Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 386: I disagree

"Privilege Die'er, what did she do with privilege"

Liu Wenxin, who was reviewing the documents, couldn't help but stop what she was doing when she heard about her precious granddaughter. Slightly raised his head, looked at his confidant and asked.

"Miss let us clean up the nearest bow and arrow field near the playground as soon as possible." Speaking of this, his tone started to get a little wrong.

"What else?" Liu Wenxin also saw that he hadn't said anything about his confidant heart.

"Chief, according to the investigation by the intelligence personnel, Miss, she is now with Huang Jianzhi, an ordinary person in the magic city, and,,," the confidant didn't know how to speak.

"And what, just say it!" Liu Wenxin suddenly stood up and asked.

"And miss, she seems to be really in love with that Huang Jianzhi." My confidant lowered his head and said cautiously.

"What, it's impossible." Liu Wenxin immediately didn't believe it.

"I know Die'er's character. She doesn't like ordinary people. Because of this, I ignored the rumors from the previous ring competition. Now you are telling me that the rumors are true. This is not for me to deny. What do I know about Die'er?" Liu Wenxin still didn't believe it.

"Chief, intelligence personnel will not lie, and I have a photo to prove it." The confidant took out the photo from his arms and handed it respectfully to Number One.

Liu Wenxin saw that her confidant was so sure that she also took a look at the photo with suspicion. At this look, Liu Wenxin's expression became complicated.

He couldn't believe what he saw, that his proud granddaughter was competing with other girls for men. And the other girls are not lost to the existence of their granddaughter.

I saw my baby granddaughter and other girls in the photo vying to hold Huang Jianzhi's arm. This allowed him to be a grandfather covering his cognition of his precious granddaughter.

"No, I will never allow Die'er to interact with such bluffing people. Check it out and check with me all his ancestors for the eighteenth generation. Especially if he has done anything unclean, I Need proof. An iron proof that allows Die'er to see him clearly."

Liu Wenxin saw several girls who were not inferior to her precious granddaughter vying to hold Huang Jianzhi's arm. He thought that Huang Jianzhi was a poor girl who deceived him with rhetoric. He didn't want his precious granddaughter to be harmed by such people.

"Yes, Chief." After receiving the order, the confidant immediately went out to execute it.

"Boy, don't let me find any unclean places with you. Otherwise, I will keep you in prison for a lifetime. Die'er is not something ordinary people like you can touch." Liu Wenxin squinted his eyes and muttered.

At this time, I didn't have any serious confession for a few minutes after going out, and hurriedly knocked on the door and walked in.

"Have you found it?" Liu Wenxin knew the strength of the national intelligence network, and asked directly when he walked in.

"Chief, his identity is top-secret, and I can't find it at my level." A confidant said with a complicated expression on his face.

"What are you talking about, you can't find it at your level. Your privilege is to find 99% of the personal data in the country, but you even said that you can't find it." Liu Wenxin's expression became a little complicated.

"Chief, I really don't have permission to check. I have tried several times. I have somehow forced my permission down. I am afraid you can check it now." He said in embarrassment.

"An ordinary person actually has this level of confidentiality. Is it internal corruption? Okay, then let me see who is giving him an umbrella."

Originally Liu Wenxin was mentally prepared, no matter who used Huang Jianzhi as an umbrella. He must be punished severely, but after he clicked the confirmation, he became embarrassed.

Because he saw the result he had never seen before. His computer interface at this time displayed "Sorry, your authority is not enough."

Isn't this a very depressing thing when there are still insufficient permissions?

"The chief, have you found it?" The confidant saw the change in the chief's face, thinking that the chief had seen some amazing information.

"You go to prepare a car, I want to go to a place."

Liu Wenxin still knew that China had some special things that he could not touch. An absolute secret that can only be controlled by the Guardian of China that he has no authority.

The confidant didn't say anything, and went straight to prepare the car. Ten minutes later, Liu Wenxin came to Huang Xing's courtyard from a special path.

"You busy man came over to me for tea today so free." Huang Xing said while looking at Liu Wenxin who was sitting in front of him.

"I'm here for my precious granddaughter." Liu Wenxin said straightforwardly.

"Die'er? She won't want to be a teacher again. Don't come to me, I can't help her." Huang Xing refused to drink tea.

"I didn't come for Die'er's apprenticeship, I'm here to beg you to let Die'er go." Liu Wenxin pleaded.

"What the hell, why did I let Fluttershy? I didn't do anything to Fluttershy, how could I let it go" Huang Xing asked questioningly.

"Huang Jianzhi, an ordinary person in the magic city, can let me find him without the authority, and only you can do it. I don't know which part of the plan he is, but he lied to Die'er by bluffing. Allowed." Liu Wenxin said angrily.

"Uh, why did he lie to your precious granddaughter again?" Huang Xing finally knew that his grandson was funny again, and couldn't help but asked jokingly.

"My baby granddaughter likes the strong, and Huang Jianzhi from the magic city is just an ordinary person. To make my baby granddaughter obsessed with him, he must have deceived Die'er with his rhetoric." Liu Wenxin said, admitting to thinking.

"Then what do you want?" Huang Xing curiously wanted to see what Liu Wenxin had planned.

"I hope you can give him up and give him to me. I won't do anything to him. I just want him to leave my precious granddaughter on his own initiative." Liu Wenxin said his request.

"I don't agree." Huang Xing refused directly.

"Why is he just an ordinary person? Is he important to your plan?" Liu Wenxin asked without understanding.

"We don't have any plans for him to participate, so we just disagree because he is my grandson." Huang Xing smiled.

"What, he is your grandson."

Liu Wenxin was stunned. He thought that Huang Jianzhi was only part of Huang Xing's plan, but he didn't expect Huang Jianzhi to be Huang Xing's grandson. Thinking that I had been speaking badly about his grandson in front of Huang Xing just now, I was suddenly embarrassed.

Thinking of Huang Xing's identity, Liu Wenxin had to be strict. With Huang Xing being the first guardian of China, then Huang Jianzhi is indeed qualified to be his precious granddaughter.

But thinking that Huang Jianzhi was just an ordinary person, he began to hesitate. The character of his precious granddaughter, he knew that Die'er would not like ordinary people.

There is only one possibility. Huang Jianzhi deceived Die'er's feelings with witty words, which made him bear with his grandfather. ..

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