you know how old I am?"

"In my world, I'm not even fifty years old now." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile while looking at the seven people.

"Impossible, how can you not even be fifty years old, forty-something Tianluo powerhouse, you lie to ghosts."

When the seven ancestors heard this, their eyes were horrified. They couldn't believe it, and they didn't want to believe this kind of nonsense. They felt that Huang Jianzhi was playing with them.

"You all look like this, do I need to lie to you, I just want you to die in the face of the eye."

Huang Jianzhi doesn't care if the enemy is dead or not. He just wants to praise himself in a disguised form. He enjoys the surprise and shock of others.

Hey, there are such shameless people in the world!

Yes, he doesn't need to lie to us, that is to say, what he said is true. For those who are less than fifty years old, such talents as gods and demons, is the naive allowed to exist?

Why was this freak born in a small world instead of on the Tianyuan Continent? If it is so good to be born on the Tianyuan Continent, they will have a hostile day.

"Fate is really a big joke for us. In the past, the small world was just a Chinese meal for us."

"Now, the reincarnation of the heavens, we have become fish on the plate, is this retribution!" The ancestor of the black dragon sighed confessing his fate.

"I want to know how you will deal with the five empires in the future?" Old Ancestor Night asked seriously.

"Tianyuan Continent doesn't need so many voices, just one voice from the Federation is enough."

Huang Jianzhi's meaning is very clear, other forces should not exist, the only thing that can exist is the Star Federation.

The seven ancestors looked at each other, the unwillingness and fear in their eyes gradually disappeared, and they didn't know what they were communicating in secret, their eyes gradually became crazy.

"Oh, such a brutal murderous spirit, you still want to do something to me, you really don't know your courage, you are really not afraid of death."

Huang Jianzhi felt the belief that the seven people were determined to die. He didn't know whether to praise them or laugh at them stupidly.

"Whoever is not afraid of death, if we are afraid of death, you will let us go. No, you can't let us go. We understand this very well."

"We are not your opponents, but we don't want to die in vain, there is value in death and death."

Seven ancestors scattered around Huang Jianzhi.

"Festival of Heaven and Earth-Sealing of Time!"

The ancestors of the dark night roared in unison, and they issued a sealing technique that disconnected time and space with all their strength. They were sacrificing themselves to complete this seal.

They did this for the Tianyuan Continent and also for the five empires. As long as this terrifying monster is sealed, the crisis on the Source Continent that day will be lifted.

The Star Element Federation is left, and they believe that the five empires and all the forces in the Tianyuan Continent are fully capable of destroying the Star Element Federation, so that they will not be considered dead in vain.

"Giving everything, including the soul, also seals me, you are also ruthless."

"Some kind of bad idea has come up again, should I pretend to be sealed by you and hide behind my two stupid brothers!"

"Forget it, the next world is in the pit, this world is fine."

Huang Jianzhi muttered for a while, and finally decided to kill the seven old immortals.



Huang Jianzhi raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and then slapped a purple sweet potato with gloves equipped with infinite gems. Time and space stagnated, and the ancestors of the night stopped their actions.

"Original... It turns out that our gap..."

The emotionally indescribable ancestors of the dark night before they finished their words, their bodies turned into dust and drifted away with the wind.

"Life is really fragile!" Huang Jianzhi sighed inexplicably.

"Brother, you are too powerful. We can see the surge of heart from a distance. I really don't know when I will reach the level of big brother you."

As soon as Huang Jianzhi's side was over, the two brothers Huang Tianyang and Fu Botian rushed over from a distance.

"Get to my level? Go in your dream, it's impossible for you in your life."

Huang Jianzhi glanced at the third child, and attacked very unceremoniously.

"Uh, there is a silly thing in my heart that I want to say, but I am afraid of being beaten."

Huang Tianwu thought for a while, but in the end he didn't say the reason why he didn't want to beat him up to his elder brother.

"Brother, let's directly take advantage of the victory and pursue to launch a general attack on the Tianyuan Continent!"

Huang Tianyang saw that his eldest brother looked like a **** and demon, and felt that with the eldest brother's leadership, it should be easy to conquer the entire Tianyuan Continent.

"It's not working now, you have to wait."


Huang Tianyang looked at his eldest brother with bewilderment. They didn't understand what he was waiting for. Isn't it the best time now?

"The Tianyuan Continent is very big and has many forces. We don't have so many powerful people and troops to attack such a big world."

"The most important point is that the casualties are too great. There are many old and stubborn people in Tianyuan Continent. They would rather die than welcome outsiders. They would choose to fight with us to the end."

"The difference in the number of people and the huge area will cause us a lot of trouble. It can be said that besides me, in the Tianyuan Continent, you may all be overcast by the people of the Tianyuan Continent." Huang Jianzhi replied.

"This,, brother, what should we do?"

Huang Tianyang's expressions changed a bit, the eldest brother was right, there are lunatics who are not afraid of death in that world, the population of Tianyuan Continent is unknown, and there are even more lunatics.

Coupled with the large area and the excessive dispersion of troops, it is impossible to encounter old stubbornness who would rather die than surrender, without casualties.

"It's very simple, that is, they don't even have the idea of ​​resisting."

"We have the news that the legendary Tianluo power is strong, and it has a great impact on them, but it is impossible to let all of them put down their resistance."

"The five empires are not that simple. I expect they have any life-saving trump cards that they have not used. I killed their ancestors, and the five empires won't just leave it alone."

"They will definitely join forces with the remaining high-end powerhouses in Tianyuan Continent, bringing their life-saving trump cards to come to us."

"As long as I destroy this group of people, all the high-end combat power of Tianyuan Continent will be gone."

"There is no Tianyuan Continent where there is no strong man and immortal man, do they still have the idea of ​​resisting us."

"They don't have it. Even if they have it, it's useless. At that time, we already had a monopoly on the powerhouses above the nine-tier and nine-tier."

"So wait, wait for them to come and die."

Author: Monthly ticket! ! ! ..

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