Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1250: Focus on objects

"What's wrong with a master, make a fuss, keep up."

The alpaca replied casually, and turned back to the original path.

"Wait, isn't the Tianyi Sect ahead, do we have to pass the Tianyi Sect?"

Mie Shen Gong followed behind the alpaca, guessing where the owner of the alpaca would be sacred, but soon she realized that something was wrong, they were returning on the same route, and it would be Tianyi in a while.

"The host of this divine beast is in Tianyi Sect!"

The alpaca replied.

"Your master is in Tianyizong!!!"

Mie Shen Gong was taken aback, and he could still play like this.

"Is the Tongxian Pill fake? Is it your master's intention to cause trouble in the sky? What is the meaning of this?"

Mie Shen Gong thought a lot, the owner of the alpaca was in the Tianyi Sect, either from the Tianyi Sect, or had some relationship with the Tianyi Sect.

But why the owner of the spirit beast allowed the spirit beast to suffer such harm to Tian Yizong, she couldn't figure it out.

There is also the elixir of elixir, which is very likely to be fake, but why do you want to act like that? It ignites the greed of the people in the world.

Isn't this going to cause chaos in the world, what is the purpose of the owner of the alpaca doing this?

Mishen Bow attributed everything to the mysterious owner of the alpaca. In his heart, he always felt that the mysterious owner of the alpaca was not a good person.

A person who uses the elixir of elixir to play with the world and cause chaos in the world is a **** hand behind the scenes.

"The elixir of elixir is true. This mythical beast's riot in the sky is not the host's meaning, it is that the mythical beast is too boring, just find something to do." The alpaca said calmly.

"Why, don't you know that elixir can cause chaos in the world?"

Mie Shen Gong was shocked when she heard the words, her guesses just now were all wrong, and the **** hand behind the chaos in the world was not the owner of the alpaca, but the alpaca itself.

But why does it do this? Not all spirit beasts are peace-loving.

"It's because of knowing that this mythical beast did this. If you have to ask the reason, you don't think it's fun."

The alpaca squinted.


Mie Shen Gong suddenly felt that the spirit beast in front of him was terrifying, causing chaos in the world, just because it was fun. Then it will definitely do more crazy things for fun in the future.

The demon, it will definitely become the great demon that destroys the Profound Dao Continent, what to do, how to stop it, I don't want to see the Profound Dao Continent being destroyed.

Although Mie Shen Gong is sometimes cold and ruthless and arrogant, she is an artifact with a conscience, and she sees that alpaca has the potential to become a great demon.

She suddenly felt so stupid, and almost recognized a big demon as her master.

"You have caused chaos in the world because of your fun and boredom. You are not afraid that your master will be held accountable." Mie Shen Gong asked.

"The world hasn't been in chaos yet. If the people of the world are really messed up because of greed, it's nothing to do with the beast. They can't resist the temptation to pass the elixir, no wonder."

"The host will not hold the beast to blame, because the beast understands the host, knows the host's bottom line and what it will do."

"As long as the beast does not cross the line, even if the beast destroys the Profound Dao Continent, the host will not care about the beast." Alpaca said fearlessly.

"What kind of person is your master?"

Mie Shen Gong felt that she needed more information. The only thing that could prevent the alpaca from destroying the world was its owner, so start with its owner.

"Host, he is a guy who is even worse than this beast. If you want to prevent this beast from ruining the world, you might as well beware of him."

"This sacred beast is still in charge in this world, but he doesn't." Alpaca said without scruples.

"How do you know what I'm thinking, you read my thoughts?"

Mie Shen Gong was startled when he heard the words and looked at the alpaca in disbelief.

"It comes from small means, you can treat it as the magical power of this sacred beast." The alpaca smiled.

"I suddenly felt that I had no secrets in front of you, which made my old lady so uncomfortable."

Seeing that the alpaca was so straightforward, Mie Shen Gong was even less afraid of the alpaca. He was just unhappy to be seen by others.

"You will get used to it later."

The alpaca said something that made Mie Shen Gong annoying and helpless.


"Are you sure I won't be discovered by them?"

Mie Shen Gong looked at the Tian Yi Sect below, his face hesitated, worried that he would be discovered by the high level of Tian Yi Sect.

"Don't worry, as long as you stay with this beast or host, people who are familiar with you will not be able to find you when standing in front of you."

After hearing the words, Mie Shen Gong felt relieved to enter the Tianyi Sect with the alpaca.

"Host, you can't do this, you are about to become a retirement pensioner."

The alpaca sees its host lazily basking in the sun, and it is more salty than salted fish.

"He is the owner of the spirit beast. The first sight is so ordinary, the second is so ordinary, and the third is so ordinary, too unacceptable."

Mie Shen Gong was greatly puzzled when she saw Huang Jianzhi, but she had seen countless evildoers, and she could tell if it was a strong one.

But she couldn't see any trace of the strong from Huang Jianzhi.

How could it be possible during the foundation-building period? She didn't believe that the spirit beasts were so strong, how could the master of the spirit beasts be so weak.

She carefully observed Huang Jianzhi, trying to find out something.

"It's a good performance. You have the qualifications to be the villain behind the scenes, or you can continue to perform."

Huang Jianzhi drove the two little great-great-grandchildren away, but the alpaca came back before squinting.

"No, the big villain behind the scenes doesn't fit the temperament of this sacred beast." Alpaca shook his head.

"Extremely beautiful, but a pity it is a bow."

"My god, you brought her here to give her to me as a girl and to serve me."

Huang Jianzhi glanced at Mishen Bow and asked the alpaca.

"This mythical beast doesn't mean that, but if the host receives her approval, maybe she is willing to be your hostess." Alpaca said.

"Beauty, I don't recognize me, are you interested in becoming my hostess?" Huang Jianzhi asked with a smile.

"The old lady is a weapon, it will only become a weapon in the hands of others to kill the enemy, not a woman who specializes in serving people."

"My old lady won't recognize others easily. It's not impossible for you to be the master of my old lady."

"You have to answer a few questions from the old lady first, and after you answer them, the old lady is considering whether you are eligible to be the master of the old lady." Mie Shen Gong said.

"You misunderstood, I don't need weapons, and I don't need to be your master. If you don't want to be my daughter, just forget it." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"You also look down on me!"

Mie Shen Gong was taken aback, and she was rejected again.

"Roughly the same!"

Huang Jianzhi said mercilessly to make Mie Shen Gong burst into tears, causing Mie Shen Gong to have self-doubt.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" Mie Shen Gong asked in reply.

"Yes, just ask."

"How strong are you?" Mie Shen Gong asked.

"It's very strong, and destroying the Profound Dao Continent is no problem."

"Will you destroy the Profound Dao Continent?"

"May, maybe not, everything depends on the mood."

"I know that a big man like you will not be so low-key forever. I can be your woman to treat you. I hope you treat the creatures of the Profound Dao Continent with kindness."

In this way, Huang Jianzhi accepted a woman who was not a human being.

"Yan'er, Tianyi Sect is no longer the previous Tianyi Sect. I want to keep a low profile. I can't be as high-profile as before, otherwise I will be paid attention to by someone with a heart."

Huang Xuanqing still didn't say a word in his heart. He might have been paid attention to. The Immortal Pill can improve the spiritual root, so the speed of cultivation is naturally fast.

In just five years, with the cultivation speed of the fifth-rank spiritual roots, he actually picked all the sixth-rank spiritual roots of the same batch, which had to make others doubt.

He may have become one of the focus of attention of the sect and many forces. ..

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