Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1226: Past life awakening

The two of Huang Haofeng were shocked in their hearts and thought of running away from the spirit beast and approaching them, but they were horrified to find that their bodies were imprisoned.

Can't struggle, as if consciousness and body are separated, only consciousness is active.

Seeing the spirit beasts coming step by step, they were panicking and it didn't help. The sound of footsteps, Da Da Da... just followed the countdown of the reminder.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't hide the secret." Huang Xuangu was unwilling to say inwardly.

When the two of Huang Haofeng agreed to their fate, the alpaca suddenly stopped, and changed their heads and glanced in a certain direction.

For a moment, a weird expression appeared in the alpaca's eyes, and he looked at Huang Haofeng and the two again. Its appearance was very lost, as if it had lost a fun toy.

"The owner of this sacred beast is back. Just now the owner communicated with this sacred beast. After the owner said that you are deceased."

"The master knows your ancestors. Let this beast not embarrass you and let you go. It's a pity that I can't play with you."

Alpaca is almost here, just find an excuse to let Huang Haofeng go.

Patriarch! Our Huang family still has ancestors we don’t know about? ? ?

The two of Huang Haofeng were taken aback. When did their Huang family have an ancestor, and they knew the owner of the terrifying spirit beast, they didn't know at all.

Could it be a mistake? Huang Haofeng and the two were very skeptical, but suspicion turned to suspicion, which did not prevent them from knowing that their lives were safe.

"Don't kneel, get up, after you can meet the master's old friend, this fate is really nothing to say."

"Hurry up and pack your belongings, this sacred animal will send you out of here." The alpaca said calmly.

Huang Haofeng observed that the spirit beast did not look like a fake, so he took the younger generation to get up.

It's just that he hesitated when he looked at the Destiny Key and the Tongxian Pill, both of which belonged to him, but should he take it?

"If you are strangers, the immortal pill will be defeated by the beast, but unfortunately after you are the master's deceased, the immortal pill will have no relationship with the beast."

"The key of destiny, this sacred beast is not interested, and the owner does not like it. The owner has already reached a level that you can't observe. There is almost nothing in the world that can make the owner tempted."

Seeing Huang Haofeng's scruples, the alpaca indicated that it and its owner were not interested in his things, so he took them back with peace of mind.

"My lord mythical beast, can we know which ancestor your master knew of our Huang family, is our ancestor still alive?" Huang Haofeng asked curiously.

"Ask the elders in your family, this sacred beast is too lazy to answer." The alpaca looked as though it was too lazy to answer questions.

"My lord, this is to honor you..."

Huang Haofeng saw that the spirit beast didn't want to answer and didn't feel any emotions. He shifted his gaze to the elixir pill. After being silent for a while, he poured out an elixir pill to another empty bottle and gave one elixir pill to the spirit beast.

The spirit beast robbed it to get through the elixir. Huang Xuangu had already taken one, and it was enough for him to keep one, and the last one was the best for a favor.

The friendship of an unknown horror is limitless, and maybe this move today will help them unexpectedly in the future.

"No, you should leave now."

The alpaca's eyes narrowed, and the two of Huang Haofeng in front of them disappeared, and they were obviously teleported back by the alpaca.

"are you back"

Huang Haofeng and Huang Xuangu looked at the somewhat familiar forest in front of them, and a little lamented that their previous experience was a bit strange.

"Second grandfather, don't our Huang family really have powerful ancestors that we don't know?"

Huang Xuangu thought of being able to know the owner of the terrifying spirit beast, then their ancestor must have been an extremely powerful person, but did his Huang family really have such an ancestor?

"I don't know, my father hardly talked to me about ancestral problems, and I left home early, it can be said that I know nothing about our ancestors of the Huang family."

"Is there any ancestor like this in our family? I'm afraid I can only ask your grandfather this question."

"At present, only your grandfather can clearly understand the ancestors of the Huang family." Huang Haofeng spread his hands and said that he was not clear.

"That kind of horrible existence disdains lying. There should have been such an ancestor in our family. I don't know if our ancestor is still there.

