"Yan'er, you look up to the grandfather, what is the elixir of the elixir! It can be said that the elixir of life can be changed by people, how can the elixir of man be trained."

"We don't even know the materials used to practice elixir. We don't know what the grandfather's self-taught pill skills are."

"None of us have seen the grandfather open the furnace to practice pill. The pill that grandpa took out may be the pill in the treasure of the top alchemist."

Huang Xuanqing wasn't attacking his grandfather, it's really that the elixir of elixir was not like an elixir that mortals could train. With the cultivation level of grandfather, he couldn't bear the process of practicing the elixir of elixir.

"Yes, using Grandpa Tai's current ability to train the elixir pill is undoubtedly like a two- to three-year-old kid opening a furnace to build a magical weapon."

"Two or three-year-olds can't even carry a hammer. It's a bit fake to want to build an artifact."

"Grandpa is in control of a top alchemist's treasure. The Tongxian Pill should be that top alchemist's possession during his lifetime."

"It's just how sacred is that top alchemist? He has more elixir pill than the elixir pill guarded by the spirit beast clan."

According to relevant records, the first creatures that appeared in the Profound Dao Continent were not the monsters or humans, but the spirit beasts.

The Immortal Pill is a sacred object guarded by the spirit beasts for generations, so the Immortal Pill already existed before the monsters and humans became prosperous.

This point can affirm that the elixir of elixir was not trained by the power of the monster race and the power of humans, but was trained by an unknown horror in the ancient times.

In addition to the elixir of immortality guarded by the spirit beast clan for generations, there are so many elixir of immortality in the outside world, which can't help people wonder.

"Don't think about it, the only person who knows the situation of the elixir is the grandfather, but the grandfather, hey,,,"

Huang Xuanqing knew that it was impossible to get the answer from the grandfather, and when asked, the grandfather narcissistically said that he practiced the system.

After asking deep questions, grandpa said this belongs to his secret, so don't ask children too much.

When encountering such an elder, I really don't know what to say.

"Yan'er, absolutely must not let outsiders know that we have taken the Immortal Pill, otherwise what is waiting for us is either the catastrophe or the way to escape."

Huang Xuanqing knows how tempting the Immortal Pill is. Once outsiders know that they have taken the Immortal Pill, not only the world will be crazy, but even the Heavenly Pill will not be able to accommodate them.

Who doesn't want to become immortal, now there is a road leading to becoming immortal, how could they not fight for it.

Especially some old monsters who can't see the way forward, or dare not venture to break through, they are definitely more eager to get the elixir of elixir than anyone else.

After today, I believe that these old monsters have all come out of the mountain. They need to use the elixir to break the boundaries, and do whatever it takes to do so.

Huang Xuanqing didn't want to be caught by these old monsters to practice alchemy, and reminded Huang Caiyan to stay on her own. He was noticed by the old monsters and couldn't escape if he wanted to.

"Don't worry, Brother Xuanqing, I want to live longer."


"Sect Master, the elixir pill is so against the sky, does heaven really allow elixir pill to exist?"

The effect of Tongxian Pill is so magical that a small number of cautious and calm people have to doubt the authenticity of Tongxian Pill. One of the nine peak masters, Yuyang Zhenren, spoke to the suzerain.

"At the beginning, I was skeptical, but when I think about it carefully, it doesn't need to lie. Except for the holy artifacts guarded by the spirit beasts, nothing makes it so violent and against our Tianyi Sect."

Luo Taoguan also preached.

"It seems that the Immortal Pills are true in all likelihood. This should be a great event in our day. As long as we find the two Immortal Pills."

Reality Yuyang heard the words and thought about it, he nodded, and he was excited when he thought that there were two Immortal Pills hidden in the sect.

"Ling Zun, the light-passing elixir possesses such a heaven-defying effect, then your other holy relic is not bad, right?" Luo Taoguan asked.

When Luo Taoguan asked, countless people turned their attention to the alpaca, wondering what the other sacred object was?

"Who do you think you are? If you ask, this sacred beast will answer you. This sacred beast is not here to play with you.

"I'll give you ten breaths. Once the ten breaths arrive, don't blame the beast for killing you if you don't hand over the elixir pill." The alpaca was extremely gloomy.

"Lingzun, we really didn't steal the pill through elixir..."

"I don't care about this sacred beast, you will destroy you if you don't pay it, and there are eight breaths..."

The alpaca looked at Luo Tao and the others indifferently, ignoring any explanations they gave, and still went its own way.

"It's really overbearing, what should we do? Its attitude is not like a fake, we really want to have a bad relationship with the spirit beast clan!"

Yuyang Zhenren, one of the nine peak masters, is communicating with everyone.

"We have been guilty a long time ago. We didn't steal the Pill of Immortality, and it hurt so many of us, so I have to explain it to you."

Zhou Yanlan, one of the nine peak masters, said through voice transmission.

"It's very strong. A dozen of us may not have beaten it." Feng Qingyu, one of the nine peak masters, said.

"No, more than a dozen of us can't beat it?"

Tianyizong high-level urgent communication...

"Sect Master, what should we do?"

Nine Great Peak Masters and the True Legend Elder Sect were unable to pay good attention, and decided to listen to the Sect Master.

"Take it"


As soon as Luo Tao spoke, the eyes of the other senior executives became solemn.

"Even if we find the Pill of Immortality, we can't give it back from the heart. The Pill of Immortality is too important to us."

"The elixir is so powerful, and the other holy artifact of the spirit beast clan is definitely not bad, grab it, and ask where the spirit beast clan lives in seclusion."

"As long as we know where the spirit beast clan is, our pressure will be greatly reduced. There are two celestial pill in our sky, too many forces are staring at us."

"Share the location of the spirit beast clan, reduce our pressure, and let them fight for another holy object. We try our best to find the two elixir of elixir hidden in the sect."

Luo Taoguan gave an explanation!

"Sovereign, that..."

"The Supreme Elder will help us, no, there are still ancestors."

The Nine Great Peak Masters and the True Legends elders felt relieved when they heard that they were facing a spirit beast of unknown depth, accompanied by danger, and it would be best to have an ancestor sitting in front of it.

"This is your choice, human beings are really greedy."

There were still two or three breaths before the alpaca saw Luo Taoguan and the others had scattered and surrounded it. It didn't feel any surprises, it was all expected.


Together with the Fengtian Jedi formation, the surrounding scenes are directly switched to the world of purgatory magma, with boiling magma everywhere, and even seeing magma gushing out of the void cracks.

There is no spiritual power, no air, and some only endless heat waves. The crimson world is always beautiful, but there are always dangerous fangs behind the beauty.

Luo Tao crowned their faces with joy, they were also worried that the spirit beast would escape the moment they launched the space-blocking formation. There was no way, because the spirit beast's escape ability was too strong.

Now that they see the spirit beast in the formation, don't mention how happy they are, now there is no way for the spirit beast to retreat.

"You are too arrogant, although you don't know what your magical powers are? How many magical powers are there? But it is impossible for you to escape this cage with magical powers."

Luo Taoguan and their confidence has greatly increased. This is their home court. It has great restrictions on the enemy. There is no restriction on them, but they have increased their strength.

There is no aura at home, no air, and many unfavorable restrictions. However, they will not consume it yet.

Just think about it..

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