Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 121: Set fire to the mountain

The most recent disciple Yijian stabbed Jianzhi, but soon he flew backwards. The disciples around him paused, looking at the unlucky disciple who flew out.

I saw the disciple lying on the ground motionless, not knowing whether it was alive or dead. An alpaca footprint appeared on his face, which seemed to be kicked by the alpaca.

The apostle disciples had long known that the alpaca was an innate spirit beast, and it was too dangerous to attack separately. Then attack all of them.

All the disciples rushed up to the alpacas, approaching one at a time, and flying one upside down. There is an alpaca footprint on his face.

Jianzhi saw it and thought to himself. He never slaps people in the face. It seems that my **** really treats them as a punching bag.

Brother Xu Hao glanced at each other, and let the acquired powers behind them all go up and drag the innate spirit beast. So that they could sneak attack, all the acquired powerhouses rushed up after hearing the order.

Xu Hao thinks of the attacks of so many acquired powerhouses, it is also difficult for the innate powerhouses. When the time comes to find a chance for a sneak attack, kill one first.

But when Xu Hao saw the acquired powerhouses flying upside down in midair. The whole person is boring, isn't that spirit beast the pinnacle of innate, otherwise it won't be so powerful.

"Second brother, let's go. Let's kill the spirit beast first, otherwise they will join hands. Then we will be in trouble." Xu Hao said quickly.

"yes, Sir."

The two brothers concentrated their strength and floated in the air, preparing for a full blow. The disciple of the apostle saw that the two strongest members of his Demon Sect had taken action, and rushed toward the alpaca even more desperately.

Some of them are also prepared to guard against the person who claims to be the saint, once he helps the spirit beast. They did not hesitate to rush up and die together.

Jianzhi saw it and stood smiling. It seems like a lazy shot.

Brother Xu Hao finally made a move and instantly arrived in front of the alpaca. The two of them slapped the alpaca with all their strength, and the faces of the entire Demon Sect were filled with joy. They don't believe that the innate spirit beast can escape the siege of the two great innate powerhouses, and in their eyes this innate spirit beast is dead.

But the next second they saw the two strongest members of their Demon Sect flew out at the same time. The entire Demon Sect was stunned, and the attack stopped. They slowly looked at their inverted Sect Master.

The moment Xu Hao was beaten into the air, the whole person regretted it. This is a congenital spirit beast, which is beyond congenital existence.

Xu Hao was kicked and hit a few big trees before he stopped. He couldn't help but vomit a few mouthfuls of blood. I felt hot on my face, not to mention that I also knew that there were alpaca footprints on it.

When Xu Hao saw that his brother was seriously injured like him, he knew that this time he really got in trouble with someone who shouldn't be offended. He looked at the people in the sect and froze there, not knowing what to do. Looking at his son who didn't want to grow up, I really regretted having such a troublesome son.

"I issued the last command as the sect master, and all gave me escape. The one who escaped is one, that is not the innate spirit beast. That is the spirit beast that transcends the innate existence, escape, run away..." Xu Hao stunned to the Zongmen. The people who lived there shouted.

The entire Apostle Demon Sect was shocked for a moment when they heard the cries of the Sect Master, it turned out to be a surpassing innate existence. how can that be.

But they couldn't help but believe their suzerain, didn't they see that the strongest suzerain brother was instantly repelled when they went together. And they all seemed to be seriously injured.

The people of the Apostle Demon Sect immediately summoned all their true energy and fled outside, and Xu Tao also summoned his own innate true essence and fled outside.

At the same time, he hugged his silly nephew Xu Guang and fled with him, but Xu Hao stayed behind for a while. This was an agreement made by the Xu Hao brothers a long time ago when they encountered an irresistible enemy. The elder brother stayed for time, and the younger brother ran away.

Jianzhi didn't expect this Xu Hao to react so quickly and wanted to escape if he couldn't fight. It's a pity, the person you are facing is me. Can you escape?

"Stop it all for me, hold the body technique." Jianzhi called out.

The entire Apostle Demon Sect was instantly frozen, and everyone who was frozen became infinitely terrified. Monster, I really met a monster.

People who are anchored have any posture. But they were all running away, and the struggle and fear on their faces showed up. Who wants to die, this is simply my life and death.

Xu Hao was also frozen in fear. Is this the existence of transcendence? And I met two of them. It's really going to kill my Apostle Demon Sect.

"Are you the Sect Master of the Demon Sect very interesting? You are so decisive. Very interesting. I don't know what you want to say.

Don't worry, everyone here, except you are immobilized and can speak. I didn't let them talk about the others, but rest assured that they are all alive.

Except for being unable to move or speak, everything else is normal. I want them to listen to your last words on their behalf. "Jianzhi became interested.

"Host, how are you doing this, **** my toy again."

"Isn't it just a toy, you won't be short of it in the future."

"Host, this is what you said, don't grab my toys next time."

"I know, not next time."

The people of the Apostle Demon Sect heard that the spirit beast just used them as toys, and the whole person's heart seemed dead. It turned out that I was a toy from the beginning.

Xu Guang slowly became apathetic in his eyes, and regretted infinitely why he had taken care of that Angel. If it weren't for her, would the Demon Sect be destroyed?

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect my Apostle Demon Sect to end up like this. Originally, based on my ability, I hoped that the Apostle Demon Sect would be promoted from the middle-level heavenly rank to the top heavenly sect in the inner world. It is a pity It's all over here, I'm really unwilling." Xu Hao shouted with a wild laugh.

"Have you ever regretted it? You took the lead to invade the dunya is also one of the reasons why I destroyed you." Jianzhi said.

"I see, you are not because of Angel at all. Your real identity is the Guardian of China, I didn't expect it to be true. There are guardians in the duny world.

No wonder the two great demon sects and the three extreme sacred sects would give up the huge resources of the world, it turned out to be like this. No wonder the top demons are unwilling to work on the dunya, it's not that they look down on the resources of the dunya.

But they have long known that the dunya is not something they can chew. I am so stupid, so stupid. I thought that getting the resources of the dunya would be able to be promoted to the top heavenly demon sect, I think too much. Hahaha I really think too much. "

"Guardian of China? It's interesting. Unfortunately, there are two things you said wrong. I am not a guardian. The main reason for destroying you is because Angel, so you can go to death with peace of mind. Remember that the person who killed you is called Sheng Shang ."

Jianzhi directly set fire to the unwilling eyes of all the apostle demon sects, but fortunately, Jianzhi set fire to shamisen. They were instantly wiped out by the ashes of the burning, without any pain. ..

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