Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 817: Organs of war


Countless long javelins projected by foreign enemies are dozens of times more powerful than a sharp arrow, and many Qin Jun's bodies are directly penetrated by the javelin.


The foreign enemy army saw that the long javelin projected made many Qin troops fall to the ground. They seemed to see the effect, and more of them pulled out the long javelin from the back and continued to project it towards the Qin army.

"They have shields in their hands to block our sharp arrows, making our bows less effective. Their long javelins are very difficult for us to resist, and this will affect the battle behind us." Zhang Liang said solemnly.

"Let me come to the public loser family, our organ technique is born for the battlefield." The public loser stood up and said.

"General Meng, our Mo family also applied to join for help. Although our Mo family does not advocate using organ techniques to kill people, when facing foreign enemies, there is no such concern." Master Ban also offered to help.

"With the help of the overbearing organ technique of the public loser family and the non-offensive organ technique of the Mo family, I believe their military spirit will be defeated by your organ technique, and then it's up to you." Mengkuo nodded and said.

"The old ghost of the public loser, I didn't expect that we will have one day to join hands." Master Ban said, glancing at the public loser.

"Old man Ban, your Mohist institution skills are not born for war. Take a good look at how overbearing our family's institution skills are."

Defeating enemies and waving their hands backwards, several giant organ pythons quickly crawled towards the army of the Kings Alliance.

"This,,, what is this, no,,,"

When the army of the Alliance of Kings saw the huge shadow clearly, they were so scared that their thighs became weak, and before they had much time to react, the organ giant python's tail patted them.

"Flap, pop,,,"

For a while, a lot of **** meat appeared on the battlefield, all of which were slapped into meat by the organ python alive.

Several giant organ pythons went into the uninhabited state and swept past the army of the Alliance of Kings. It was vaguely that the first group of troops attacking the Qin army was about to be defeated by the organ technique of the public defeat family.

"Old man Ban, have you seen it? Their offensive troops are almost defeated by my organ mysterious pythons. I am afraid that I can make their military spirits ruined without your Mo family's action." Said with a complacency.

"The public loses the old ghosts, don't underestimate them, more than 20 dynasties, maybe they have the means to restrain you."

Master Ban did not say that the foreign enemy has a strange man who controls special termites. He did not rush to do it. He wanted to see that the public loses the enemy and he will do it again.

"Restrain my methods? Then I will take a good look at whether they have this ability."

Looking at the foreign enemy army disdainfully, he didn't believe that in addition to the Mohist school, there were forces that restrained his organs.

"Damn, the people of the Central Plains are really terrifying. Even such monsters can be made. Send the order and let the trebuchet at the rear launch, aim at the strange snakes, and destroy them." General Luo saw the dispatched offensive troops. Being crushed, he hurriedly ordered the trebuchet behind him to project.

"what is that,,,"

"It's a group of stones that are on fire. They smashed toward the organ python."


Many people in the Qin Army saw a lot of huge boulders with flames flying from the rear of the Alliance of Kings. The next second, the boulders smashed into big pits near several organ pythons, and one of the pythons was blown and rolled out.

"Hmph, do they think that those few broken stones can destroy my organ python? They thought so beautiful, go on, smash them all."

After seeing an organ python being smashed and overturned, he quickly got up after a while, and didn't care about these little stones in his heart.

"Unexpectedly, they still have this trick, it's not right, this time the attack fireball is not right,,,"

Master Ban suddenly saw that the fire ball fired from the rear of the Alliance of Kings was of a different color, and he immediately became alert.

"Old man Ban, you are so fussed, they,,, this, this is kerosene, they actually use kerosene."

Only halfway through the words of public defeat, I suddenly saw the fire ball hitting the organ python, bursting out splashes of fire oil and covering the organ python, and the entire organ python was completely swallowed by flames in an instant.

"What kind of oil is this, it's so powerful, and only a little time has passed, it completely destroyed my organ mysterious python." Gong Yuqiu said in shock.

"The old ghost of the public loser, have been beaten in the face, it seems that several of your organ pythons are about to be destroyed." Master Ban smiled when he saw the face of the public loser Qiu Tieqing.

"Damn, their trebuchets have thrown stones and burning oil into the army, Master Ban, Mr. Public Loss, what can you do to destroy the trebuchets behind them, or is there any long-range attack?"

Mengkuo saw that the mysterious snakes of several organs were all destroyed, and the trebuchet behind the enemy began to attack the army, so he asked the class teacher anxiously.

"Their trebuchet is at the rear, and it is difficult to destroy their trebuchet, but you can try it. The Mohist's mechanism Xuanhu has very fast speed and response power, and their trebuchet is difficult to target the mechanism Xuanhu."

"I will send a few organ Xuanhu to break into their army and kill them. Even if they can't destroy the trebuchet, the organ Xuanhu is enough to mess up the enemy army. Once their army is in chaos, we will win if there is a trebuchet or not. "Master Ban said, thinking.

"Well, as long as they mess up all their 200,000 troops, then we will win easily." Mengkuo nodded happily when he heard Master Ban's words.

"It seems that my public loser family has to show a trace of trump cards. Old man, you attack from the ground, I attack from the sky, and I will let them taste our special rainstorm pear flower needle." The public loser knows that he will show his hole cards. Their public loss family fell to the Mo family.

"Rainbow Pear Flower Needle! The old ghosts did not expect you to even make this thing, but you think it clearly, once you attack from the sky, the other party's poisonous bees and bats will know," said Master Ban Yinhui.

"The strangers and strangers will solve them. My responsibility is to make their army defeated. The 200,000 army, the rainstorm pear needles I brought should be enough to make them mess up." The public hostile smiled insidiously.

"Don't tell me two, let's do it quickly, before we do it, the enemy's trebuchet will make us mess up first." Mengkuo saw that his army had been smashed a lot, and was anxious to let Master Ban and the others do it. .

When Master Ban and the public losers heard what Mengkuo said, they waved their hands to let their subordinates do it. For a time, the nine-headed organ Xuanhu rushed towards the enemy.

The public loser family also has its own gliding mechanism, with more than two dozen people carrying a large bag of weird spheres gliding high in the battlefield.

"No, I don't want to fight this monster..."

"Demons, the Central Plains are all demons, and all monsters are made."

"Help, help,..."


The nine-headed organ Xuanhu who joined the war was like a wolf entering a flock, causing the foreign enemy army to riot. Especially the organ Xuanhu slapped it, and a large number of people became fleshy, which made them more fearful. ..

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