Huang Xuan was a little expectant that such ancestors were still alive, a powerful backstage, who didn't want it.

"Don't think too much, maybe our ancestor has already sat down."

Huang Xuangu: .....

"This, this is,,,"

"Second grandfather, what's the matter?"

Huang Xuangu saw the change in Grandpa Second's expression, thought something was wrong, and asked urgently.

"There are many hills of spiritual stones in the space ring, all of which are high-grade spiritual stones, more than the spiritual stones I have obtained by chance over the years."

"This should be the spirit beast to make up for the loss to us, but this is too much."

"No, it shouldn't be, even if we are the deceased of its owner, it is impossible for it to give so much."

Huang Haofeng guessed the origin of so many spirit stones in the space ring out of thin air, but he didn't understand it very much, even if it was to make up, it would not be possible to give so many after the deceased alone.

"Second grandfather, I think the relationship between our Huang family and this spirit beast may be more than that."

"This spirit beast knows the Tongxian Pill and has been to our house before. This is by no means a simple coincidence. This spirit beast must have a relationship with our Huang family that we don't know." Huang Xuangu boldly guessed.

"The effect of the elixir pill is against the sky. Your grandfather will definitely not be able to practice this level of pill. The elixir pill should be obtained by your grandfather from elsewhere."

"The spirit beast has given so many spirit stones to make up for it, and knows the existence of the elixir pill, the spirit beast and your grandfather should have some kind of connection."

"It's just... forget it, I'm too lazy to guess, your grandpa has a lot of mysteries, maybe your grandpa is not as simple as we thought."

Huang Haofeng thought that his uncle could take out the Heaven-defying Pills such as Tongxian Pill, and easily judge their identities that night, this uncle really became more and more obscure.

"Today is considered to be a blessing. Although we have lost a void-breaking talisman, so many high-grade spirit stones are enough for us to consume for a long, long time."

After Huang Haofeng finished speaking, he took Huang Xuangu and left.


"This **** is really outrageous. Qingfeng Town didn't want to stay well, and left a letter and ran to travel. I really thought the outside world was safe."

"Butler, go and organize people to chase your eldest master,,,"

Huang Taihua saw the letter left by his eldest son. When he saw that he was angry and went to travel, what a joke was an ordinary person who wanted to travel in this cruel and ruthless world.

"Let him go"

At this time, Huang Haofang stopped the steward from their actions.

"Father, why?"

Huang Taihua looked at his father incomprehensibly. It was impossible for his father not to know how dangerous the outside world was. Why did he let his own grandson, who had no power in his hands, take risks.

"Your grandfather told me that if Xuan Gu wants to leave, let him go. Xuan Gu has his chance outside." Huang Haofang replied.

"Father, you know how dangerous the outside world is. Xuan Gu can't cultivate, you also know, let Xuan Gu..."

"I believe in uncle!"

Huang Haofang cut off his son's words

"This is the elixir, your grandfather left it to you, take it down and practice hard, you don't care about Xuangu things, even if you secretly arrange for someone to find it, you won't find it.

Huang Haofang left behind with an elixir.

When Huang Taihua saw his father leave, he still couldn't worry about this son who couldn't practice. After thinking about it, he arranged for someone to find him.

A few days later, the eldest son still had no news at all. Huang Taihua had to reduce the manpower sent to find him. Looking at the Tongxian Pill, he decided to take it and try the effect.

Huang Taihua took out the elixir of elixir in the retreat room and took it directly. With this service, he had an incredible change.

The energy of the soul skyrocketed instantly, and the spiritual world was also rapidly expanding. A painful expression appeared on his face, as if he had been tortured in some way.

I don't know how long it took, Huang Taihua's temperament began to change, becoming ethereal and void, ordinary and noble, and the mountains and rivers did not show up in close proximity.

"Who am I? Huang Taihua is still... the sacred monarch?"

As soon as he opened his eyes, a trace of dazedness appeared in Shen Luo's eyes that could not be looked directly at. Gradually, his eyes suddenly became certain.

"Huang Taihua is me, so is the Supreme Daoist, I am back."..

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