Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 685: Ant King Doomsday

"Sneak attack? I will not attack you, I want to defeat you upright." Xiaojie said floating in front of Meliam.

"Your power is more than that, use all your power." Melu Aim shouted to Xiaojie with high morale.

"Reverse Blade Tornado"

Xiaojie did not speak, but directly responded to the words of Ant King with a big move. The huge inverse-blade tornado that tore the earth and the earth pierced the ground, and the moment everything around it entered, it was swept by countless wind blades and turned into fly ash.

Meliam felt the huge and dangerous windblade tornado suction hanging over him, making him have to go down, his arms and tail pierced into the ground to resist the suction of the windblade tornado.

But when Melu Aim saw the entire wind blade tornado hitting him, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, which was completely making him fight with the forces of nature.


Meliam had no other choice. He suddenly burst into evil thoughts. The muscles of his body suddenly bulged, his feet flexed, and his body slammed into the tornado that pierced the earth.


Xiaojie saw that the ant king Meiluam concentrated on a lot of evil thoughts and wanted to explode his moves. How could he make the ant king succeed.

In the next second, Xiaojie was directly elementalized and integrated into the wind-blade tornado that pierced the sky and the earth. When the powerful attack of the ant king was about to strike, the entire reverse-blade tornado was instantly filled with thoughts on Xiaojie's body.


The king of Ants, Meilu Aim, was swallowed by the tornado that broke the ground without a single blow. After being caught in the tornado, Meilu Aim's face changed and he quickly used a lot of thoughts to protect his body.

A few minutes later, Xiaojie stopped the attack, and not far away, the ant king Meiluam squatted on the ground with scars.

"I don't understand, I don't understand why I lost to you little human, obviously I came to the world as the ant king."

"The extremes of long genetic evolution, coupled with the fact that I continued to eat for a few days, succeeded in evolving again. I should be the creature closest to God."

"And you,,, a little human, struggled a few days ago before I could evolve again, and only a few days later you have grown to this point."

"Tell me, how did you grow up to this point, and why your little human being can surpass me, it's impossible, it's impossible,," Meliam roared to Xiaojie in disbelief.

"You still don't understand the bottomless potential of human beings. How have you evolved? You are not an ant." Huang Jianzhi said calmly not far away, but his voice was enough to make people around him hear clearly. .

"As long as you work hard, it can't be difficult to surpass you. Qi Ya and their battles are over, I should solve you too."

"The wind and the earth are absolutely extinct"

At that moment, the world faded, and an invisible force directly shrouded Ant King Meilu Aim's body, making Ant King Meilu Aim's eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes were full of incredible.

In the next second, a light breeze blew by, and the body of Ant King Meliam turned into a twinkling star and disappeared into the world with the wind,,,

"Grandpa, I got him." Xiaojie happily ran to Huang Jianzhi, as if he wanted to be praised by his elders like a child.

"Xiaojie, take a look at the surrounding environment. You are almost becoming an environmental destroyer. Hurry up and fill in the surrounding pits of varying degrees." Huang Jianzhi pointed at the surrounding pits of varying degrees and said kindly.

"Oh, the damage is really big, I will repair it now." Xiaojie embarrassedly ran to fill the hole.

"Your grandson is really afraid, I can't solve the king of ants, let him solve it." Nitro came to Huang Jianzhi's side with the unusually looking Mo Laowu and others and said complicatedly.

"I may have opened them a bit too big, and it is normal for them to become like this. In other words, your association should be messy now, you don't go back to deal with your association's affairs," Huang Jianzhi said amused.

"It's really messy, if you don't announce the existence of Nian to the public, I might be more relaxed." Nitro said complainingly.

"Hey,,, I advertised for your association for free. The number of candidates for the Hunter Trial next year will increase exponentially. Many excellent seedlings will join your association. You should thank me. "Huang Jianzhi said angrily.

"You can say it lightly. You don't know that the real control of the association is in the hands of V5, but they have the power to dissolve the association, the association is developing well, and it is not a **** in the hands of those in power. "Nitro said helplessly, shaking his head.

"Because of this, you haven't been fighting with them all the time. You used to think about something. Now that you are young again, what are you afraid of."

"If I were you, the Hunter Association would have been independent long ago, so why listen to them." Huang Jianzhi said casually.

When Nitro heard what Huang Jianzhi said, he fell into deep thought, and Mo Laowu and others were shocked. They would not know what kind of existence V5 is. It is not so easy to get the association out of the control of V5. .

"The time is almost up, I should go back to the association to deal with things, Zhi. R & F, you still have to be careful with V5, their methods are not small."

"I see, you go slowly."

Nitro didn't say anything when he saw Huang Jianzhi's careless attitude, and left with Mo Laowu and others.

"Uncle, you let the world know that you have the ability to give people youth, aren't you afraid that people all over the world will trouble you." After seeing Nitro and others have gone, Qi Ya asked Huang Jianzhi complicatedly.

"Who do you think is qualified to trouble me." Huang Jianzhi asked with a smile.

"Uh,, when I didn't say hello." After thinking of Huang Jianzhi's bottomless strength, Qi Ya didn't say anything.

"Xiaojie, take your companions to find your father. Grandpa has to deal with some things." Huang Jianzhi said slowly.

"Grandpa, are you not with us?" Xiaojie asked naturally.

"No, let it go and let you fly. Here, this is a special radar. Just enter the name of the person you want to find and it will show up, unless that person is not in this world or is dead."

"I have set this radar so that you can use it alone, and other people can't use this radar. This is to prevent bad things from happening." Huang Jianzhi casually threw a special radar to Xiaojie.

"Grandpa, why don't you take out such a radar earlier, so that we can not find gold right away." Xiaojie looked up at the radar in his hand and looked up at Huang Jianzhi depressed.

"Hahaha,, I forgot that I had such a radar before, let alone, I'm leaving, bye." Huang Jianzhi disappeared with a guilty conscience. ..

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