Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 700: Super master

"Lao Hu, this time we have Brother Zhi by your side, and you don't know how good Brother Zhi is. What else are we worried about when Brother Zhi is here." Fatty Wang said nonchalantly.


"What's the matter, don't you worry that I can't protect you. And Miss Yang, it's not good for you to eavesdrop on the conversation between two big men like this."

Shirley Yang had been eavesdropping on Hu Bayi and their conversation in a corner, and suddenly a voice rang behind her, scared her almost to attack.

"Brother Zhi, Miss Yang, you..." Hu Bayi and the two turned around and saw Shirley Yang and Huang Jianzhi.

"Mr. Hu, Mr. Wang, Mr. Huang, Professor Chen and I have something to talk to you, can you come over for a while." Shirley Yang was not embarrassed at all when she saw this, and turned back after speaking.

"Let's go, I don't know what they want to talk to us."

Huang Jianzhi lazily led Hu Bayi to Xue Liyang's carriage, and Professor Chen quickly greeted Huang Jianzhi and the three to sit down.

"Mr. Hu, is this the bug you saw?" Shirley Yang took out a copy and handed it to Hu Bayi.

"Yes, that's it." Hu Bayi nodded after repeated confirmation.

"This kind of bug is called,," Shirley Yang introduced this kind of bug with a solemn expression after seeing Hu Bayi's confirmation.

"Xiao Hu, are you sure you have seen this kind of bug with your own eyes?" Professor Chen still asked uncertainly.


"Then Mr. Hu can tell us about your experience back then?"

Seeing everyone's curious eyes, Hu Bayi gradually began to talk about the past.

"That group of countless fire worms turned into fireballs and rushed towards several young soldiers, and they burned out in pain in front of me,,, didn't we say we are going to the desert? How could we change our way?" Hu Bayi did not Asked clearly.

"You can find the notebook or something, but the sudden change of course makes it a little difficult for us to do. If you are paying,," Fatty Wang said suddenly.

"How do you know we are going to find notes?"

Shirley Yang suddenly looked at Fatty Wang solemnly. She and Professor Chen had just decided to go to Kunlun Glacier. She didn't understand how Fatty Wang knew that she and Professor Chen had decided.

"Comrade Xiao Wang, Miss Chen and I just decided to find the notes. How did you know." Professor Chen also looked at Fatty Wang curiously.

"This,, me,,,"

When Fatty Wang saw Shirley Yang and Professor Chen's suspicious eyes, he suddenly felt that he might have said something wrong. Hu Bayi looked at Fatty Wang's situation, and guessed in his heart that Huang Jianzhi told the Fatty.

"I told the fat man that you have to change your route and find your notes." Huang Jianzhi replied with a lazy appearance.

It's him again,,,

"Mr. Huang, I don't know how you know our conversation." Shirley Yang became more and more vigilant towards Huang Jianzhi.

"I am a magician. Foreseeing the future is also one of my magic tricks. Don't doubt, I am really good." Huang Jianzhi replied without changing his face.

"Oh, foresee the future? Then Mr. Huang knows what our next schedule will be like."

Shirley Yang's eyes flashed with disdain, although she thought Huang Jianzhi was mysterious or a little tricky. But when she heard Huang Jianzhi could predict the future, Shirley Yang was upset: to predict the future, she really regarded herself as a god.

"With me, as long as no one is dead, you will have a smooth journey." Huang Jianzhi said nonchalantly.

"Mr. Huang, you claim to be a magician, how come I can't see you performing in the world, I don't know if you learned from it," Shirley Yang began to verify Huang Jianzhi's details.

"I don't have a master. You have never heard that I am normal. My magic is all self-taught. Others use magic to perform, and my magic is to play by myself." Huang Jianzhi explained casually.

"Is that so, but before, I investigated Mr. Huang's information about you. Nothing at all, as if you came out of thin air, Mr. Huang, I wonder if Mr. Huang can you explain it." Xue Li Yang forced.

Broken, she went to investigate Zhi Ge's identity. Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang secretly said that they were not getting better.

"Ahem,, actually, I am a super master who came out of the mountains and forests. It is normal to have no identity, but I am really a magician." Huang Jianzhi looked completely indifferent to Shirley Yang's investigation of him.

"Mr. Huang, although it is impolite to investigate your identity, archaeology is to protect cultural relics. Needless to say, the importance of cultural relics, so I have to investigate..."

"I know this, but if I am still here, it means that you have considered it clearly." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.

"Comrade Xiao Hu used to be a company commander. He knows the importance of domestic cultural relics. I choose to believe in the people around him." Professor Chen responded.

Huang Jianzhi looked at Hu Bayi meaningfully, and couldn't smile: You said that others know the importance of cultural relics, but is it possible for Hu Bayi? He will be the head of the tomb in the future,,,

"Ahu, I didn't expect that I could stay because of you. But, Ahu, do you want to go to Kunlun Glacier with them." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Brother Zhi, can you deal with the dense firefly insects." Hu Bayi looked at Huang Jianzhi seriously.

"No problem, meaningless." Huang Jianzhi said lightly.

"Okay, Miss Yang, Professor Chen, let's follow you." Hu Bayi finally made up his mind to walk away.

"Mr. Huang, if you really encounter a firefly, would you really have a way to deal with it?" Professor Chen asked with a little skepticism.

"No problem, magicians always perform miracles, don't they." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.


After reaching the Kunlun Glacier, Professor Chen took the lead in contacting the PLA camp stationed there, and three PLA troops led them towards the eastern foot of the glacier.

"Brother Zhi, aren't you cold? It's a dozen degrees below zero. Doesn't it matter if you wear so little."

Ye Yixin asked with a little surprise in their eyes when they saw Huang Jianzhi wearing only a magician suit.

"The magician has so many abilities. This is just a blindfold. Okay, don't care about my situation, hurry up and keep up with the team." Huang Jianzhi said casually.

Shirley Yang has also discovered Huang Jianzhi's situation. In this spooky weather, she is wearing a thin suit, but there is no sign of freezing, and she is still walking like the wind.

Who on earth is he? How does he know the curse? Is he really a magician? How did he let it rain on a hot sunny day? How did he know what Professor Chen and I had just decided in the carriage? Did he...

Wait, why are there no traces of him on the snow.

Shirley Yang violently looked back at the road Huang Jianzhi had walked. There were no footprints at all, which made Shirley Yang look at Huang Jianzhi in front of him with surprise. ..

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