Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1256: scapegoat

The moon and the black wind were high, and a pair of **** pupils were hidden in the dark, looking for lone prey.

At this moment, Tianyi Sect is under martial law everywhere, but Tianyi Sect is too big, and there are always one or two disciples who leave the team for various reasons.

"I might have eaten something wrong, and my stomach is a little noisy. I'll go and make it easier. You patrol the neighborhood first, and wait for me to come back."

Duan Fengjian, the squad leader of the patrol team of seven, he felt uncomfortable in his stomach, he knew he was going to have diarrhea, and he was about to leave the team and go to the latrine at three or four hundred meters.

"Brother Fengjian, do you need us to follow?"

"The latrine is only four to five hundred meters away. You will know immediately when there is a movement, and there are people who visit the latrine from time to time. What can you do if you go to the latrine."

Duan Fengjian didn't want to go to the latrine with so many people following him. He refused the company of the juniors and went to the latrine alone.

As soon as he arrived at the latrine, Duan Fengjian saw the two disciples coming out of the latrine just after they had gone to the latrine, and he was relieved a lot, and hurried in to get there.


Duan Fengjian was all relaxed after the convenience, he walked out of the latrine, and suddenly his alertness became stronger.

The surroundings were too quiet, and it felt like a predator was ambushing their prey in the dark, which made him vigilantly vigilant around him.

"Who! Yes, it's you Brother Fang!"

The appearance of a figure made Duan Fengjian startled. When he saw the person's face clearly, his alertness dropped a lot.

The visitor was Fang Xiaohua, one of the disciples of the peak master of Jianling Peak. He was most valued by the peak master of Jianling Peak. He was humble and good at approaching people. When he saw him, Duan Fengjian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why are you alone here? Where's your patrol team!" Fang Xiaohua resisted the urge to prey and said with a close smile.

"The team is four to five hundred meters away. I came here for convenience after eating bad food." Duan Fengjian replied without hesitation.

"A distance of four or five hundred meters is enough."

Fang Xiaohua felt that the distance was enough, as long as he moved quickly, no one would find him, thinking about him approaching Duan Fengjian quietly.

"Senior Brother Fang, why are you here?"

"The murderer is too rampant, I also want to contribute to the sect, just..."

Fang Xiaohua said, suddenly violently slapped Duan Fengjian with a palm. With this palm, he believed that Duan Fengjian would instantly lose his ability to resist.


"This, this is a magic weapon for defense!"

Fang Xiaohua slapped Duan Fengjian's azure armor with a confident palm, which surprised Fang Xiaohua. He didn't expect that Duan Fengjian had already guarded him.

This made Fang Xiaohua's face sink, and the output of his palm increased, directly exploding Duan Fengjian's defenses, causing Duan Fengjian to fly upside down and knock down a tree.

"Ahem, Fang, Brother Fang, it really is you, you traitor..."

When Duan Fengjian asked Fang Xiaohua why he was at this time, he became suspicious. He told his disciples that there was a problem with such a simple latrine.

Personally, the disciples have a high level of cultivation, and there are all kinds of pills on their bodies, and some of them are still bigu. It is almost impossible to have a stomachache. How can they come to the latrine.

At the moment of suspicion, he secretly used the low-level defensive magic weapon he had accidentally obtained from his body. As a result, his suspicion was not wrong, and Fang Xiaohua really had a problem.

"Come on, I'll be over if I don't come."

Duan Fengjian shouted in his heart that the motion of him knocking down a tree was enough to let his patrol team or nearby patrol team know that something happened here.

I hope that the patrol team will come quickly, he is not the opponent of the disciple.

"Damn you!"

Fang Xiaohua's **** eyes popped out, like a blood-eating beast in the dark. At this moment, he couldn't control his demonic nature a little.

He wanted blood, and he wanted it now, the ghostly figure shook, and he rushed towards Duan Fengjian.


Duan Fengjian was not Fang Xiaohua's opponent. Now that Fang Xiaohua uses his own more powerful magic skills, Duan Fengjian doesn't even have the ability to resist.

He was captured instantly, and Fang Xiaohua kept sucking the blood from his body.

