Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1247: Alpaca was scared away

"Grandpa, is there any hope for me and Yana?"

Huang Xuanqing has long been no cultivator Xiaobai, he knows what it means to be strong.

When it was determined that this spirit beast was an extremely rare Hollow Realm boss, he felt that he and Yan'er could not escape the fate of being thrown into the Pill Pill Furnace to practice medicine.

Huang Caiyan was also surprised. The strong men above the out-of-aperture period are almost absent from the present world. The strong men in the distraction period are the cards of the top forces.

In the powerful intelligence of the Yaozu, there are not a few strong people in the mainland who have reached the completion period, but now there is one who is still a spirit beast with supernatural powers.

With its supernatural powers, this spirit beast can be said to be invincible in the Void Realm, and it can even compete with higher-level powers.

Tian Yizong can't stop it, this is not a level at all.

Huang Caiyan is a little desperate. No one can save them now. Her biological father can't. The Demon Race might be able to do it, but she has to mobilize a few powerful men of the same level.

Perhaps because of the uniqueness of the elixir pill, the Yaozu was willing to ask a great power to save her, but now the news about the elixir pill may not reach the high level of the Yaozu so quickly.

When the Yaozu acted, she and Huang Xuanqing might have been captured by the spirit beast long ago.

The hermit of the spirit beasts has always been a mystery, once they are taken away, the people of the world don't even want to find them again.

"One person, one serving, can temporarily isolate you from the strangeness for an hour or two. I will go out to find two hapless guys, and you will wait for me to come back."

In order to make the two great-great-grandchildren feel more at ease, Huang Jianzhi got up and gave out two pills at will. These two pills had no isolation effect, they were just ordinary pills for strengthening the body.

He said he was looking for a scapegoat, but he was actually ready to go around and came back.

"Grandpa, hurry up, we have to leave Tianyizong as soon as possible," Huang Xuanqing reminded.

"I see, wait with peace of mind!"


At this moment Xie Xingfeng and the others are panicking, no wonder it has always been arrogant, it turns out that it hides so deeply, is this playing with them?

It doesn't matter whether they play with them or not. The important thing is how they survive this crisis. They have no chance of winning in the face of the strong man at the end of the virtual consummation period.

"This mythical beast smells the smell of fear, which is emitted by you. You are afraid." The alpaca said with a smile.

"Senior, please forgive me for being rude before I waited for the junior, we didn't steal the elixir of elixir..."

"Stop, explain something, kill the chicken and show it to the monkey that you don't understand, whether you stole it or not, you are destined to be the chicken."

The alpaca interrupted Xie Xingfeng.

"Senior, you can't do this. This will violate the Ten Thousand Race Agreement. The Spirit Beast Clan is one of the initiators of the Ten Thousand Race Agreement. You can't backhand and don't take the Ten Thousand Race Agreement seriously."

Zeng Zhongnan was in a hurry. He didn't want Tian Yizong to be destroyed by the spirit beast. He suddenly remembered the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement and hurriedly said.

"The Ten Thousand Clan Agreement? What stuff?" Alpaca asked curiously.

"Don't you know?"

Xie Xingfeng and the others were taken aback. The spirit beasts were one of the initiators of the Ten Thousand Race Agreement, how could they not know the Ten Thousand Race Agreement.

It wouldn't be pretending not to know, and destroying them under the guise of not knowing. Thinking of this, Xie Xingfeng and the others panicked even more.

"This sacred beast knows a fart, and accidentally wiped out the spirit beast clan when it came, and then had to walk in the skin of a spirit beast."

"How can this sacred beast know the information about the spirit beast clan? Would it be possible to ask this sacred beast to find a surviving spirit beast."

"Go to hell, this beast doesn't have so much free time."

The above is indeed the mental activity of the alpaca.

"This sacred beast will ask you if I know it, what is the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement?"

Alpaca didn't explain anything to Xie Xingfeng and the others. It was a little curious about the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement.

"The Ten Thousand Clan Agreement appeared in order to limit the chaos of the powerful of various races."

