Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 294: We were broadcast live

All members of the Yanhuang organization are always very curious about what the most mysterious Huanglongwang in the organization wants to broadcast live.

When you see the note below the client: foreign forces formed eight A-level abilities to invade China, live broadcast...

All the members of the Yanhuang organization were shocked and speechless because of the news. The invasion of an innate powerhouse or A-level supernatural powers had already shocked the country. Now there are eight A-level powerhouses invading, the dragon kings of the Yanhuang organization. Have you ever beaten it?

The eight top-level families of the Magic Capital and the hidden families in China's major regions also received this amazing news for the first time, regardless of whether the news was true or not. Let the clan members who are members of the Yanhuang organization in the family take out the client and prepare to watch the live broadcast.

"Yufei, come here quickly. Another shocking thing is about to happen." Xia Lingcheng hurriedly shouted to her granddaughter.

"Grandpa, what's the matter? What's the major event that has disturbed you." Xia Yufei looked at her grandpa in surprise with curiosity.

"You can see it by yourself."

Xia Lingcheng didn't know where a client from the Yanhuang organization had come from, and handed it to Yufei.

"This... how is this possible."

The peerless Xia Yufei couldn't help being surprised. Eight of the world's top powerhouses had invaded China to be broadcast live.

"This is the news released by the most mysterious Yellow Dragon King of the Yanhuang Organization. There should be no fake. It's just that the invasion of eight A-level powerhouses is dangerous enough. Is the Yellow Dragon King sure to stop them and broadcast them live?" Xia Lingcheng Skeptical said.

"Grandpa, even if he dared to broadcast live, it means that we have sent no less than eight innate powerhouses here, otherwise Huang Longwang would dare to broadcast live." Xia Yufei guessed.

"I don't know, we can't control this level of battle. Now it is going to be broadcast live, so let's watch the battle of this level of power. This is of great help to our own cultivation." Xia Lingcheng said calmly. .

"I see, grandpa, not everyone has the opportunity to see this level of battle. Now that there is such a good opportunity to learn, I certainly have to watch it seriously." Xia Yufei replied with a smile.

In the Luo family, two peerless twins are waiting attentively for the client of the Yanhuang Organization to start broadcasting.

"Sister, do you think Dragon King can win? We seem to have only four Dragon Kings. There are eight invaders." Luo Lingyi said questioningly while waiting.

"The country dared to broadcast live, it means that it is ready. Let's watch this battle that is hard to come by now." Luo Linglong whispered calmly.

"Sister, what do you think Huang Jianzhi is doing now?" Luo Lingyi suddenly asked the person she missed with gentle eyes.

"Is he? I guess he is busy looking for more fiancées now, ready to let you be a kid." Luo Linglong looked at her sister and joked.

"Sister, you are so annoying, huh, people ignore you."

Luo Lingyi also felt that her sister was joking directly, blushing as if she didn't care about her sister.

"Okay, let's not make fun of you. Huang Jianzhi may be working hard to move towards your ideal fiance now." Luo Linglong smirked slightly while holding her mouth.

"Really, sister."

"You actually like him, then choose to believe him, he won't let you down." Luo Linglong said, touching her sister's delicate forehead.

"Who likes him anymore, I just don't want him to forget that our two sisters are drenched in flowers and grass outside." Luo Ling blushed in denial, knowing that her red face betrayed her.

"Okay, sister. I won't talk to you about him anymore. We will start broadcasting in two or three minutes. Let's watch this battle attentively, maybe we have learned something from it." Luo Linglong waved his hand.

"I see, sister."

Qiao Ziyun, who was flying toward Shennongjia quickly, also received the news from the client's live broadcast. He glanced at his positioning and was still one hundred and eight thousand miles away from Shennongjia, and the speed of flight slowly stopped.

She wanted to rush to help Huanglongwang, but she was too far away from Shennongjia. Even if she was given a few hours, she couldn't make it to Shennongjia.

Thinking that Huanglongwang has the guardian's cultivation base, and Huanglongwang dares to broadcast live, then the country will not let Huanglongwang fail in the live broadcast and lose the country's face.

Qiao Ziyun, who had figured it out, turned and flew to the nearby Yanhuang organization branch, always paying attention to the countdown time of the live broadcast on the client. When the broadcast started, she wanted to be the first to understand the situation.

The powerful forces in the entire Chinese martial arts world are waiting nervously for the live broadcast, for them. Battles of this level are hard to come by. The world's top powerhouses with such a huge number of battles are really too few, and they all hope to learn something from it.

I waited anxiously, and there were only ten seconds left to broadcast, and the time passed every second. All the people who were waiting were attentively watching the client's counterclockwise hand.

Five, four, three, two, one, all clients instantly turned into a live video. In the video, eight weird Westerners are heading in a certain direction.

When the powerful family or the top family of Huaxia Hidden looked at those eight people, they were shocked in their hearts. Because they knew two or three of the eight people more or less, and knew their horror.

Was the Yanhuang organization blocked such a terrifying invasion? At this time, the Huaxia family, who knew the eight powerful people, suspected that Yanhuang was organized.

The eight people headed by King Smith, organized by the gods, are moving towards Shennongjia in hiding, knowing that they were broadcast live by a bad direct nationwide martial arts world.

"West Asia, what are you doing with the stolen Yanhuang organization client. We are less than two to three kilometers away from Shennongjia, and we are about to attack."

When Kristin saw Xia playing with the client along the way, he didn't pay attention to the task, and suddenly felt a little helpless.

"I see, aren't there two innate powerhouses guarding the Shennongjia military base? The eight of us are all veteran A-level abilities. Isn't it easy to deal with them?"

"The client of the Yanhuang organization is different. As long as I crack its password, I can understand the specific situation of the Yanhuang organization. It is a great benefit for us." Xia said lightly, as if not taking it. The second task is the same.

"Although we have eight A-level powerhouses here, we don't know whether the two innate powerhouses in Shennongjia have any secret abilities. If they have, then we are in a bit of trouble." Tsuchima Takao twisted his head and said.

In the direction Smith and the others were heading, two strong sweats suddenly appeared. Seeing the sudden appearance of two strong sweats, Smith and the others stopped, and gradually narrowed their eyes.

Because what appeared in front of them were the two innate powerhouses in the Shennongjia military base, Smith and their hearts fluctuated rapidly.

"Why did they appear here? Isn't this action absolutely secretive? Is there a spy in the team?"

"Fuck, we were broadcast live."

At this time, Xia finally cracked the client of the Yanhuang organization. When she saw the video that appeared automatically after the cracking, Xia was confused. ..

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