Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 682: For fear that the world will not be chaotic

"It's a pity that no matter how you stop it, it's useless, unless you are better than me. Okay, let's not talk nonsense. In addition to ordinary people, there are people with ability in this world."

"What is the ability to think, ahem, that is equivalent to the existence of a little superman for ordinary people. If you want to become a mind, there is a simple way. Someone will naturally teach you to think through the hunter experiment."

"Well, after finishing the free advertisement for the Hunter Association, it's time to enter the theme. The following live broadcast is the battle between the president of the Hunter Association and the Ant King. Please watch the big screen."

In the next second, two perspectives appeared on the screen, with Meliam on one side and Nitro and the others on the other.

"What, the president, why did the president become so young."

"That's the ant king."

"The president fights against the ant king, why don't you call us."

"Damn, Huang Jianzhi broke the balance of the world, he is sinful..."

The twelve branches, the people, the high-level governments of various countries, etc. all fluctuated at this moment.

"Isn't that an old man? Why is it that way? V5 is not easy to provoke. It seems that I have to prepare." Jin R&F saw Huang Jianzhi publicly provoking V5 and shook his head helplessly when he treated his own old man.

"Did you see that the ant king is very powerful, so Nitney, the president of the Hunter Association, had to face it in his strongest state, at the cost of death."

"Look, what a great guild leader, winning is a death, losing is also a death. But there is no way, this is V5's conspiracy, Nitro knew it was a conspiracy, but also ran into it. Hey, I really don’t know what to do. That's it." Huang Jianzhi said naturally in the corner of the screen, holding the microphone regardless of other people's expressions.

"Can't let him say, kill him, kill him," V5's executives were anxious and wanted to stop Huang Jianzhi, but there was no other way to stop it.

"Damn it, it's V5 again, why don't they die." Some hunters who know the truth are very dissatisfied with the V5 on the association.

"Because ordinary people can't see the existence of Nian, I will change the screen a bit to definitely let you see the wonderful live broadcast. Okay, now that the camera turns to the battlefield, I will explain it for you at all times." Huang Jianzhi held it. The microphone acts as an interpreter.

"You are the strongest food I have ever seen. I ask you, have you ever seen three humans who can't hit the entity." Meluem asked Nitro.

"Food? Ant, you are too arrogant." Nitro was slightly angry.

"You are not my opponent, hand over those three people, I allow you to leave alive." Melu Aim said lightly.

"Hahaha,, Ant, you are too confident." Nitro said with a dark face.

"It seems that you have to catch you before you are willing to say that you deal with other people, and he will leave it to me." Meliam said to Nivipetto and the others, and then shot at Nitro.

The battle was on the verge. Although Nitro felt pressure from the ant king, didn't he already have everything ready.

Seeing the moment when the ant king was approaching, Nitro's hands merged slowly and quickly, and the huge Baishi Guanyin appeared behind Nitro.

Ordinary people all over the world were shocked and speechless when they saw the huge Baishi Guanyin on the screen.

Seeing Nitro's huge and incomparable thoughts during his heyday, the psychic was shocked to speak, and was even more shocked by the Ant King. If the screen hadn't adjusted the speed, they would not necessarily see the speed of the Ant King.


The ant king appeared quickly, and he was quickly knocked out in an instant.


As soon as they saw their king being knocked out, they wanted to get away from the king who helped them, but Mo Laowu and the others would let them get away and gritted their teeth to hold them back.

"Interesting humans."

"Sure enough, he was unharmed, he has evolved to this level."

Meliam stood up easily from the pile of rocks, and Nitro saw that there was no damage to the king's body, his face became dignified.

In the next second, the king ant moved and appeared in front of Nitro in an instant. In less than 0.001 seconds, the king ant was blown out again.

The ant king, who flew out, stabilized his body and continued to attack Nitro. His tactics were simple to keep attacking.

"Ahem,, have you seen it? If it weren't for me to adjust the lens specially, you would not necessarily see their speed. Are you surprised, uh,, needless to say, I have seen you stunned."

"This is the secret that most of you don't know. Please continue to watch the screen. This level of battle is difficult to see." Huang Jianzhi finished the explanation and motioned to continue watching the screen.


In the fierce and protracted battle, one of Nitro's arm was still torn off by Meliam. And Mo Laowu and the others were all caught by Nifei Petuo. To them, it is more valuable to live with high-quality ingredients in captivity.

"Grandpa, should we go and help?" Xiaojie asked Huang Jianzhi looking at the situation below.

"Don't worry, keep watching, I will let you go when the time comes." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Now you can tell me that there is no information about those three people." Ant King asked Nitro, who looked at the broken arm unscathed.

"Although I probably know who the three people you asked are, do you think I will say it. However, besides you want to know the information of those three people, don't you want to know your name? The queen who gave birth to you is dying I said your name before." Nitro said with a sneer, closing his bleeding arm.

"It seems that I won't convince you anymore, you don't want to say it anymore."

The king of ants rushed to Nitro again, and the protracted battle started. Gradually, Nitro felt that his physical strength was declining, and he couldn't wait anymore.

At a moment of thunder, Nitro's Hundred-style Guanyin caught the king of ants. Directly using the Hundred Type Zero, the huge and incomparable energy impact instantly caused a sensation in the big earthquake.

"Wang,," Nifei Pido and the others wanted to get closer, but they were all rushed out by huge waves of energy.

"Wow, what a terrible attack. Under the attack of the heyday Nitro, the huge energy caused an earthquake. It is worthy of being the strongest human being in the previous century."

"Don't just watch the excitement, but also cheer for your president. This is a blow that concentrates all his strength." Huang Jianzhi cheered himself in the corner of the screen.

Human beings all over the world, whether they are capable of thinking or ordinary people, can't help but be stunned when they see a terrorist attack.

The dense dust slowly dissipated, and the skinny Nitro squatted on the ground panting. When he saw the unharmed Ant King standing calmly in front of him and looking at him, he knew that he had completely lost. .

"Your blow is really wonderful. If I didn't evolve again a few days ago, then I won't die or be seriously injured in this blow."

The ant king finally looked seriously at the dying old man in front of him. ..

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