Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 209: Luo first

"Are you aware of my abilities, so confident?" Qiao Ziyun frowned a little.

"Of course I know, otherwise how dare we besiege you." Jing Tian kept laughing.

"Ida-kun, let's do it. I'll get angry if I get more verbose." Haruki became serious.

"Uh, I see. Look at my smoke."

The fog around Qiao Ziyun and the others gradually thickened, and they could no longer see things three meters around. Qiao Ziyun and the three leaned together quickly, guarding everything around them.

"Sister Qiao, let's run away first." Zhou Yingying said, watching everything around him vigilantly, but everything began to blur. Even the breath of the enemy disappeared.

"It's useless, they understand my abilities, and they are fully prepared to think about it. With this smoke ability, they have restrained my ability a bit, and almost made us lose our sense of direction."

"The line of sight can't go beyond three meters. This is only one of them's ability. The other's ability is not clear, but I want to restrain my ability. Otherwise, they will not have that much confidence."

"Sister Qiao, I'm all to blame. If my teleportation ability can still be used, then we won't be so passive." Chen Xiaoyu said guarding the surroundings.

"Don't feel guilty, we have no choice but to fight to the death. It's best to die together, so that it is worth it for us to die." Qiao Ziyun suddenly showed resolute eyes.

"Yeah, can't you give up resistance. This way, you don't have to suffer from flesh and blood. Haruki-kun's ability is very troublesome." The voice came from all directions, and the tone was sure that Qiao Ziyun was in the bag. Up.

"Have the ability to be honest, and fight to the death." Qiao Ziyun shouted to the surroundings.

"You really don’t give up, really. If I want to kill you, it’s really easy. I’m a chemist. I’m not just mixing irritating potions in my smoke, if I’m in my smoke. The special corruption potion made in the mud, I am afraid that your skin and flesh have already been corrupted by my smoke."

"Not to mention that the chemical weapon gas I made specially has not been used. Once I use it. Your ability is strong, can you withstand my smoke chemical weapon gas."

Qiao Ziyun and the three people turned pale when they heard it. The girl didn't get scared when she heard the skin and flesh corrupted.

"Hahaha... don't worry, I won't do this. You look so beautiful, I haven't played with you yet. When I play, I will let you try my special chemical weapon gas."

"Now it's over to Haruki-kun. I can only cooperate with him in a casual attack. I hope you can withstand Haruki-kun’s attack, really. If you give up resistance, just breathe in a little smoke. I’m now There is a medicine similar to your Huaxia’s cartilage powder in the smoke. In this way, it is a lot more convenient for all of us, isn’t it?” Around the dense fog, the sound of minefield tuning was heard.

"Dream you dream, death won't let you succeed." Qiao Ziyun gritted his teeth and shouted around.

"It's really troublesome, Haruki-kun. Leave it to you, don't do it too hard. Just let them get tired or let them breathe my smoke."

"Needless to say, I also know. I haven't tasted the smell of the Dragon King of the Yanhuang Organization." Haruki said gloomily and strangely.

Qiao Ziyun is alert to everything around her, although she doesn't know what the other person's abilities are. But it is best to kill with one blow, and her time prohibition ability can be used about ten times in a short period of time. There should be a chance to kill one of them.

Suddenly a cold light appeared on the left, and a figure sneaked towards Qiao Ziyun. The figure burst out with an A-level energy breath, it should be another person. Qiao Ziyun was immediately happy, and the opportunity came.

"Time forbidden"

Everything around was stopped at this moment, and even the figure remained in an attacking posture. Qiao Ziyun couldn't manage that much, and attacked the man in the head with a full blow.

With a sound of "card", the man's skull shattered.

Qiao Ziyun breathed a sigh of relief for an instant, and finally solved one of them. But in my heart I always feel that it is too easy, is there something wrong. The time forbidden by time has come.

The surroundings returned to normal again, before Qiao Ziyun breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly a crisis came from behind. Qiao Ziyun used the power quickly.

"Time forbidden"

The surrounding area was frozen again, and Qiao Ziyun quickly turned to look around. Suddenly he was stunned. What happened? Isn't he dead?

Qiao Ziyun looked at the person who had just died, her eyes shrunk. The person who died just now has changed into another appearance, and the person who attacked her behind was the same as the person who just attacked him. What's the matter.

Qiao Ziyun couldn't manage that much, and killed the sneak attacker behind her. I began to calmly guard against everything around me. Five seconds have passed, and my surroundings have returned to their previous appearances. It's just that there are two different bodies on the ground.

"Yes, yes. Is this the time prohibition ability? It's really amazing. Fortunately, we are not ten meters away from you." Jing Tian grinned.

Zhou Yingying and Chen Xiaoyu were almost startled when they saw the corpse on the ground. But seeing Qiao Ziyun thinking vigilantly, he knew what had happened.

"How come the corpses on the ground are different when they attacked me just now." Qiao Ziyun still couldn't help asking the surroundings.

"Haruki-kun, you should tell her."

"Hahaha... this is my ability. Living puppet, I won't explain it in detail. You should know how to use my ability literally. Your time prohibition ability shouldn't be used a few times. My side There are more than a dozen people. I will play with you slowly." An old and gloomy voice came from all directions.

"Sure enough, it was my ability to restrain me, and the blame had to dare to approach me ten meters away. You have prepared everything to deal with me."

"I won't play with you, Ida-kun, let's do it together."

"Okay, I have enough."

"Smoke Chain"

"Puppet Clone"

The smoke turned into chains and attacked Qiao Ziyun and the others, and Qiao Ziyun began to use martial arts to fight. The use of time prohibition consumes too much physical strength.

Two fists are still hard to beat four hands, Zhou Yingying and Chen Xiaoyu are still too weak. In the end, he accidentally inhaled a little smoke, and the whole person softened and fell on the ground.

Qiao Ziyun watched the two people around him fall, and her physical strength was exhausted too much. Accidentally, he was hit by the puppet in the palm of his hand, and he was attached to the ground on one knee. The surrounding attacks also stopped instantly.

"Surrender, you can't escape."

Qiao Ziyun ignored the surrounding voices and quietly looked at Zhou Yingying and Chen Xiaoyu.

"Sister Qiao, kill me. I don't want to fall into their hands." The weak Zhou Yingying said slowly.

"Sister Qiao, please kill me too. I don't want to fall into their hands." Chen Xiaoyu also looked at Qiao Ziyun next to him and said.

Qiao Ziyun was very painful at the moment, and of course she knew what would happen to this group of people. However, Zhou Yingying and Chen Xiaoyu had been born and died with them for several years, so did she take care of them.

But thinking that if she didn't start, the consequences of Zhou Yingying and Chen Xiaoyu's arrest would be more uncomfortable than death. At this moment, Qiao Ziyun was very difficult to choose, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

"Lolita, do you need help? The way you cry is really not cute." Huang Jianzhi's voice suddenly came from behind Qiao Ziyun. ..

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