Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 814: Scrub cognition

After hearing Zhang Liang's words, Master Ban and the public losers did not hesitate at all, and directly used their own housekeeping skills.


The mechanical beast that entered the cave exploded like a violent bomb, and the entire valley was shaken by the violent explosion, and the cave completely collapsed due to the violent explosion.

"The mechanics of the Mohist and the public losers really amazed Zhang and I, but our troubles are also coming."

Zhang Liang saw the army of the Alliance of Kings slowly reacted, and began to attack them, dense arrows shot at them instantly, and hurriedly let the master class and the others control the big bird lift into the air.

Master Ban and the others didn't have any extra actions. They hurriedly manipulated the giant bird to lift off quickly. The cave has collapsed. The mission of their trip has been completed, and it is time to go back.


Just when the master class controlled the mechanism, the bird lifted off to avoid the sharp arrow and prepared to return, a strange sound wave instantly enveloped them.

The weird sound waves made the people on the four big organs hold their heads in pain, and the sound waves kept piercing the scalp like needles, making people feel painful.

"Quickly, control the mechanism bird to retreat."

Master Ban endured the pain and shouted to everyone that the Mohist disciples in other institutions were also afraid of the plane's destruction and death. They didn't need to remind him, and gritted their teeth to control the institution.

"Damn it, this voice is a bat..."

"Ovary, how do you know it is a bat?" Master Ban asked.

"If you look to the rear, you won't know."

"I,,, I will go."

Master Ban and the others turned their heads and looked back. Their scalp became numb in an instant, and two thick dark clouds were chasing them up. One of the thick dark clouds looked closely, and they were all densely packed with poisonous bees.

The other thicker cloud is made up of densely packed bats. Leading the huge group of bats is a huge bat king, and the bat king is also riding a small western man.

Needless to think, he controlled the bat group to chase Zhang Liang and the others, and the infrasound wave that made Zhang Liang and the others unhappy was sent by the giant Bat King.

"What's so, I didn't expect that Zhang would be chased by flying animals one day. Being overtaken by a poisonous bee, it's not as simple as being stabbed in the body. If you don't get poisoned to death, you will definitely not want to live."

"If we are caught up by a bat group, will the few catties on our body be enough for them to divide? Each of them is two or three times larger than ordinary bats, and their fur is slightly reddish. If they say they are vegetarian, ghosts will believe it. ."

"Master Ban, you are speeding up quickly. If we don't speed up, we will be cold." Zhang Liang rarely complained once.

"Mr. Zifang, it's no use in Canada. This is the fastest speed." Master Ban could not shout.

"Mr. Ovang, you can see that this is a trap. You can't let us rush to destroy the enemy's trap without any precautions. Do you have a back-up." Seeing that Zhang Liang didn't feel much nervous after defeating the enemy. Asked curiously.

"Yes, Mr. Ovary, do you have a second hand to prepare, if you have, use it quickly, the closer the giant Bat King gets closer, the more it makes us feel bad about its sound."

"My disciples of the Mo family have weak internal strength, and they are about to insist on not chasing them. The bat seems to be accelerating. Waiting for it to get closer, we will be destroyed and killed." Master Ban said anxiously.

"I think too, but who knows when Bai Feng will arrive." Zhang Liang saw that the Bat King was getting closer, he also knew that he was anxious.


Suddenly, the huge Bat King suddenly opened his mouth, sending out infrasound waves that were more violent than ever before and swept past Master Class and the others.

"Ah,," many disciples of the Mo family with weak internal skills all fell to the ground in pain.

"No, Xiao Wu,..."

Master Ban was anguished to see a giant bird behind him completely out of control and slammed into the ground.


An impact came, and Master Ban’s eyes were already red, and other people knew that from hitting the ground from such a height, there was no chance of surviving.

"Old man Ban, don't mess around, they won't die in vain, we will avenge them, now all you have to do is to get rid of them." Public defeat, afraid of Master Ban doing stupid things, said quickly.

"I won't mess around. They were mentally prepared before they came to the border. They are all good men from the Mo family."


Perhaps the short western man who controlled the Bat King was impatient, and I don't know what method was used to make the Bat King speed up again.

"Damn, that beast can speed up, do we need it today..."

Just when Master Ban and the others were about to despair, a thicker and larger dark cloud appeared in front of them than behind them. A closer look was full of various birds.

They all got excited when they saw the bird class master, and they knew their helper was coming.

"It seems we should never die,..."

When the bird army appeared in the front, the bat colony became agitated. The western man who controlled the giant bat king also solemnly looked at the larger bird colony than his bat colony, but he did not control the bat colony to stop. They chased up when they continued to move towards the class.

The bird army seemed to have discovered the provocation of the bat colony, and felt that their territory was about to be robbed. They all raised their claws and swept toward the bat colony.

"If you come late, you can only find me in the bat dung in the future." Zhang Liang said with a sigh of relief when he saw Bai Feng who suddenly appeared next to him.

"My previous birds are a bit unsuitable for the climate here. They need to be summoned here again, so it will take a while." Bai Feng explained calmly.

"You are sure not to deal with that group of bats." Zhang Liang asked with a little worry as he watched the group battle between the bat group and the bird army.

"You go first, there is only one king in the sky, and that is me." Bai Feng jumped on his huge pet and flew towards the western man.

"Let's go, we don't have to worry about Baifeng's battle, and tomorrow's battle is what we have to worry about." Zhang Liang said calmly.

The master class and the others also knew Bai Feng's skills, so they listened to Zhang Liang's words and drove back to the manipulator.

"It's really a trap. There are quite a few wise men in the Alliance of Kings, poisonous bees, termites, bats, and strangers and strangers. I hope our ancestors can bless us to win this war, otherwise..." Meng After receiving the feedback from Zhang Liang, the whole person stayed in the room and muttered solemnly.

Inside the headquarters of the Alliance of Kings

"The wood that can fly, the people of the Central Plains are so incredible, even letting the wood fly, it really scrubs my cognition."

"The people of Qin State have been surprised to see through our strategy, but this big bird made of wood can actually fly. It seems that we cannot underestimate the enemy in this war, otherwise we will lose.

"It's a pity that the damage is too great, otherwise we can piece it together and let us learn this mechanism technique. It's a pity, it's a pity."

The great kings in the base camp of the Alliance of Kings pointed to the dilapidated and indestructible mechanism, the big bird was surprised. ..

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