Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 673: Simulation ability

"Kura Pika, Leoli is right. They are in our hands and can't run away. The remaining questions about the members of the Phantom Brigade are really not good. We can ask Grandpa."

"Now that Qi Ya has not finished the battle, let's go and see what is going on with Qi Ya first." Xiaojie suggested.

"Huh, I was reckless, let's go see Qi Ya first."

Kurapika heard Xiaojie's words, and slowly calmed down, and then followed Xiaojie and the others towards Qiya's battlefield.

"Little dwarf, I have been playing with you for so long, so you can't give any strength. Although your speed keeps improving, you still can't meet my expectations. It's really disappointing." Qi Ya borrowed the flash of thunder. The speed has been peekaboo with Fei Tan.

"Little devil, I want to kill you, kill you,," Fei Tan attacked Qi Ya with unusual anger.

"Hey, you can only say this all day long, so there is nothing else to say. If you want to kill me, come, it doesn't matter if I stand and let you chop."

When Qi Ya finished speaking, standing there directly let Fei Tan slash, and Fei Tan felt that he was going crazy. No matter how he cuts his opponent, the opponent can't die, which makes him helpless.

He wanted to burst out from the little sun and burn the little devil in front of him, but his ability to release was determined by the damage he received.

He didn't suffer much damage now, and the released little sun was completely incapable of burning to death the person controlling the lightning in front of him.

The temperature of the lightning is not lower than that of the little sun, unless the temperature of the little sun is more than ten times higher than the temperature of the lightning, otherwise he cannot evaporate the person in front of him, and he needs damage value.

"Qiya, we're here for you, why haven't you finished the battle yet." Xiaojie and the others arrived at this moment.

When Fei Tan saw the captive knights and them, his eyes became extremely solemn. Only three people were captured, and Wojin and Franklin were also killed by the enemy.

Seeing that Xiaojie didn't have much wounds on their bodies, Feitan knew that their brigade was in the biggest trouble ever. If those three people also rushed up to besiege him, he would probably be ill-advised today. Thinking of this, Fei Tan's heart felt the same.

"It's overplayed. It turns out that you all ended the battle. Then I will end the battle as soon as possible. Dwarf, if you don't play with you, you have been attacking before. It's time to connect to me."


The sky was covered with dark clouds in an instant, and the dense thunder dragons circled in the dark clouds. In the next second, a large number of lightning thunder attacked the Feitan.

Fei Tan saw the flashing thunder blasting at him, but he unexpectedly did not avoid it. Rather, he runs wildly to protect important parts of his body, opening his arms to face the lightning.


When he was struck by a lot of lightning, he still couldn't bear the pain and screamed. The captive knights knew what Fei Tan was doing when they saw Fei Tan's behavior.

"Is this going crazy? If I don't avoid it, I still take the initiative to meet him." Leo Li said without understanding.

For a moment, Qi Ya's attack stopped. Feitan's body was also burned half-burned by the lightning at this moment, and his internal organs also shifted.

"Not enough, kid, this is your attack, it's really disappointing." Fei Tan felt that it was not enough, and continued to stimulate Qi Ya.

"Although you don't understand what you want to do, but if you like to be abused so much, then please satisfy you. This trick is to simulate Grandpa Xiaojie. I hope you don't die all at once."

"Super Electromagnetic Gun"

Qi Ya threw a coin, the electric flowers all over his body gleamed, and a strong electromagnetic cannon bombarded Feitan.

Dangerous, extremely dangerous, Feitan's cold sweat broke out. But he didn't want to die like this, his extremely moving mind made his body get out of the way.


Fei Tan gritted his blood teeth and watched that his entire left arm and left shoulder were gone. The injury at this moment had exceeded Fei Tan's judgment.

Blood spurted out of the charred meat continuously, and the injury made him not far from death. But this is not what he cares about, this damage value is enough for him to launch the last move.

"You all go to hell."

"The sun is burning."

Regardless of his injuries, Fei Tan quickly launched his final trick.

"No,," Qi Ya and the others felt extremely uneasy.

"do not move,,,"

Xiaojie also felt a sense of danger, and at the moment Feitan activated his ability, he instantly swept Qiya and the others into the depths of the earth.

At the moment when Xiaojie and the others entered the ground, a huge sun suddenly appeared. Everything around me evaporated clean at the moment the huge sun appeared.

"Wow, the ability to activate before death is strong. I have been affected even after I stayed so far. Poorly, my snacks are burned out without eating." Huang Jianzhi said casually.

"Don't think that you will be fine if you hide in the ground, see if I don't make you familiar."

Fei Tan didn't care too much when he saw the enemy hiding in the earth, forcibly controlling the little sun to bake the earth.

"Xiaojie, can you go deeper underground, so that we will be dull. Qi Ya, I blame you, you can't solve him quickly, don't you know how terrifying the mind of a dying person is." A certain space underground. Inside, Leoli said sultryly.

"Well, I'll try to move down." Xiaojie manipulated the underground space to move down.

"I know he still has this trick." Qi Ya said with a guilty conscience.

"Xiaojie, don't need to move down, I can make ice, only for oxygen," Kurapika said hesitantly.

"It's great, I have forgotten Kurapika your abilities. We are the ability minders and the fruit ability ones. In a sealed space, we can hold our breath for an hour or two without worrying about oxygen and harmful gas poisoning."

"The person above is seriously injured. He can't survive for half an hour. We can wait until half an hour before we go out." Qi Ya said happily.

"No, Grandpa told us that there is a strong obsession before life, and stronger after death. You said that after the death of the person above, the little sun will not only become stronger without disappearing." At this time, Xiaojie Said suddenly.


Qi Ya and the others were slightly taken aback when they heard Xiaojie's words.

"Or, Xiaojie, we don't care about the person above. Take advantage of your ability, Xiaojie, let's leave the desert from the underground space." Qi Ya suggested.

"It's you,,, why are you here."

At this time, Feitan watched someone appear in fear.

"I was eating snacks not far away while watching you fight. Who knows that your little sun is too powerful and burned some of my snacks." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"It turns out that those little ghosts are yours, no wonder their abilities," Fei Tan suddenly thought of something and said unwillingly, pointing to Huang Jianzhi.

"You are dying, let a little sun come out to affect the surrounding flowers and plants, let me send you a ride."..

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