Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 171: Alpaca is terrible

When Yan Zhong and the old man appeared, a large number of Huajin masters surrounded the old man Shangguan and them.

When the Shangguan family saw Yan Zhong and the others, they immediately became frightened and guarded. Even the health award is getting nervous.

"It's you, Wang Zhang. You are not dead yet." The old man Shangguan looked at the old man beside Yan Zhong in a little surprised.

"Hehe, you are not dead, why should I die?" Wang Zhang replied without color.

"Why are you doing this?" Senior Shangguan said coldly, looking at the dead bodyguards around him.

"Why do you do this? This is the dean's order, we can only obey it." Yan Zhong said slowly.

"Dean, what kind of president can he let you Yan family and Wang family dispatch all of you, these masters of transformation are also the principal's people." Senior Shangguan asked even more.

"Congratulations, you guessed it right, but unfortunately it can't change your Shangguan family's destruction." Yan Zhong said with a sneer.

"When did our Shangguan family offend the dean you mentioned, why did he let you deal with my Shangguan family?" The Shangguan old man shouted.

"Remember Minister Rob last night, Minister Rob gave you a chance. Unfortunately, you refused, so you no longer need to exist." Yan Zhong explained.

"Is he the dean? Is he from the Institute of God Creation?" Senior Shangguan asked.

"Minister Rob is not the dean. To blame you for refusing to join the Institute of God Creation. By the way, it was our Yan family that you were on the assassination list of Shangguan Jiu'er." Yan Zhong laughed and said.

"Damn it, it turned out to be your Yan family. It seems that you will not let us go to Shangguan family today." The old man Shangguan gritted his teeth and said.

Shangguan Guoqiang and they all looked at the Huajin masters who surrounded them, and they all thought to themselves: Could it be that today is our Shangguan family catastrophe.

"You all know the result, so why don't you commit suicide? Don't let us do it." Wang Zhang said at this time.

"Hmph, we Shangguan's family will bite a piece of meat from you even if we die." Senior Shangguan said fiercely.

When the others heard the old man's words, their hearts became firm. Faced Yan Zhong and the others with a face of death.

"Before we die, I still want to bite off a piece of meat from us, hahaha. Haven't you seen the reality clearly? We have two early days of acquired life on our side. Only one of you has just broken through the early days of acquired life. It is a question of your kinetic energy. There are only a few masters. What do you do with us?" Yan Zhong said with a big smile.

"You united with foreign forces to attack our Shangguan family, don't you fear that the Yanhuang organization will know about it." Shangguan Qing'er stood up and said.

"The Yanhuang organization is terrible, but who knows that we did it. As long as we do it cleanly, there is no place for the Yanhuang organization to investigate." Yan Zhongyin said coldly.

"Qing'er, they dare to attack. That means they are fully prepared. Now is the most dangerous time for our Shangguan family. The small prize is hurting you." Senior Shangguan said.

"Grandpa, maybe there is another way to help yourself." Jian Zai said silently.

"What way?" Shangguan's family all looked at Jian Prize.

"I don't know if it will work or not, let me try first." Jian Zai said to Shangguan's family and stood up.

"Old man Yan, can Mr. Wang give my teacher a face, just withdraw." Jian Zai couldn't help but moved his teacher out.

"Who is your teacher and so much face makes us retreat." Yan Zhong sneered.

"My teacher is innately strong, is this face okay?" Jian Prize exudes a strong cultivation base and said.

When the Yan family and Wang family heard about the strong innate, they were shocked in their hearts. Seeing the energizing aura on Jian Shou's body, he suddenly didn't know how to react.

"Grandpa, he must have lied to us. How could the disciple of the innate strong person be here? He has such a terrifying cultivation base at such a young age, and he must have a strange treasure or a special adventure in his body." Yan Liang was at this time. He stood up and looked at Jian Shou and said.

Yan Zhong and Wang Zhang thought about what Yan Liang said, and they felt right. I thought to myself: how many innate strong are there in the world, and how can there be people who are related to the innate strong. It must be that he has no way of trying to scare us with the innate strong.

"Yes, grandpa. There must be something in his body that made him practice so fast. If we get it, then we will..." Wang Nian looked at Jian Jiu with greedy eyes.

When other people heard that there was something against the heavens on Jian Jie, they looked at Jian Jie without moving their eyes.

"Almost made you bluff, the kid surrendered your secrets. You will have the opportunity to leave alive." Yan Zhong also looked at Jian Zai greedily.

"My teacher is really strong innate, I don't lie to you." Jian Zai explained.

"Brother Yan, it's better to let us destroy the Shangguan family first. Then catch the kid and slowly extract a confession, and get half of the secret, how about it," Wang Zhang said.

"Yes, let's do it. I don't want to wait any longer." Yan Zhong was about to let his subordinates take action.

At this time, a fat cat ran towards Jianzheng with four short legs from a distance, and was chasing an alpaca behind.

The fat cat Xiaojie ran into Jian Zai's arms and raised a **** to the alpaca. When the alpaca saw it, he almost got angry. Just now, the alpaca discovered that Xiaojie was eating secretly.

He went to grab Fatty Cat Xiaojie's food again, and ate the food as soon as he grabbed the food. Unexpectedly, the alpaca regretted this eating.

The mouth is full of hotness, it was calculated by Fat Cat Xiaojie. The food was covered with chili, just waiting for it to be fooled. As soon as Xiaojie saw that the alpaca had been fooled, he twisted his **** to the alpaca and ran away. The alpaca chased after angrily.

"Xiaojie, why are you still here? Just now you went straight away, and others treated you as a normal cat and ignored you. You ran into my arms and attracted the alpaca again. Didn't this hurt you? "Jian Prize said, holding Xiaojie.

Fat cat Xiaojie looked at the Jian Award innocently, as if saying: Your teacher’s grass is not simple, I brought it here to help you.

The alpaca looked at everything lazily, originally it wanted to appear at the last moment. I didn't expect to be pitted by the fat cat. The alpaca shook his head and walked behind the Huajin master who surrounded Jianshang and them.

Stopped and looked at the Huajin master who was blocking its way. Two of the Huajin masters saw that the ordinary camel behind them looked at them with contempt, and suddenly kicked at the alpaca in anger. As if to kick the alpaca to death.

"Quickly get out of the way." Jian Zai hurriedly shouted when he saw it.

The two Jinjin masters who kicked the alpaca suddenly caught everyone's incredible eyes. The two heads suddenly burst into blood mist inexplicably, and the two headless bodies slowly fell down.

"Really, although I am cute, I am not a bully." The alpaca spoke in front of everyone.

Everyone looked at the alpacas with open mouths in disbelief.

It spoke.




"Damn, Nima. It turned out to be a congenital spirit beast." The fat cat Xiaojie in Jianzheng's arms thought to himself with excitement. ..

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