Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 736: Here we are

"What are you talking about, what traitor, I don't understand what you are talking about, let me go." Ajie struggled unwillingly.

"You still don't admit it, believe it or not, my fist is harder than your face." Niuniu said, controlling Ajie.

"Master, they are crazy, let them let me go." Ajie asked Shi Yijian for help.

"Ajie, tell me honestly, was A Cai taken away by you? Where is A Cai now?" Shi Yijian asked in a low voice.


"If you ask him that, he will admit it if he is stupid. It's up to me."

Huang Jianzhi snapped his fingers in front of Ajie, and Ajie stopped struggling, his eyes became hollow in an instant. When Shi Yijian saw this scene, they knew that Huang Jianzhi had hypnotized Ajie.

"Did A Cai let you be arrested by Mr. Gao?" Huang Jianzhi asked.


When Shi Yijian heard Ajie's admission, his fists gradually clenched.

"Why betray me?" Shi Yi asked steadily.

"Answer Jian's question." Huang Jianzhi motioned to the hypnotized Ajie to answer the question.

"Mr. Gao's bargaining chip is too high, I can't refuse." Ajie replied.

"Where is my daughter now?" Shi Yijian asked impatiently.

"high seas"

"High seas, this..., what is Mr. Gao's conspiracy?" Shi Yijian's face looked ugly.

"Mr. Gao asked me to hand you a letter with an invitation letter inside. Mr. Gao asked me to take you to the high seas alone." Ajie replied honestly.

"Okay, take me over now." Shi Yijian said without hesitation.

"Brother Jian, you can't go alone, it's too dangerous." Brother Benz persuaded him next to him.

"Brother Benz, that is my daughter, who I am not going to go to." Shi Yijian said.

"Yeah, what are you worried about? A Cai is in no danger for a short time. Brother Jian is indeed a bit dangerous to go alone, and you will be fine if you take me." Huang Jianzhi said casually.

"Brother Zhi, Mr. Gao only let me go by the name and surname. If you go, Brother Zhi, I'm afraid..."

Although Shi Yijian knew that with Huang Jianzhi's help, his safety was almost not a problem, but he was worried that Mr. Gao would be detrimental to his daughter because he took one more person.

"He should have Mr. Gao's contact information. Just call him and ask him for a place."

"Call the conceited guy and turn the voice on hands-free." Huang Jianzhi ordered Ajie.

After hearing the instructions, Ajie directly dialed Mr. Gao, and soon the phone was connected.

"How is the matter going!" Mr. Gao's conceited voice came from the mobile phone.

"Things are going well, Brother Jian will accept your invitation to the party." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"who are you?"

Mr. Gao dulled a bit when he heard the stranger's voice, and asked in a suspicious tone.

"Guess who I am?" Huang Jianzhi played out again. .

"You guessed it wrong, I'm just someone who likes to join in the fun. I heard that you invited Brother Jian to go to the party on your boat. Would you mind bringing me one?" Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Although I don't know who you are, the only person I invite is Shi Yijian. If I notice something is wrong, there are many civilians on board who I have "invited" over. If something unexpected happens to them, I will I don't know." Mr. Gao threatened.

"You arrested my daughter and you even arrested innocent people." Shi Yijian couldn't help raising his voice when he heard Mr. Gao's words.

"It turns out that Brother Jian was right there, I was curious how did you find that your apprentice had betrayed you?" Mr. Gao asked with a little interest.

"How did I find that it was my business, tell me, what do you want!" Shi Yijian asked.

"What can I do? Didn't I send you an invitation letter to Brother Jian? Just come over and participate. Remember, I will invite you alone."

"If I find one more person, not only will your daughter be harmed, but also many innocent people will be thrown off the boat to feed the fish." Mr. Gao threatened.

"You think you are the smartest person in the world. Do you scare you to pee if you bring one more person?" Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"I'm not interested in little people. Brother Jian, I'm looking forward to your arrival tonight." Mr. Gao hung up after speaking.

"Little guy! I turned out to be a little guy. This guy is really arrogant. I'm so angry. If I don't play to death, he will be sorry for me." Huang Jianzhi's face suddenly darkened.

"There is the high seas. If the official doesn't get in, if Brother Jian goes alone, it will be very dangerous." Xiao Ning said heavily.

"I have to go if there is danger." Shi Yijian said with a clenched fist.

"Brother Jian, that's the enemy's tiger's nest. You may never return, let alone rescue your daughter and a lot of innocent people. Let me go." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"Brother Zhi, he asked me to go alone, why are you..."

"It's not enough to look like this."

"Brother Zhi, I want to go." Shi Yijian hesitated for a moment before saying seriously.

"Brother Jian, that is the enemy's territory. It is very difficult for you to save your daughter, let alone a lot of innocent people. You are sure you want to go." Huang Jianzhi asked suspiciously.

"It is indeed dangerous for me to go alone, but there is no problem if you follow Brother Youzhi?" Shi Yijian glanced at Ajie and said meaningfully.

"It's okay for me to look like him, but Brother Jian, you are sure to go." Huang Jianzhi saw Shi Yijian's eyes and instantly understood what he meant.

"My baby girl is in his hands, can I not go as a father?" Shi Yijian said straightforwardly.

"Okay, no problem, get ready, let's set off tonight."


As night fell, Huang Jianzhi changed into Ajie's appearance, and took Shi Yijian on the speedboat and set off toward the open sea.

"Brother Zhi, can you hypnotize a whole ship of people?" Shi Yijian asked.

"It should be no problem." Huang Jianzhi said low-key.

"Mr. Gao suffered a loss in my hands. He definitely wants to turn a round on me. Then I will delay for a while. During the time I delay, I will trouble Brother Zhi and you will hypnotize the entire ship. "Shi Yijian said.

"Yes, no problem." Huang Jianzhi saw Shi Yijian's dignified face, smiled and said nothing.

"Seeing the boat, we seem to have arrived."..

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