Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 538: Record refresh

"Just you still want to crush me, dream about it." Xie Duantian stood up and shouted at Ye Wuji in dissatisfaction.

"Why are you quarreling together? Could it be that you were a pair of old friends in your previous life." Huang Jianzheng also looked at these two people with a headache.

"Whoever is the old enemy, it's him, cut it." Ye Wuji turned his head to the side arrogantly.

"Brother Huang, don't talk about us, you don't have to go up and challenge, but I want to see if you can break through the twenty-two steps." Xie Duantian said jokingly.

"No hurry, I will challenge you later, please wait and see what happens." Huang Jianzheng smiled like a fan.

"King Huanglong, is your test a bit difficult? Just now those two were so good at climbing to the 22nd floor, who can climb up to the 33rd floor." Zhao Ziting couldn't help asking Huang Jianzhi next to him.

"The potential of human beings is unlimited. There are still a few great people here who did not participate. Maybe some of them climbed up." Huang Jianzhi said in midair.

"Huanglong Wang, you mean the saints and the Huang Jian Award." Zhao Ziting glanced at Yang Tian and Huang Jian Award outside the court.

"It's not surprising that you mentioned the saints, why did you include the Huang Jian Award. Could it be that you,,," Huang Jianzhi said meaningfully.

"No,,, no, isn't the Huang Jian Award China's first genius? I am surprised to say that he can win the first round by accident. I always feel that he is not easy." Zhao Ziting thought Huang Longwang misunderstood something. Explained hastily.

"Jane is not easy. I don't know. I just look at the results. It's time for them to speed up."




"If you want to challenge, hurry up, I'm a little sleepy." Huang Jianzhi clapped his hands and reminded him.

Yang Tian and Huang Jianshang also knew that it was their turn to play.

"All give me a passage, scums, you guys will see how I challenge the highest record."

Yang Tian walked to the front of the stairs and cried out annoyedly when he saw that there were people standing and lying on the stairs.

The people on the stairs were also afraid to speak up, and they had to give up a passage with difficulty.


Yang Tian let out a low growl after seeing the crowd let out the passage. The Zhen Qi in the body circulated throughout the body, and a breath of the peak of Huajin spread out.

"Peak of Huajin, he turned out to be Peak of Huajin."

"Ah, he has turned his energies into the pinnacle at such a young age. He grew up eating medicine."

"It's worthy of being the Son of the Holy Sect, it's really incomparable."

Everyone felt Yang Tian's breath, and they couldn't help being surprised.

"Miss Zhao's jade pendant, I'm going to fix it." Yang Tian said with a clenched fist.

"Yang Tian, ​​you think too much, you are not the only one at the peak of Huajin." Zhou Yi walked towards Yang Tian evilly, his body also showed the aura of the peak of Huajin.

"Hahaha,,, Zhou Yi, you want to fight with me, right? It depends on whether you have this ability." Yang Tian finished talking and walked up the stairs without waiting for Zhou Yi to answer.

"I will show you the arrogant guy, I am much better than you." Zhou Yi also walked up the stairs.

"It deserves to be the holy son of Shengzong, the cultivation base is a little higher than ours, but the stairs are not so easy to walk." Ye Wuji glanced at his mouth and said.

"The twenty-first step is up, and they both have the twenty-first step up."

"It's about to step into the twenty-two stairs, step into it, they step into it."

Everyone looked at Yang Tian and they stood firmly on the 22nd floor, and they were a little excited, as if they were standing on it.

At this moment, Yang Tian and Zhou Yi's faces became pale. Although they are both able to stand now, they also feel exhausted physically and mentally.

Yang Tian glanced at Zhou Yi next to him, and gritted his teeth abruptly and stepped up to the twenty-third step. When Zhou Yi saw Yang Tian's movements, he followed up with angrily. Suddenly the two of them broke out in cold sweat, their knees couldn't help but knelt down.

"The twenty-third level is up, and the two saints have stepped into the twenty-third level."

"Come on, step onto the twenty-fourth floor,..."

"Go on, refresh the record again..."

The people below actually cheered Yang Tian and the others.

"Zhou Yi, aren't you good? You try to step up one more level." Yang Tian sneered at Zhou Yi, kneeling and half kneeling.

"What are you anxious, I will step on it, but not now. Why don't you step on it? Didn't you say that Miss Zhao's jade pendant belongs to you? There are still ten steps to go." Zhou Yi also sneered in response to Yang Tian.

"The jade pendant will be mine. I will step on it when it's time to step on it. You don't need to remind you."

Both Yang Tian and Zhou Yi knew that if they were stepping on one floor, they would definitely lie on the stairs. Now they are resting or waiting for each other to admit defeat.

At this moment Wu Changxing moved, and there was no aura from his body, and he raised his foot and walked up the stairs.

When he reached the fifteenth floor, Wu Changxing finally revealed the aura of the middle stage of Huajin.

When he reached the 20th floor, the aura on Wu Changxing's body turned into the late stage of Huajin.

When they reached the twenty-third level with Yang Tian and the others, the aura on Wu Changxing's body became the peak of Huajin.

But Wu Changxing just stood with a pale face, instead of kneeling like Yang Tian and Zhou Yi.

"Awesome, the saint son of Ao Shi Shengzong has also ascended the twenty-three stairs."

"As expected of the three saints, come on, continue to climb."

"It seems that Shengzi Wu is more powerful. He just stopped with a pale face, and the other two Shengzi knelt,,,,"

The people below started talking again.

"Wu Changxing, what are you..." Yang Tian was shocked when Wu Changxing was so relaxed.

"The two of you are shocked, and what makes you even more shocked is yet to come. Open your eyes to see the real gap between us."

Wu Changxing raised his foot and stepped onto the twenty-fourth step. Suddenly, Wu Changxing's face suddenly became pale, and his body was slightly arched, but he did not kneel as half as Yang Tian and the others.

"Twenty-fourth floor, twenty-fourth floor."

"The record has been refreshed again."

"Come on, Wu Shengzi keep on boarding."

The people below were all excited when Wu Changxing took another step.

"It's really a bit unbearable, it's time to show your real strength, drink."

Wu Changxing felt that the oppression had multiplied, and he was no longer hiding his true cultivation. Suddenly a breath of the early days of acquired aura emerged from the Martial Star.

When Wu Changxing erupted in the early days of acquired cultivation, everyone was shocked. Especially Yang Tian and Zhou Yi couldn't believe they looked at Wu Changxing in front of them. In the early days of the day after tomorrow, he turned out to be the early days of the day.

Suddenly Yang Tian and Zhou Yi sighed unwillingly, and a wry smile appeared at the corners of their mouths: lost, lost again.

Zhao Ziting was also shocked by the early days after Wu Changxing broke out. The acquired masters under 30 have never heard of it. ..

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