"But Dean, this is China. I'm afraid..." Minister Rob asked.

"There is nothing to be afraid of, solve it as soon as possible. I am waiting for your good news." Just after speaking, the satellite phone was hung up.

"Minister Rob, what did your dean say." Yan Zhong asked cautiously.

"The Shangguan family is no longer necessary, contact the Wang family. Tomorrow the Shangguan family will be destroyed together." Minister Rob said coldly.

Yan Zhong was full of surprise when he heard it, but still asked in a low voice.

"Minister Rob, why don't you kill the Shangguan family tonight. If tomorrow, the risk will be high. If the Yanhuang organization knows about it, we will be in danger." Yan Zhong asked.

"Tonight is the old man's birthday party, and the people from the upper class are here. I don't know when the birthday party will end.

If you act tonight, too many senior figures will die. There will be an earthquake in China, and you might be found out by then.

If we act tomorrow, we can be more prepared. Remember that when you act, you must isolate all the Shangguan family's regional signals from me. I don't want to leave some evidence. "Minister Rob said slowly.

"Yes, Minister Rob. I was too abrupt." Yan Zhong said.

"Minister Rob, can I handle Shangguan Qing'er and that little white face?" Yan Liang said unforgettable.

"I said, I don't want to leave a little evidence. So be clean and tidy, do you know what I mean." Minister Rob gave Yan Liang a glance.

"I'm sorry, but I think too much." Yan Liang was immediately disappointed when he heard that Minister Rob had refused.

"Prepare everything for me, give me action tomorrow morning." Minister Rob shouted.

"Yes, Minister Rob."

In a blink of an eye, the next morning, Jianzhi's door was directly pushed open. Dahan leaped to Jianzhi's bed.

"Brother **** has gotten up and is about to leave." Dahan said, pulling Jianzhi's quilt.

"Dahan is you, okay. Let's go, where is Xiao Jiu'er?" Jianzhi stood up slowly.

"Brother, I'm here." Xiao Jiu'er also ran in from the door.

"It's so early for you guys, it seems you are all anxiously going out to play. Okay, let's go." Jianzhi smiled and took Dahan and Xiao Jiu'er out.

"Minister Rob, the target girl has left the Shangguan family." A subordinate ran in and said.

"What are you talking about?" Minister Rob, who was just about to leave, stopped.

"The observer reported just now that an ordinary person had just gone out with the target girl and the youngest daughter of the Shangguan family. But their schedule is under control." The subordinate replied.

"Minister Rob, what should I do?" Yan Zhong asked.

"This is better. The Shangguan family will be handed over to the Yan family and the Wang family. Don't tell me that you can't deal with the Shangguan family, and the Shangguan family has just broken through to the early days of the day after tomorrow.

If you two can't deal with it by adding a big blocking and chemistry master in the early days of the day after tomorrow, then you can just commit suicide. The target girl was left to me, and I immediately left China as soon as I caught the girl. "Minister Rob said.

"Yes, Minister Rob. Now I'm going to join the Wang family for action." Yan Zhong said.

"Go, I should act too." Minister Rob walked outside.

"Brother, I want candy." Xiao Jiu'er said to Jianzhi.

"Okay, wait for me. I'll buy it now." Jianzhi said with a smile.

"Brother bastard, I want too." Da Han also shouted.

"Okay, it will be done right away."

"This little brother, your two sisters are so cute. It's the first time I have seen such a cute little sister for so long as the shop owner." The shop owner said while looking at Da Han and Xiao Jiu'er.

"Of course, who said my sister is not cute. By the way, how do you buy these candies?" Jianzhi smiled.

"This ninety-nine yuan per catty, the candy you choose is specially made, especially sweet but a bit expensive. If you choose the one next to it, it will be much cheaper." The owner explained patiently.

"No, just this. I'll give you a hundred dollars and don't have to look for them. These candies will be enough for a while."

"Thank you, brother, let me go slowly."

"Come on, take whatever you like." Jianzhi said with a smile.

Dahan and Xiao Jiu'er were not polite, choosing the one they like best and eating.

"Brother, it's so sweet." Xiao Jiu'er said.

"Not bad, let's go shopping again." Jianzhi said with a smile.

At this time, Dahan looked around vigilantly, pulling Jianzhi's hand nervously. Replied in a low voice.

"Brother, we have been followed. It seems that most of the sight is on me, so I should be the target."

"What, what should I do?" Jianzhi asked again, pretending to be a fool.

"Brother, I feel a sense of danger. There should be a strong presence staring at us. The only way now is to leave them. I will lead them away. Brother, you will find Mr. God to come and help me." Dahan whispered. .

"How can this be? I can't abandon you like this." Jianzhi replied.

"Brother, you can help me if you leave. If you stay, I can't take care of you at all. On the contrary, neither of us can escape." Dahan said anxiously.

"This...I... OK. Sister, wait for me. I will find a magic stick to help me soon." Jianzhi gritted his teeth and left with Xiao Jiu'er.

Watching his brother leave, Dahan ran to the side quickly. Minister Rob was a little surprised when he saw Dahan running to the side.

"Go, catch those two people back alive. Remember, I want to live." Minister Rob ordered.

"Yes, Minister Rob." Several subordinates replied.

"Brother, will Shihan be in danger?" Xiao Jiu'er asked nervously.

"I don't know, now go back to find the magic stick as soon as possible. I'm going, who are you. Why are you blocking our way." Suddenly several people surrounded Jianzhi and Xiao Jiu'er.

"Go on, catch them." The leader said.

"I'll go, Xiao Jiu'er, run quickly. My brother stopped them." Jianzhi pushed Xiao Jiu'er away and stopped the few people by himself.

But in the face of Jianzhi this scam, the result was very embarrassing. Jianzhi and Xiao Jiu'er were **** strictly.

"Brother, I'm sorry. I was caught." Xiao Jiu'er said dejectedly.

"It's okay, haven't I been arrested too. But before they took my phone, I had secretly texted my brother. We will be rescued soon." Jianzhi whispered secretly.

"Get up and follow us."

"Little Jiu'er, cooperate with them first. We don't have to fight them now." Jianzhi said.

Xiao Jiu'er nodded and Jianzhi followed those people away. In this broken factory building, Dahan and Minister Rob confronted each other.

"Who are you trying to do?" Da Han said.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want you to come with me."

"Minister Rob, those two people have been caught." A subordinate said.

"Bring it up."

"Sorry, brother, I was caught." Jianzhi said embarrassingly as soon as he saw Dahan. ..

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