Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 202: Have a meeting

"Huanglongwang, you must not mention the word loli in front of her. She hates others saying she loli, otherwise you will be followed by her." Lu Fanghua whispered to Jianzhi.

"What happens when she is stared at"

"Actually, how do you say this. There used to be a dude who didn't know that the sky was high and the earth was strong and he joined the Yanhuang organization. He thought his backer was great, so he was not afraid of the organization."

One day he ran into Qiao Ziyun, who had just returned from the task, because Qiao Ziyun was petite and lovely. He thought that Qiao Ziyun was just like him a newcomer who had just joined the organization, so he had bad thoughts towards Qiao Ziyun and went to molest him. As soon as he went up, he called Qiao Ziyun a little Lolita. "

In the organization, who would dare to molest the Dragon King without his life, only those outsiders who knew nothing would dare to do. Then the dude fell unlucky, and the girl Qiao Ziyun used the time ability to stop his body first. "

"He stripped off his clothes and only left his underwear and took pictures and posted them on the Internet, and then threw him to the mental hospital. Now that hapless dude is still in the mental hospital, and his family knows that he offended it was Qiao Ziyun. She gave up on him in fear. So everyone in the organization knows that you must not say the word Loli in front of Qiao Ziyun." Lu Fanghua explained silently.

"Interesting, I am more and more interested in her." Jianzhi smiled.

"Huanglongwang, we are at the organization headquarters."

Lu Fanghua stopped and looked at the skyscraper in front of him. Said to Jianzhi with ease.

"Is this the headquarters of the Yanhuang Organization? It is impressive enough. This skyscraper is almost upright, making people feel a kind of extreme aura." Jianzhi raised his head and smiled in praise.

"Huanglongwang, this is not the headquarters. The headquarters is underground. This entire skyscraper is a place for rest and entertainment for members of the Yanhuang organization." Lu Fanghua explained.

"This skyscraper is just a place for rest and entertainment. Don't lie to me if I read less." Jianzhi became a little embarrassed.

"Really, how dare I lie to you. Huanglong King, please come with me, I will take you to the headquarters Martial Arts Dungeon now."

Lu Fanghua respectfully invited Jianzhi to the lobby inside the skyscraper. When the people in the hall saw Lu Fanghua, they bowed their heads respectfully and shouted at King Lu Long. Lu Fanghua responded one by one.

At this moment, everyone realized that there was another person beside King Lu Long and looked up slightly. Suddenly everyone's eyes shrank and they became nervous. The fourth dragon king unexpectedly appeared in front of them, and quickly lowered his head.

Jianzhi suddenly felt amused when everyone was nervous because of him, and thought to himself: Is he really that scary?

Suddenly Jianzhi slowly floated up, the body simulation burst out a terrifying innate peak aura, and the whole person began to pretend to be forced.

Just when Jianzhi's simulation erupted with the innate peak aura, all members of the Yanhuang organization felt that they were in this terrifying aura. The members of Martial Arts Dungeons felt a terrifying atmosphere on the ground and suddenly became chaotic.

Fortunately, they saw the existence of King Lu Long from the surveillance video, and when they saw the man with a mask of horror. The heart that was lifted up in an instant was relieved, and at the same time he was shocked and nervous. The fourth dragon king came to the headquarters of the Yanhuang organization.

All nervous and scared hurried to the first floor to prepare to receive the fourth dragon king. Even Yu Tianyi came to the first floor.

Several elders looked at each other from time to time next to Yu Tianyi, nervously wondering whether the fourth dragon king wanted to: the new official took office with three fires, otherwise such a terrifying breath would erupt when he came.

In the skyscraper lobby, everyone suddenly felt like Mount Tai was pressing on the top. Feeling that his breath became heavier, I was afraid that the Fourth Dragon King would get angry.

"King Huanglong, you are..." Lu Fanghua didn't understand that the King Huanglong who was just right had suddenly exploded with such a terrifying aura.

"Ahem...accident. I will take my breath now."

Although Jianzhi retracted most of his body's aura, there was still a part of the innate strong aura deliberately exuding. The whole person still floated up and sat cross-legged in mid-air.

"Hello, comrades, comrades have worked hard. I will be your Dragon King from now on, that is, your boss." Jianzhi greeted happily.

When everyone heard the voice of the fourth Dragon King, they immediately responded nervously and quickly, "Hello, Huanglong King." At the same time, they were very afraid of being targeted by Jianzhi.

"It's boring, let's go to the dungeon for King Lu Long." Jianzhi suddenly lost interest when he saw the nervousness of the people around him.

"Huanglong Wang, please come with me."

Lu Fanghua took Jianzhi into the elevator, and the elevator moved slowly down automatically. Jianzhi looked at the calm Lu Fanghua beside him and asked calmly.

"Is the headquarters dungeon the same as other dungeons?"

"It's not the same. The dungeons of warriors in other places have only three floors. Our headquarters has five floors, with the fourth floor of the auction and the fifth floor of the high-level conference hall. And the area is more than ten times that of other dungeons of warriors. "Lu Fanghua said proudly.

"Nest, good cow. The elevator has stopped, is it here?"

After Jianzhi finished speaking, the elevator door slowly opened. A wave of respectful voices from tens of thousands of people came over.

"Welcome the arrival of King Huanglong."

Jianzhi floated and sat cross-legged in the air, looking a little surprised at the members of the Yanhuang organization that surrounded him.

"Ahem, comrades, hello. I was suddenly greeted by you, honestly. I was shocked just now, but I was still quite happy, thank you." Jianzhi replied.

Standing in front of the crowd, Yu Tianyi and the elders all squinted their eyes and looked at Jianzhi carefully, feeling that the masked Huanglong King exuded the breath of innate peaks all the time. It seemed that he was afraid that others would not know that he was the innate pinnacle powerhouse.

"It's all gone."

At this time, Lu Fanghua shouted to everyone, and the people around heard the order of King Lu Long. All obediently left and went to work on their own affairs.

Yu Tianyi saw the people around him scattered, and slowly walked to Jianzhi with the elders. And stretched out his left hand.

"Hello, Huanglongwang, I am Yu Tianyi. I am glad to meet you."

"With each other, we will be colleagues in the future." Jianzhi also stretched out his hand to hold Yu Tianyi's hand and said with a smile.

"King Huanglong, you just came. Now I will introduce you to the elders of our organization."

"Well...you won't introduce it in this place. There are no meeting rooms or anything else, I just want to have a meeting." Jianzhi glanced at the elders behind Yu Tianyi, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he saw a few. acquaintance.

"Sorry, it's impolite. Huang Longwang, please here. Let's go to the fifth floor for a meeting now. After all, your power is the greatest." Yu Tianyi led Jianzhi with a smile on his face. ..

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