Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 677: Destroy the group

"Boom,,, hiss,,"

The huge energy instantly exploded from thunder, and the hot air wave spread out in circles.

The remnant of Finks flew out and hit one of the corners. The undead Finks stared at the little ghost in the distance with unbelievable eyes.

He lowered his head and looked at the body on the lower half of his neck. He couldn't admit that he had lost to a kid. After a long time, he finally swallowed his last breath unwillingly.

"You too go with your companion."

Kurapika also immediately killed the Squash Husband. In the next second, Squash Husband's heart was pierced by the chain of thought and fell down.

"Now there is only one head of the Phantom Brigade left. Once he dies, the Phantom Brigade will be destroyed." Qi Ya walked to Xiaojie and looked at the fierce battle between Hisoso and Kulolo in the distance.

"The leader of the Phantom Brigade is so powerful, he stole so many abilities, Hisoso is not easy, facing so many abilities attacks, there is still room to contend." Leoli seriously evaluated Hisuo and Ku. Lolo's battle.

"It's really amazing. If there is no fruit ability, I can't hold on to him for a few minutes." Qi Ya also solemnly looked at Kulolo who was fighting Hiso.

"Hisuo, there are still a few minutes, you can't solve it, it's time for us to change." Kurapika couldn't wait to yell to Xiou Suo.

"Ahhhhhh, I hate being disturbed by others when fighting. If someone else has died long ago, but these hard and smelly apples are really unlucky."

"Kulolo, there are only a few minutes left, let me send you down to accompany your team members. If those stinky and hard apples shoot you, you won't be able to hold on for long with their weird abilities. "Hisuo said very excitedly.

"Their abilities are very powerful, and I really don't have much winning percentage when I ran into them. But you want me to give up resisting and let you kill, do you think it's possible?" Kuroro calmly avoided Hisoso's attack.

"This is what I want. I am also worried that you will see if your members are dead, and deliberately let me kill you by releasing water."

Hisuo's flexible love has been adhering to the surrounding stones to attack Kulolo, and as if there is no bottom line in his hand, it has been changing out playing cards to attack Kulolo.

"Mystery Fog Jungle"

The reading book in Kulolo's hand turned a page, and the strange smoke was enveloped in an instant, and Kulolo's breath disappeared in the thick smoke.

After Hisuo felt that Kuroro's breath disappeared, his muscles tightened to observe the surroundings. In the next second, Hisuo's face changed in shock, and a circle of smoke flashed quickly.

"I didn't expect you to find out so quickly, but it's a pity that you were still poisoned." Kulolo's voice spread out from the smoke.

"A little poison in the smoke can't help me. The hidden smoke does make it difficult to find your invisible, but the range of your poisonous smoke is not as large as I imagined. It is enough for me to attack at will."

Hisuo jumped out of the range of the poisonous smoke, using the surrounding stones and bricks to attack the poisonous smoke. After being attacked from the outside, the poisonous smoke slowly retracted.

After seeing this, Hisuo even ignored the wounds and toxins on his body and used everything around him as weapons to attack the poisonous smoke.

Seeing that the weakness of the poisonous smoke was discovered by Hisuo, Kuluo recovered the ability of the poisonous smoke and turned into a peculiar short knife to actively move towards Hisuo's attack power.

"Come on, Kulolo, let my playing cards pass your neck,..."

Seeing that Kurolo took the initiative to attack him, his excitement caused him to take out playing cards and rush towards Kurolo.

"Time is up"

At this moment, Kurapika's iron chain pierced towards Kuroro instantly, and Kuroro quickly drew aside.

Hisos was very upset when he saw someone interrupting his battle, and he was ready to attack Kurapika. But he was surrounded by Xiaojie and the others before he attacked.

"Okay, okay,, I won't bother you, you guys play slowly."

Hisuo was not a fool either. Seeing that he was surrounded by so many people, and only left to be killed, he looked at Kulolo in a pity. Jumping back and leaving, Xiaojie and the others saw Hisuo leaving and did not stop him.

"When you brought your group members to slaughter my people, have you ever thought that you will have today?" Kurapika looked at Kurolo full of hatred.

"So, no wonder Huang Jianzhi came to trouble us, partly because of you." Kurolo remembered something when he saw Kurapika's red eyes.

"Why did you so cruelly murdered my people, old women, and even the children who had just reached the full moon, were killed by you and had their eyes cut off. Do you feel guilty if you do this kind of thing."

Kurapika remembered that the pair of black holes without eyes staring at him that his tribe had fallen on the **** ground, the powerlessness and the blood-devouring vengeance made Kurapika's revenge black air come out.

Xiaojie and the others know what Kurapika is carrying, and they have not prevented Kurapika from taking revenge, but seeing what Kurapika looks like now, they are still very worried about the status of Kurapika.

"The weak and the strong eat, you have the treasures but don't have the ability to guard them, who can be blamed if someone robbed them? Besides, we are already robbers, and what guilt do we have towards you." Kulolo said very calmly.

"Hahaha... I don't know how to repent, then you can send me to hell."

"Frozen Time and Space"

Kurapika rushed directly to Kuroro, and when Kuroro activated his ability, it directly froze the time and space. In 0.03 seconds, Kurapika's ability was forcibly broken away by Kuroro.

But Kurapika had already appeared a few meters behind Kurolo with the ice blade in his hand, and a thin line appeared on Kurolo's neck.

"Today's wind is really quiet." Kurolo said this calmly and fell down.

After Xiaojie saw that the aura on Kulolo's body slowly disappeared, he used his ability to bury Kulolo's corpse and several corpses on the other side.

"The unbelievable little spiders just stopped playing like this. It seems that the hanger I opened for Xiaojie and them is a bit too big." Huang Jianzhi muttered while watching the excitement while licking melon seeds somewhere.

"Grandpa, are you there? We have fulfilled your requirements. Are we able to resurrect the people of Kurapika?" Xiaojie saw that the matter was almost dealt with, and shouted to the surroundings.

"Ahem,, if I said I can resurrect people is joking, do you believe it or not?" Huang Jianzhi suddenly appeared embarrassed and said.

"Grandpa, you said before that it could not be resurrected, but now you can't say it again." Xiaojie raised his voice and looked at his grandpa who suddenly appeared.

"Uncle, can you be resurrected or not? Are you playing with us?" Qi Ya said unhappy. ..

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