Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1259: Death without evidence

Huang Xuanqing saw that the prison door hadn't been opened, and guessed that Grandpa Grandpa didn't come in through normal channels, and felt that he appeared here out of thin air.

But there are so many imprisonment in the dungeon, how did Grandpa Grandpa do it.

"The longer you live, the more you cherish your life, your grandfather and I don't have much else. The ability to escape is definitely considered first-rate. Coming in here naturally depends on shrinking the space and fleeing the ground."

"This is the trump card escape technique that I got accidentally, able to pass through various imprisonments silently to reach the place I want."

"This dungeon has a lot of imprisonment, but unfortunately it doesn't work for me." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Grandpa, you go, there are countless masters hidden in the dungeon, and they will find you."

Huang Xuanqing didn't want Grandpa because he was planted here, this is not what he wanted to see.

"Don't worry, I dared to come, naturally thinking of this. I just moved my hands and feet in this cell. As long as no one comes in, people outside will perceive me as a mystery, and no one will find me."

Huang Jianzhi smiled and waved his hand to beckon the little great-great-grandson not to care about him.

"Grandpa, you have so many life-saving secrets in your body, why don't you teach us these juniors one or two hands?

Huang Xuanqing was taken aback when he heard the words, and was so depressed that he had to make complaints. If he knew this, he would be caught by Fang Xiaohua!

"This is a secret technique. It is called a secret technique when one person controls it. If many people control it, is it still called a secret technique. If there are more people who know it, the shortcomings of the secret technique will often be exposed to the enemy."

"And it's not that Grandpa Grandpa doesn't want to teach you, it's really that you can't learn the weird skills of Grandpa Grandpa."

"For example, spiritual roots. Those who have spiritual roots can cultivate immortals, and those without spiritual roots can only live for dozens of years. You don't have the congenital conditions. Grandpa wants to teach and can't teach."

"Don't talk about these useful and useless things. Seeing you suffer like this, Grandpa Tai feels very distressed and has no sense of belonging to Tian Yizong."

"Being so busy and devoted more than a hundred years of youth to the sect, in the end, they treat my family like this, which is really uncomfortable."

"Xuanzi, don't worry, grandpa is not that kind of pedantic person. Tian Yizong won't wait to see you, and grandpa will take you away from Tian Yizong."

Huang Jianzhi played vigorously, anyway he was happy.

"Grandpa, don't you ask about the rumors about me outside?"

Huang Xuanqing is very puzzled. Grandpa Grandpa has not asked him whether there are rumors about him out there.

Does this believe him too much, or does not care if he is a member of the Demon Temple.

"What is there to ask, what about the truth of the rumors outside? It can change the fact that you are my great-great-grandson. Regardless of his righteousness and devildom, it won't work to hurt my family."

Huang Jianzhi said rightly.

"Suddenly I think it's good for your grandfather to be low in strength, otherwise the world will be shaken by your short-term character, grandpa."

"I'm not the Demon Hall demon. I was framed. Yan'er doesn't listen to persuasion and has to find evidence. I'm worried that Yan'er will be messed up. Grandpa, please look at Yan'er."

Huang Xuanqing first moved the grandfather to protect him so much, and worried about Yan'er's situation, and asked the grandfather to help watch.

"You were framed by someone, and you got dirty on the spot. What evidence is there to find? Others won't be foolish to leave evidence. Xiao Yan'er is destined to work in vain."

"It really doesn't work, grandpa will take you away from Tianyi Sect."

Huang Jianzhi heard the great-grandson say that his strength was low, and the corners of his mouth also smiled slightly, saying that he was going to take the great-grandson and them away, but how could he let this matter go.

"I don't want to be chased and killed all the time, so I want to give it a try."

"Teacher Yuyang is an unreasonable person. As long as you explain it to him face to face, I believe he will check it. As long as you check it, I will have a chance."

Huang Xuanqing felt that it was Fang Xiaohua’s personal disciple who blinded Teacher Yuyang, and made Teacher Yuyang mistakenly believe that he is a real monster in the Hall of Demon.

