Just as the blade of the poison bat was about to draw behind Bai Feng, Bai Feng's figure instantly turned into nine overlapping shadows and flashed past the poison bat.

"What kind of body is this?"

There was an incredible dark glow in the eyes of the poison bat, and he asked unwillingly.

"If you continue to hide, I really can't find you, but you just ran out."

"There is no stamina to say in the air. This is my ultimate murderous feat. Your pet is too ugly. Let it go and accompany you."

Bai Feng threw away the **** feathers in his hands, stood on the Falcon and turned around with strength. A blood stain appeared on the poison bat's neck, and his body shook, and his whole person fell from the sky.

"Old man, it's you who wants to accompany me in the end."

The poison bat that fell in the air hadn't completely closed his eyes, until he saw that his old buddy Bat King was also cut off the neck by the claws of a strange bird, and he closed his eyes completely.

The remaining bats, without the control of the Bat King, scattered in an instant. Bai Feng ignored the bats, but controlled the falcon to attack the enemy on the ground.

"Go away, go away,,,"


The enemy wielded weapons to drive away the falcons in the sky, but the falcons often attacked the enemy's eyes, pecking and scratching, and many enemies completely lost their fighting ability.

"Let the remaining strange men and strangers take action and stop them," Old General Luo hurriedly shouted to the rear when he saw that the military's mind was greatly affected.

"Boom, boom,,,"

The words of General Luo just fell, and several explosions came directly, and all the soldiers emitting the source of the poisonous smoke fell to the ground. At first glance, it turned out that more than 20 people used a special ball in the sky to blow it up.

"Old man Ban, I'm sorry, it's my person who is one step faster." Seeing that his torrential rain pear blossoms had taken effect, the old ghost looked at Master Ban triumphantly.

"Well, it finally destroyed the source of the poisonous smoke emitted by the enemy, but the remaining poisonous smoke will soon drift into our outer army." Mengkuo said worriedly.

"Suspicious, the direction of the wind has changed, great, God opened his eyes, and the wind has blown back in their direction." Suddenly someone felt the direction of the wind changed and immediately shouted.

"Really, the direction of the wind has really changed, and the poisonous smoke has gone to their direction."

"It's really God's eyes open, but it's a pity that they all seem to take the medicine in advance, or else let them make their own minds."

The people in the philosophers of Baijia are all excited, and feel that God is helping them win this war, but there are still many people who hesitate to change the direction of the wind.

"Boom boom,,,"

The glider has entered the enemy's inner circle, and the Rainstorm Lihua Needle has claimed countless lives like modern machine guns.

At the same time, the organ Xuanhu also broke into the inner circle and began to destroy the battlefield. The enemy army was vaguely defeated.

"Stop them, stop them quickly, if we have any strange people and strangers, quickly stop them." Inside the tent of the Alliance of Kings, many kings couldn't sit still seeing the situation at this time.

"Warriors, our opportunity is here. They are being defeated. They have no chance to resist our cavalry. Charge, let them know how powerful we are." Mengkuo saw that the enemy's army was in chaos and immediately issued an offensive. command.


Qin Jun, who had been preparing for a long time, raised his butcher knife and rushed towards the enemy under Meng Kuo's order.

"Do not,,,"

The 200,000 troops of the Alliance of Kings tested the strength, but there is no resistance. The army formation is destroyed, and the military spirit has long been chaotic.

Under the Mongolian cavalry, the enemy's army retreated like a mountain.

"Who dares to take a step back and kill..." General Luo drew his sword and killed a retreating soldier beside him, shouting at the army, trying to save the army.

But the army formation has long been overwhelmed by the Qin army, and the 200,000 army has no power to recover.

"Kill, let these aliens know how good we are..."

The red-eyed Qin army swept over the enemy army like a life-harvesting death. The foreign enemy army saw its partners fall down in pieces, but they dared to resist. They all threw away their weapons and ran into their own camp of over five million. .

"Failed, completely defeated."

When General Luo saw this situation, he already knew that he was powerless. He seemed to be aging more than seventy years old in an instant, and he didn't care about the army that ran back to the base camp.

"Stop, stop all."

Mengkuo didn't kill Red Eye, and saw that many enemies had fled back to the base camp. His men wanted to rush into the enemy's base camp and quickly ordered the soldiers to stop.

"I, we won, haha, we won."

"We won, we won"

"Qin must win, Qin must win,,,"

The red-eyed Qin Jun came back to his senses, and saw the enemies lying on the ground in a swarm, all excited, and the alliance in their base camp also shouted that the State of Qin would win.

"Go, let's go back."

Mengkuo's face couldn't stop smiling. Seeing the enemy's base camp seemed to be moving, he quickly led his soldiers back to his base camp.

"Yes, yes, the first trial match was won so easily. It seems I didn't underestimate them."

Taoist family, Huang Jianzhi looked at the situation on the border battlefield projected on the lake surface, nodded and said.

"Xian Dao Zu, that strange wind is so strange, how did it blow back against the wind." Xiao Meng looked at Huang Jianzhi meaningfully.

"How do I know, maybe God has opened his eyes. I won't tell you, I'm going to play, goodbye,," Huang Jianzhi seemed to be a little weak, turned around and disappeared.

"Xian Dao Zu, how can you go to play, the border is still fighting, do you ignore our Yanhuang children and grandchildren survived?" Xiao Meng shouted to the surroundings, but the young commander looked at Xiao Meng with idiotic eyes.

"You mean that Immortal Dao Ancestor has already gone to the battlefield to join in the fun, and that's right, it is indeed possible with the character of Immortal Dao Ancestor."

"However, I don't like your look very much, you are looking at me with this look, I promise..."

Before Xiao Meng finished speaking, the young commander turned and left, as if he didn't take Xiao Meng seriously.

"I was ignored." Xiao Meng muttered in disbelief as she looked at the empty yard.


"Report to General Meng, our statistics show that 3,841 soldiers died, more than 1,000 soldiers were seriously injured, and more than 5,000 soldiers were slightly injured." In the hall, the soldiers reported to Mengkuo.

"What about the enemy?" Mengkuo asked their expectant eyes.

"Because it is in the enemy's base camp, the statistics are not very clear, but about eighty to ninety thousand enemies were killed and numerous wounded."

What is a surprise, this is a surprise. When he heard the death of eighty to ninety thousand enemies, Mengkuo stood up excitedly, and the other people's faces also showed excited smiles. ..

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