Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 716: My heart is cold

"Comrade Little Hu, look,,,"

Professor Chen really couldn't help but turned to look at Hu Bayi eagerly, hoping that Hu Bayi would persuade his good brother.

"Fatty give it to me, don't forget what we are here for." Taking into account the overall situation, Hu Bayi could only ask Fatty Wang for big jade eyes.

"Brother Zhi, look at this..."

Fatty Wang was still a little unwilling, so pitifully he looked at Huang Jianzhi, hoping that Huang Jianzhi could be fair to him.

"give it to me"

Huang Jianzhi stretched out his hand to Fatty Wang. Fatty Wang didn't hesitate at all, and directly handed Big Yuyan to Huang Jianzhi.

Professor Chen and they saw Fatty Wang hand over the big jade eye to Huang Jianzhi. No one said anything, but their eyes looked at Huang Jianzhi with expectation. The meaning was very obvious, they hope Huang Jianzhi could give the big jade eye to Huang Jianzhi. they.

"Professor Chen, the big jade eyes are pretty good-looking, so it's better to give them to me." Huang Jianzhi said with the big jade eyes in his hands.

"Mr. Huang, be careful. This is for the country, not just for delivery."

Professor Chen watched Huang Jianzhi playing with the big jade eye, his expression was unusually nervous, and he was afraid that Huang Jianzhi would accidentally break the big jade eye.

"Everything belongs to the state, so is our life also the state." Fatty Wang said at this moment.

"You can't say that. This is two different things. This jade eye has extraordinary significance for the country and the archaeological world." Professor Chen explained.


"Okay, fat man, don't talk about it. Although we are not in the archaeological world, we can still see Professor Chen's dedication to the archaeological world. We will leave this jade eye to Professor Chen and the others."

Huang Jianzhi casually threw the jade eye to Chu Jian, who was so frightened that Chu Jian caught the jade eye with a horror. Professor Chen and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Chu Jian holding the jade eye firmly. I was afraid that Yuyan would not be caught.

"Brother Zhi, why did you give them the jade eye, but there is my jade pendant on it." After seeing Huang Jianzhi handing the jade eye to Professor Chen and the others, Fat Wang became anxious.

"Fatty, do you think jade eyes are important or life is important? If you think jade eyes are important, then you can take the next journey by yourself, and I will not accompany you into the underground palace." Huang Jianzhi said coldly.

"Fatty, what are you doing? At this time, you have to distinguish the priority," Hu Bayi said solemnly.

"Brother Zhi, I'm joking. Professor Chen said that the jade eye belongs to the country, and that is the country."

Although Fatty Wang is a financial fan, he often puts his life first, not to mention that his brother is still in the team. He can have an accident, but his brother Hu Bayi can't.

"Fatty, I don't want this to happen again for the next trip, otherwise I will get angry." Huang Jianzhi warned.

"Yes, yes, not anymore." Fatty Wang nodded and said.

"Fatty, you have to change your temper. If Brother Zhi does not accompany us into the underground palace this time, if there are a large number of black-headed snakes in the underground palace, then we are in danger." Hu Bayi came to Fatty Wang and whispered. Said.

"Professor Chen, my friend was a bit reckless just now, I have already taught him, and he knew he was wrong, please forgive him for what happened this time." Huang Jianzhi said to Professor Chen and the others.

"Human nature, we also understand the behavior of Comrade Xiao Wang just now, after all, it is an ancestral jade pendant. Impulsiveness is also normal at all, and we don't blame Comrade Xiao Wang at all."

Professor Chen and they knew that Fatty Wang had known Huang Jianzhi longer than theirs. If Huang Jianzhi was unhappy because of what happened just now, once Huang Jianzhi did not accompany them on the next journey.

Then their next journey will be dangerous. After all, they don't know anything in the underground palace. If there is any mechanism or the like, they walk in vertically, and they can only lie down inside.

"If there is nothing wrong, then quickly turn the table, Ahu, Miss Yang, go and turn as I just said."

Hu Bayi and Ms. Yang looked at each other, then went up and turned the table, and a passage appeared on the floor for a moment.

"Mr. Huang, this is the gateway to the underground palace." Professor Chen asked excitedly.

"Yes, the underground palace is below."

"What are you waiting for, Mr. Huang, let's go in now." Professor Chen said impatiently.

"Well, yes, my desert marching ants have all taken back into the canteen. Let's set off now."

Huang Jianzhi saw Professor Chen's excitement and didn't say anything, so he led them into the passage.

"Don't be nervous, if there is a mechanism, I will tell you." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile when he saw Hu Bayi and the others cautiously.

"I heard the sound of water."

"I heard it too."

"me too."

After walking for a while, Chu Jian heard the sound of water doubting, and Ye Yixin and the others followed Ying.

Huang Jianzhi smiled without speaking, and continued to lead them forward. For a moment, a wide underground river appeared in front of him.

"Professor, is this a secret river?" Ye Yixin asked Professor Chen.

"Yes, this is Zidu Dark River." Professor Chen nodded when he heard the student's question.

"Brother Zhi, we also encountered an underground river on the Kunlun Glacier before, and that underground river is not so deep that there are prehistoric king salamanders. This underground river is bigger and deeper than the Kunlun Glacier underground river, will it be hidden? More terrifying creatures." Fatty Wang said worriedly.

Professor Chen, who originally wanted to go near the underground river to wash their faces and hands, suddenly heard Fatty Wang's words, and they hurried back a few steps in fright.

"I didn't feel anything strange, so there was no danger." Huang Jianzhi replied calmly.

After Professor Chen and the others heard that there was no danger, they approached the underground river and washed their hands and face with the water from the underground river. After cleaning up, Professor Chen and the others turned to look at Huang Jianzhi.

"Mr. Huang, where are we going next?"

"Come with me, there is a dark bridge here, and the real underground palace is on the opposite side." After Huang Jianzhi finished speaking, he led everyone to take the dark bridge and cross the river.

"Such a big gate has been opened. Although there are traces of bombs, it will take a long time to make it like this. I am afraid that more than one group of people have entered the cemetery of Jingjue Queen. I am afraid..." Hu Bayi said worriedly.

"Old Hu, you are afraid that all the treasures inside will be stolen." Fatty Wang heard Hu Bayi's worry.

Professor Chen and the others changed their faces when they heard Wang Fatty’s words. What their archaeological team feared most was the news that the ancient tomb was destroyed. They saw the Qianjin gate opened by violence, and heard Hu Bayi say that more than one group of people went in. My heart is cold.

"It feels like you are quite lost. Are you worried that the cultural relics inside will be stolen clean? In fact, you don't have to worry about it."

"There are not many people who go inside and come out alive, not to mention those who are lucky enough to live are very mentally abnormal. If you feel that mentally abnormal, how many things are brought out are true and how many are false.". .

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