Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 372: A genius bitten by a cat

Huang Jianzheng, who was swinging his fist, suddenly felt the riot of all the true energy in his body, and suddenly all the true energy was strangely swallowed up by the constant disk of reincarnation in his body.

At this moment, Huang Jianzheng panicked, and he ignored why the Samsara Hengpan changed at this time. He was about to clash with Ye Wuji's fist. Inexplicably, the true energy in his body was swallowed by the Samsara Hengpan, didn't it take his life.

Suddenly, a brand new force passed from the reincarnation constant disk to Huang Jianzheng's fist. At this moment, Huang Jianzheng felt that his fist could destroy the world.

Huang Jianzheng was pleasantly surprised in an instant, although he knew that the feeling of ruining the world was an illusion caused by the sudden acceptance of a powerful force in his consciousness. But he still felt that his fist was not weaker than Ye Wuji's.

Concentrated Ye Wuji also noticed the changes in Huang Jianzheng's body, and he also felt the sudden pressure from Huang Jianzheng's fist.

Suddenly Ye Wuji became excited. He was worried that Huang Jian Award could not stop his blow, but he did not expect that Huang Jian Award would always surprise people at critical moments.

The audience under the ring held their breath, because they were also deeply attracted by the showdown. But Chen Yueer and the others were worried about Huang Jian Award.


The fists of the two finally met, and the ring under the feet of the two people cracked due to the impact of the violent punch pressure, and the cracks continued to expand.

Boxing produced a stronger storm and blew head-on to all the audience under the ring. All the audience watched the blow in amazement, they didn't expect Huang Jian Prize to take Ye Wuji's blow.


Ye Wuji and Huang Jianzheng fisted against each other, and within a second or two of the confrontation, both of them were bounced out by the powerful impact. Both fell down and rolled for several laps before stopping, and the two of them lay motionless on the ground.

"Get up, get up,,,"

"stand up,,,"

At this moment, the audience under the ring called out, without directly cheering on anyone. Instead, they cheered on the ring at the same time.

"Get up, get up quickly, Huanglongwang's cooling time is approaching."

"stand up,,,"

Everyone under the ring slapped their hands and shouted, including Liu Mengdie, who also shouted at the ring. They both hope that these two men can defeat each other fairly and fairly.


Huang Jianzheng's body trembled and whispered, and there was bursts of pain in his body that had been impacting his spirit, and he heard the shouts of Chen Yueer carrying Chen Yueer under the ring.

Huang Jianzheng opened his eyes and slowly got up from the ground, holding back the pain. Ye Wuji, who was not far away, also endured the pain, shaking up.

At this moment, there is no real qi in the two of them, and the huge shock wave just now caused them to be seriously injured.

Both of them stood still and looked at each other. They both found each other in embarrassment. At this moment, both of them laughed.

"Hahaha,, it seems that we are all half-hearted, and the true energy in our body has also been exhausted. But we have not yet decided the victory or defeat, let's continue." After Ye Wuji finished, the whole person ran to the Huang Jian award.

"This is what I want."

Huang Jianzhen saw Ye Wuji running towards him, and he also ran towards Ye Wuji. Why use running? Because the two people are exhausted and their physical strength is almost exhausted. The only thing that supports them is each other's beliefs.

"Be hit by me."

Ye Wuji hit Huang Jianzheng's left cheek with a fist. Huang Jianzheng also fell to the right with his head and body due to the impact of this blow.

However, Huang Jianzheng quickly balanced his body and resisted his faint consciousness. Also hit back fiercely, and Ye Wuji's face was also hit.

"Hahaha, my fist is too light, look at my fist." Ye Wuji balanced the body that was about to fall, and turned around to give the Huang Jian prize a blow.

"Your fists are not good, you should look at mine." Huang Jianzheng returned Ye Wuji's face with a punch despite the injury on his face.




Both of them had no defense, and both forcibly accepted the opponent's blow. It can also be said that both of them have no strength to defend, they just want to defeat each other.

Huang Jianzheng punched again and again and was hit again and again. The face was already swollen, and some small wounds were bleeding out.

With every blow, the consciousness became confused. He was about to faint, and Huang Jianzheng bit his tongue. After a few shots, he felt that his tongue was bleeding.

The faith in my heart has been telling myself not to faint. This is not just for Chen Yueer, but also for the obsession in my heart.

Ye Wuji did the same, his body was shaking. Instinctively wanted to faint and get a good night's sleep, but he couldn't see Huang Jianzheng falling, he was unwilling to fall.

The audience under the ring saw the two of them in the ring, you punched me, and they all became quiet. No one spoke, because they all could see that this was a battle of beliefs.

And Huang Jianzhi in mid-air saw the final duel between the two and did not intervene. Although his cooling time has long passed, he wants to see who wins these two beliefs.

The two people in the ring are working hard to hold on, regardless of the blood on the face and the blood on the fist, they are all punching in earnest. The blood of the two under their feet has mixed together.



At the last moment, both knew they couldn't hold it anymore. Both forcibly threw their last punch.


Both hit each other's face, and instantly both of them fell backward in a coma. In this way, the two fainted in front of the audience.

"Oh, how come these two people fainted irresponsibly." Huang Jianzhi floated in front of Ye Wuji and Huang Jianzai at this moment.

The people under the ring didn't know what they were feeling when seeing this situation. Even Chen Yueer and the others became nervous.

"Trouble, this situation. If I knock them out unknowingly, would it be a bit unfair."

"Forget it, for their excellent sake. I'll change the rules again, within ten minutes. Whoever wakes up first, he is China's first genius."

"If no one wakes up within ten minutes. Then the first place and the second place will be discarded. This also saves my reward." Huang Jianzhi said with a wicked smile.

"This is not fair. They were injured too badly. If there is no external influence, how could they wake up within ten minutes." Liu Mengdie came out to fight the injustice again.

"External force? That's it, as long as you don't affect the things in the ring. You can do anything outside the ring. You can wake them up outside the ring, and I won't say anything." Huang Jianzhi said shamelessly.

"Wake up, wake up,,,"

"Ye Wuji wakes up soon..."

"Huang Jianzheng will wake up soon,,,,"

Everyone screamed, they didn't want to be the first place, so the second place would be abolished.

At this time, a fat cat jumped onto the ring in full view, and came to Huang Jianzhang's side. He unceremoniously opened its little tiger teeth and bit directly on Huang Jianshang's arm.

Huang Jianzheng opened his eyelids suddenly because of the pain, turning his head weakly to see his arm. When I saw Xiaojie, he smiled inexplicably: he was bitten by a cat. ..

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