Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 626: Xiaojie flew

"Grandpa, you foul, you didn't mean that all the bells were placed on animals, or that in this forest range, the bells might have been out of Whale Island."

No matter how innocent and naive Xiaojie is, when he meets his bad grandfather, he can feel that his grandfather is playing with him again.

"Cough cough cough,, I did put the bells on the three animals. I just put the bell on a rabbit, but strangely, when I came to this big rock to sleep late."

"The rabbit appeared inexplicably and hit and died on the big rock below me. I was also embarrassed to see this situation."

"Then I picked up the bell. You suddenly appeared and frightened me, leaving me missing and throwing the bell somehow."

"You can't blame me. People are scary and scary. If you want to blame Xiaojie, you shouldn't have appeared and scared me at that time. Forget it, you didn't mean to see Xiaojie, so just cancel the bell and remove the remaining two. Just get a bell back." Huang Jianzhi said nonsense, full of nonsense.

"Grandpa, where is the dead rabbit body?"

Xiaojie had already recognized his grandfather's personality. Apart from being helpless to his grandfather, he really had nothing to do with his second-hand grandfather.

"What rabbit body? Oh...oh, this is not the point. The point is that there are two hours left. If you don't want to collect the other two bells, then you will lose this little game."

"Although I will teach you how to become stronger no matter if the bell is brought or not, you are a member of my R&F family, and you are born a hunter. Grandpa, I hope you can collect those two bells, even one. Row."

Suddenly Huang Jianzhi heard Xiaojie ask where the corpse of the rabbit was. He suddenly broke into a cold sweat and ignored the question.

But Huang Jianzhi didn't know how thick his face was, and how many tricks he used to deceive children. Isn't it easy to deal with Xiaojie? Guan Xiaojie didn't believe it, he already believed it anyway.

"Grandpa, that empty eagle bird is also your ghost?"

No matter how naive Xiaojie was, he knew that his bad grandfather had caused the ghost, and he mumbled dissatisfiedly and looked at his bad grandfather.

"Xiaojie, how can you distrust grandpa so much, how can grandpa control birds, trust between people."


"I stare..."

"This,,, this, okay, grandpa doesn't control it, you can do it at will." Huang Jianzhi was finally defeated by Xiaojie's eyes.

"Wow, grandpa, you can control birds, so amazing..." Xiaojie was naturally envious again in an instant.

"Go catch your prey, I'll just squint for two hours, and be careful of the beasts in the forest. I can't beat them, I can't escape, you can call grandpa me, I promise not to roast them all." Huang Jianzhi lay down lazily and squinted. Get up in the sun with your eyes.

Xiaojie saw his grandfather lying down lazily with his back to him, and did not disturb his grandfather's sleep. Go back to the original road, the target is the original empty eagle bird.

Xiaojie, who had returned to the place, looked up and found that the empty eagle bird had disappeared. But he was not in a hurry. He sniffed from the left and right of his nose, and his face was suddenly happy.

Just look for something in the nearby grass, with a sense of smell that is better than a hunting dog. After a while, Xiaojie saw the bells in the grass with a smile on his face. The smile seemed to be an expression of excitement and joy when the hunter had found the perfect prey.

"Great, I finally found one. Grandpa is really a bad thing, let me just say, that empty eagle bird will silly dangling a bell and hovering in the sky for a long time without coming down."

"Without Grandpa's control, how could the empty eagle bird fly around with uneatable bells. Now there is only one bell left, and I must find it."

"I want to prove it to the bad grandfather that he can't bother me with this game. I have not had any companions since I was young."

"I often go in and out of this forest. It has long become my other home. It is not difficult to find things in a familiar home."

"There is more than an hour left, enough for me to find the last bell. Even if the bell is on the beast, I know about the large beasts here. It is not too difficult to get the bell."

"Grandpa, don't think I don't know what you think. I know you don't think I get two bells when I see your expression."

"But the less you believe it, the more I will prove it to you. As long as the bell is on the animal, I will be able to get it."

"There is the sound of bells, here it is."

When Xiaojie heard the inaudible bell ringing in the breeze, he smiled and ran towards the remaining bells instantly.

"This protagonist is really not easy. It didn't take long to get along with me and I realized that I was a bad guy. I like his character and his luck is very strong.

"No wonder it is the first protagonist, although there are three other protagonists. But his surname is R&F, he is destined to be the first protagonist, let alone my existence, hehehe..."

"Xiaojie, don't look at this game as simple. Although I won't play tricks anymore, the remaining bells are not so easy to pick up. Maybe they will get hurt." Huang Jianzhi meaningfully underestimated.


A group of birds were suddenly startled by Xiaojie's voice. At this moment, Xiaojie was hanging on a big tree in embarrassment.

When the time went back to three minutes ago, Xiaojie heard the sound of the bells getting louder and louder, knowing that he was getting closer to the remaining bells. He pulled out the grass and took a look. Xiaojie was stunned.

An extremely cute alpaca is lazily basking in the sun, with the remaining bell hanging on its tail. The tail swings a few times and the bell rang.

Alpaca, the uncle sheep, is the alpaca who has lived for nothing in his house for a few months.

Xiaojie stared straight at the bell that swings with the tail, and he couldn't help this alpaca.

Although he used to take the initiative to approach the alpaca, but I don't know why this alpaca always looked at him with contempt. He was very arrogant. Except for his grandfather, he would not show him a good face when he met him.

"Uncle Yang, it's you, great. I'm playing a game with Grandpa. The purpose is to collect the bells on your tail. Uncle Yang, can you give it to me?" Xiaojie asked expectantly.


The alpaca refused without opening its eyes.


Xiaojie asked with curious eyes.

"If you can't, you can't, then why?" Alpaca said in the same tone.

"This,,, Uncle Sheep, I can trade things with you. You don't like Aunt Mitte's food. I can ask Aunt Mitte to prepare more foods that you love." Xiaojie began to tempt the alpaca.

"Don't seduce me with food, it's useless. It's not impossible to want a bell, don't you play a game with your grandpa, then play with me too."

"I'm lying here and not moving. As long as you can touch my body, any form of touch is okay. Whether you are holding your fishing rod or borrowing other foreign objects, as long as you touch my body, this bell is you. That's right." Alpaca said with a playful look at Xiaojie.

"Uncle Yang, take it seriously." Xiaojie smiled naturally when he heard this condition.

"Naturally take it seriously."

"I'm here, Uncle Sheep."

Xiaojie felt that the alpaca was lying there motionless, and when he touched its body, he gave him a bell. Didn't this give him water? The confident Xiaojie instantly jumped on the alpaca.

At the moment when Xiaojie was about to pounce on the alpaca, he saw the alpaca breathe gently at him, and then he watched as he flew. ..

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