"Here, come on, I heard Senior Brother Fengjian's voice."

There was a movement of the patrol team speeding up and approaching from the surrounding area, which made Fang Xiaohua's consciousness sober a lot in an instant.

He had vaguely seen the figure coming from a distance, and he had no time before he left. He decisively gave up and continued to attract Duan Fengjian's qi and blood, and shattered Duan Fengjian's heart with a palm.

Turning around and fleeing, he didn't even have time to collect Duan Fengjian's body, and I was afraid that he would be seen by others if he stayed for a second.

"This, this is Brother Fengjian, Brother Fengjian was killed."

The people who rushed over made Duan Fengjian who saw the half-mummy corpse almost unrecognizable, but they still recognized it. Soon, the elders of the Zongmen rushed over.

"This is the remaining demon energy. There is nothing wrong with this technique. The murderer is from the Extreme Demon Hall, and the people from the Extreme Demon Hall have mixed into my sect."

At this moment, Tian Yizong confirmed that the murderer came from the Extreme Demon Temple. The previous disappeared disciple did not even have the corpse in the capital, and there is no clue. It is difficult to determine where the murderer came from.

Now that they had Duan Fengjian's body, they finally had the slightest news about the murderer.

"Extreme Demon Hall! They are so courageous, they are not afraid of the great power who provokes Tian Yizong..."

"Tianyi Sect is really abolished. Only now I know that the murderer came from the Extreme Demon Temple, but the Extreme Demon Temple is also arrogant enough. I wonder if our three Supreme Sects are also there.

"Dare to kill my disciple, because you think our Fenglei Sect is good for bullying, right? Wait, my Sect will never end with you in the Extreme Demon Palace."


The attitudes of the major forces after receiving the news are different, but they all have in common that they resist the Extreme Demon Temple. Why, the righteous demon is the enemy.

Jian Lingfeng


Fang Xiaohua was severely slapped by the peak owner Fang Yuyang.

"Do you know you made a few mistakes."

The main hall echoed the sound of the peak master Fang Yuyang, as flat as water.

Fang Xiaohua lowered his head when he heard the words, his posture was as if a mouse had seen a cat.

"One, you shouldn't **** the blood of living people in Tianyi Sect, you can't bear it, you can go to the poultry area to **** the blood of animals."

"No one cares about the disappearance of a few live poultry, but only thinks which greedy disciple stole away from the small stove."

Fang Xiaohua really wanted to refute the fact that a living person is good, dirty, inferior, and nutritious, and how this kind of qi and blood made him suffocate.

But he didn't have the courage to refute, he was very afraid of this master.

"Second, your work is not clean enough. Others just suspect that the demon cult did it. They are not sure which demon cult, but you just left the corpse and told others that it was our Extreme Demon Temple."

Fang Xiaohua was silent. He was flustered when he saw the figures of other disciples rushing over. He was afraid that he would be seen by others if he stayed for another second.

So he ran away impatiently, too late to collect the corpse.

I want to explain to the master that I accidentally left evidence, but what is the use of explaining to the master now?

"Three, forget it, that's the end of the matter, it's useless to say so much."

"Remember, you have worked so hard as a teacher for six or seven hundred years to get into this position and you can't be affected in any way. Now that the Pill of Immortality is born, you can't be exposed as a teacher."

"For the Great Demon Palace, if necessary to abandon you at all times, you will be relentless as a teacher, don't you know." Fang Yuyang warned.

"I know, if necessary, I am willing to sacrifice for the Extreme Demon Temple at all times." Fang Xiaohua said.

"What you committed during this time has already angered the top of Tianyi Sect. This kind of face-slapping made them vow to find you."

"So you give me a low profile. If the addiction recurs, please hold it back. If you can't help it, you will find a live poultry to absorb it."

"The thing you committed is a bit big, and you have to find a scapegoat if you want to solve it. After the wind calms down, Tian Yizong has passed a special period, and you can do whatever you like outside."

After the peak owner Fang Yuyang finished speaking, he waved to let Fang Xiaohua go down, closed his eyes and meditated, not knowing what he was thinking about.


When Fang Xiaohua left, he meditated on the scapegoat! ..

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