Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 457: Alpaca lying dead

In the early morning, Angel may be affected by the biological clock, and she opened her eyes early. After waking up, I found myself lying naked on Huang Jianzhi like a lazy cat.

I didn't think that there was a happy smile on his face, and he looked up at Huang Jianzhi as he was asleep. There was a little prank in his heart, and he gently picked up his hair and stroked Huang Jianzhi's ears.

"Qi'er, let me sleep late, okay?" At the moment An Qi'er stroked her hair, Huang Jianzhi didn't open his eyes and spoke directly.

Angel saw that she was discovered by Huang Jianzhi as soon as she acted, so she pouted a little unhappy.

"Jianzhi, when you wake up, people will really become lazy if they sleep a lot." Angel said softly in Huang Jianzhi's ear.

Although Huang Jianzhi heard Angel's voice, his whole body seemed to be possessed by a lazy god, and he did not want to open his eyes.

"Huang Jianzhi, if you don't get up, I'll be angry." When Angel saw Huang Jianzhi continue to sleep with his eyes closed, she got a little temperamental.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you, I won't sleep anymore." Huang Jianzhi felt that the little wild cat in his arms was about to lose his temper, and he opened his eyes helplessly.

"Jianzhi, you made me suffer so much before, shouldn't you make it up to me." An Qier saw Huang Jianzhi open her eyes, and a slight smile appeared on her face.

"The compensation should be, what kind of compensation do you want?" Huang Jianzhi asked curiously.

"Although it is dangerous in the secret realm, it has the unique beauty of the inner world and the dunya. So in the next time, I want you to accompany me in this secret realm and walk through thousands of waters and mountains." Angel looked at Huang Jianzhi with tender eyes.

"This is a bit difficult," said Huang Jianzhi, the second person very uncooperatively.

"Why." Angel asked without understanding.

"Qi'er, I am the Yellow Dragon King of the Yanhuang Organization. I came into the secret realm for a reason. One of the reasons is to look after the promising young people of China."

"I can't give you all the time. If all the young people in China are dead, then I will be dereliction of duty. Please forgive me, Qi'er." Huang Jianzhi explained carefully.

Angel heard Huang Jianzhi's explanation. Although she was a little emotional, she could only recognize Huang Jianzhi's identity.

"Then how much time do you have with me" Angel asked, looking at Huang Jianzhi seriously.

"Just these few days, I should leave after these few days." Huang Jianzhi said after thinking for a moment.

"Just a few days?" Angel pouted a little aggrieved.

"Qi'er, after we have finished shopping these few days, I will tear up the space to let you leave the secret realm, okay, after all, the secret realm is still too dangerous for you." Huang Jianzhi touched Angel's hair and said.

"I don't want it, I'm a warrior, I need experience." Angel Huang directly rejected Huang Jianzhi's suggestion without hesitation.

"Okay, do what you want, I support you."

Huang Jianzhi is also a very optimistic person. Since Angel wants to experience it, let her experience it. The big deal is to improve Aunt Die's cultivation and let them protect Angel every step of the way.

"Jianzhi, you get up right now. I don't want to waste every minute of my dating time. I want you to accompany me to swim through the mountains." Angel said domineeringly.

"Okay, my lord queen, I will get up now." Huang Jianzhi didn't drag himself, got up and dressed Angela, ready to go out to enjoy the mountains and rivers.

In a certain hill, Chen Yueer, who Huang Jianzheng was worried about, was walking aimlessly against the blazing sun.

"Too impulsive, I ran into the secret realm without preparing for anything, and now I don't know where I was teleported to."

"It's almost half a month. When will I get out of this endless hill. I can't see a single figure, and even the danger has never happened."

"What makes me most strange is that whenever I am about to starve to death, there is always some food and water around me inexplicably."

"Food and water can only be hungry at best, but never get enough. Who is helping me, why help me, I shouldn't know me when I just entered the secret realm." Chen Yueer's eyes were filled with confusion. This boundless hill.

"Jian Award, where are you?" Chen Yueer was full of panic and speechless at the moment.

"Goo, gooo,,," a cry came from his stomach.

Chen Yueer lowered her head and stroked her stomach, her expression showing sad crying and smiling.

"Every noon, food and water appear secretly around me. Now it has been several hours since noon, no food or water appears."

"It should be the person who helped me. I feel that I have no value to help. This time I am really scared to starve to death."

Chen Yueer gently put down her hand covering her stomach, and continued to walk forward with a farewell expression.

Chen Yue'er, who hadn't walked a few meters, stopped suddenly, her eyes full of surprise and looked not far ahead.

The corpse turned out to be the corpse of an animal. At this moment, Chen Yueer was extremely happy, and she hoped that the animal's carcass could still be eaten so that she would have food to live on.

Chen Yueer walked anxiously towards the dead animal, and finally smiled on Chen Yue'er, who was getting closer and closer to the dead animal.

There is no smell, it means that the animal hasn't been long since death, which means it can be eaten. Chen Yueer thought of this, and said that she was not happy and it was fake, and one more second of life would increase the chance of finding the Huang Jian Award.

Chen Yueer, who was near the dead animal, finally saw what animal it was. Alpaca, an alpaca lying motionless there.

"Hey, it seems that you starved to death. I hope you will have a good baby in your next life. Don't continue to be an alpaca. Finally, I would like to say thank you to you for giving me the chance to live."

Chen Yueer came to the alpaca's side. Seeing the alpaca's appearance, she thought the alpaca was starved to death, and she involuntarily sighed. Then he drew out the dagger he was carrying and prepared to break the alpaca.

"Girl, it's wrong for you to do this. I just lie here to enjoy the sun. Do you have to start with such a cute me." My **** suddenly raised his head and looked at Chen Yue'er and said.

When the alpaca suddenly raised her head to speak, Chen Yueer's scared hair seemed to stand up all over her body.

Chen Yue'er trembled all over, and the dead animal body suddenly looked up. What's more terrifying is that it has spoken, and those who can speak are all spirit beasts above innate level.

Now Chen Yueer's desire to die is exhausted. It is obviously an innate spirit beast, why should he lie down in this place where the bird does not shit? Isn't it a pitfall? ..

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