He believed that as long as he saw Teacher Yuyang, he could make Teacher Yuyang suspicious and even persuade.

too young

Huang Jianzhi shook his head speechlessly. This little Xuanzi really didn't know the dangers of society. Whoever tried to persuade him was not good. He had to go to the most hidden Demon Temple to prove that he was stupid.

"It's up to you"

Huang Jianzhi replied, he felt that it was necessary for this little great-great-grandson to go through a physical examination of the sinister society, otherwise, if others pretend to be a good person, they will think that person is a good person.

"Grandpa, did I bother you?"

"How could it not, our relationship can easily be found out."

"The moment you were arrested, I was stared at. The people of the sect sent people to ask about this and that from time to time, and even freedom was restricted within a certain range."

Huang Jianzhi said very tiredly.

"I am sorry"

Before long, the conversation between the two ended, and Huang Jianzhi also left.

One day later, Huang Xuanqing's cell ushered in a big figure, Fang Yuyang, the master of Jianling Peak.

"Teacher Yuyang..."

"Don't call me teacher, I don't have a disciple like you."

The peak owner Fang Yuyang interrupted Huang Xuanqing's words directly, his tone was cold and quiet.

"Fang Xiaohua, Peak Master Yuyang, is the real Demon Hall demon. The disciple was planted and framed by him. At that time,

Huang Xuanqing knew that Peak Master Fang Yuyang didn't have any good feelings for him, and was deeply afraid that Peak Master Fang Yuyang would leave without listening, and quickly explained how she was framed.

"Everyone is dirty and gotten, why don't you give up? Hurry up, do you have any accomplices in Tianyi Sect."

The peak owner Fang Yuyang didn't seem to hear Huang Xuanqing's explanation, and said without emotion.

"What I said is true. Why do you always feel that I am taking revenge on Fang Xiaohua?"

Huang Xuanqing felt that she was so wronged, so she didn't know how to explain it.

"Quickly confess your guilt and recruit quickly. Feng Lei Zong is already anxious to urge us to hand you over. If you drag on, they might deal with your two family members in Tian Yizong."

Huang Xuanqing's face sank. It felt threatening no matter what, let him recruit, what did he recruit, where did his accomplices come from.

"I didn't do it. Why should I confess my guilt and bring harm to my family? Could Feng Lei Sect do something that goes against the right way." Huang Xuanqing said in a higher tone.

"It doesn't matter if you confess or not, it's a fact that you are a demon of the Extreme Demon Hall. This cannot be changed." Fang Yuyang said with a sneer.

"Why, why are you so partial to Fang Xiaohua, without even a hint of doubt."

Huang Xuanqing didn't understand very much. Why did the peak master favor Fang Xiaohua so much? Is this still what he thinks is not the peak master?

At this moment, Fang Yuyang took a deep look at Huang Xuanqing, waved his hand to let the prison guard and the hidden master leave, and easily played a small spell in the cell that cut off the transmission of sound.

"Don't you want to know why? Just tell you. Fang Xiaohua is my illegitimate child. Why don't you say I don't favor him."

Fang Yuyang sneered.

"you you,,,"

Huang Xuanqing's eyes suddenly enlarged when he heard the words, and the shock in his eyes was clearly visible.

At this moment, Huang Xuanqing understood that this was the reason for the favoritism. No wonder Fang Xiaohua didn't leave any clues every time he acted assault. It turned out that there was this relationship.

"You are also the Demon Cult monster!"

Huang Xuanqing thought of something and said almost in a certain tone.

Fang Yuyang didn't answer, only sneered, but his sneer gave the answer.

"It seems that I can't live anymore today."

Huang Xuanqing feels bad luck recently, either seeing what should not be seen or hearing what should not be heard. Knowing this secret, how could he survive today.

"You are still a little clever. I only wanted you to be a foolish scapegoat, but you just don't cooperate. There is no way, but you can only be a scapegoat."

"I have thought about the reasons for you. You suddenly broke away from the chain and attacked me. I accidentally slapped me to death. There is no evidence for this."

"In my capacity, no one would doubt anything."..

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