"A long time ago, the Profound Dao Continent was in chaos, and the strong relied on the high cultivation level and acted unscrupulously, causing great damage to the Profound Dao Continent."

"Many people can't stand it anymore, so the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement also appeared."

"The Ten Thousand Races Agreement prohibits the strong from distracting or above from killing creatures, slaughtering the weak, and interfering in human affairs..."

"A strong person in the distraction phase will not have a crisis of extinction without annihilation of the clan."

"Those who are strong in the hole, no big things happen in the world, they won't happen."

"Mahayana strong, the Profound Dao Continent will not be destroyed without a crisis."

"Strong robbery! I don't know if there are any, anyway, the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement can't control it."

"There are other prohibitions, such as not being able to kill the enchanting geniuses of other races, etc., otherwise, they will be jointly killed by the world's strongest."

Although Xie Xingfeng was a little strange, he didn't know the spirit beast outfit, he really didn't know, but he didn't care about this, he had to answer respectfully when he asked.

"That's it, you besieged this beast because of greed, but now you know that you can't beat it, you want to use the Ten Thousand Race Agreement to persuade this beast, do you think it's a little beautiful."

The alpaca's eyes gradually narrowed.

"Yes, we were too greedy before, this is our fault, please seniors..."


The alpaca started, and as soon as Xie Xingfeng's words were halfway, the alpaca appeared in front of him, hitting his abdomen with a hoof.

Xie Xingfeng's body was kicked into a crayfish in an instant, his face was full of pain and distortion, the bile was also sprayed out, and the God of Destruction Bow was released in his hand.


Xie Xingfeng flashed past like a shooting star, and directly marked a canyon in the mountains. The formed canyon appeared, and Xie Xingfeng was dead and alive.



At this time, other talents reacted, and there was no way, the speed of the alpaca was so fast that they couldn't keep up with their nerves.

"Grandpa, why haven't you come back?" Huang Xuanqing was anxious when she saw this scene.

"Walk, we will be buried for Tianyizong if we go late."

A small number of disciples from Tianyizong fled again, and of course, more people left Tianyizong as a family.

"Senior, if you do this, you are really not afraid of sanctions by the Wanzu Agreement!"

Zeng Zhongnan suddenly backed away from the alpaca, staring at the alpaca tightly all over his muscles.

There is no room for resistance at all, and the older brothers who are more powerful than him have been seconded, not to mention him.

Seeing that the Mishen Bow was taken away by the spirit beast, he was really angry and helpless, but he couldn't do anything. He only hoped that the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement could restrain the spirit beast and keep it from chaos.

When the Mieshen Bow was obtained by the alpaca, she was always very quiet. She was observing the alpaca and thought: When her master's conditions are enough, it's just how four hooves can pull her.

"Haha, if you want to punish this sacred beast, you first find our reclusive place and say."

The alpaca said brazenly.


Zeng Zhongnan was taken aback. Yes, he couldn't help this spirit beast if he didn't find the spiritual beast's hiding place. Then the spirit beast still cares about sanctions or sanctions.

"When this sacred beast finds the two thieves, I will send you to heaven."

"The spirit beast clan is one of the initiators of the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement, how can you..."


The alpaca passed another hoof, and there was another gorge on the ground.

"Sect Master, what should we do!" the other peak masters asked.

"Don't stop it, let it look for it. Let's see how the two ancestors are doing. While alive, we will sneak them away."

"Don't worry about Tianyizong, living is the kingly way."

When Luo Taoguan and others were preparing for the alpaca to find someone, they took the opportunity to take the ancestors and flee, but they did not wait until that time because the performance of the alpaca began again.

The alpaca moved towards Tianyizong for less than a hundred meters, and suddenly its body stopped suddenly, and its expression became abnormally uncomfortable.

This scene was seen by countless people who followed the alpaca.

"Damn, your Tianyi Sect is really hidden. If it weren't for this divine beast's special powers, this divine beast would not know that your Tianyi sect hides a Mahayana or higher power."

"Damn it, this sacred beast will never give up. It's best that the two thieves never leave Tianyi Sect."

The alpaca was scared away and took away the Mishen Bow. ..

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