Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 822: Do you play cards, brother Liang?

"Old General Luo, why are you so stupid, you just lost the trial battle, and we are not really defeated, why are you so confused."

"Let the order go on, let the old general Luo be buried, and let the think tank below come up with a way to win this war at very little cost." After the Roman Emperor calmed down, let the soldiers go out.

"Great King Hun, you often fight with the Qin army. You should know them better. Why didn't you tell them the specific situation."

"Where did their wood-made monsters come from, and where did the ladybugs that burn human bodies come from? I never heard you mention it." The king in the tent turned to look at King Xiongnu, as if asking him to give an explanation.

"I used to fight with the Qin army only, but did not fight against the major forces in the Central Plains. You also know that the Central Plains people are very unwelcome to foreign forces. Once outsiders trigger their interests, they become unusually united."

"Who knows that the major forces in the Central Plains are so strong, relying on a few wood monsters, no, it has been investigated clearly, it is a mechanism beast."

"It's the organ technique of the Mohist school and the public transportation family of the Central Plains. The Central Plains is not only the hundreds of scholars, but also other hidden families."

"The two organ techniques of the philosophers and a hundred schools alone have made our army confused. If they have more organ beasts, then we will not be in a mess." King Xiongnu said solemnly.

"How could this be? The major forces in the Central Plains are so strong, then why do we provoke them."

"Why didn't you investigate and attack them again? It's okay now, it's hard to get off the ground."

"Two of the hundred schools of philosophers have messed up the formation of our 200,000 army, and the other philosophers of hundreds of schools will make a move, then we are finished."

When the other kings heard the words of King Xiongnu, their hearts began to worry.

"Your worries are unnecessary. If the philosophers are so strong, the Qin Guoguo can't breathe under the pressure of these philosophers."

"The Mohist family and the public loser family should be the strongest of the philosophers of the Hundred Schools. Today, these two families should also use their own cards. We have nothing to worry about."

"Don't be afraid of the other philosophers of the Hundred Schools. We really have more than five million combat power, and they only have much actual combat power."

"So I suggest that when the impact of this trial war passes, we will directly launch a full-scale war, and more than five million soldiers will directly crush it. I see how they resist us." The Peacock Dynasty said with gleaming eyes.

"Yes, the king of the Peacock Dynasty is right. Qin State can suppress the rest of the Central Plains and can't breathe, so the philosophers must not have many cards, and they must be the one who wins."

"Their mechanism beasts can be solved in this way. They use the human sea tactics to tie the mechanism beasts with a strong rope. The mechanism beasts are made of wood and can be burned with special fire oil."

"Others, we have a powerful warrior. The people in the Central Plains call it a warrior. We can let the powerful warrior solve those difficulties."

"Yes, it seems that the people of the Central Plains are not so difficult to deal with now. I support total war. When this impact passes, it will be the beginning of total war."

After the other kings calmed down, they began to make suggestions, and finally they all felt that the Central Plains were not that difficult to deal with, but they were affected by the trial war and improved the Central Plains.

"Very good. The methods that we came up with after seeing everyone calm down happened to be what we needed. The trial war had a great impact on the soldiers."

"We must wait a few days before we can start a full-scale war, but we won't make them feel good in these few days." The Roman Emperor looked at everyone and said thinking.

"Yes, don't make them feel better these days. We can send Master Yi Rong into their barracks. It is best to assassinate their coach or poison the water source."

"Suspect, this is a good suggestion. Assassinate the coach and poison the water source. However, adding one is to secretly instigate their major forces, even if they cannot be instigated."

"You can also send out a message, saying which power has been bought by the Alliance of Kings, so that they can be suspicious of each other."

"Brother, it's a good strategy. I also have one here. We often send small teams to harass them these few days, so that they can't rest well these days. Then they won't have the energy to fight with us."

In this way, the great kings of the Alliance of Kings, like conspirators, spoke out a series of dangerous and poisonous schemes.

"Very well, all the great kings have good strategies, then we will execute them together so that the people in the Central Plains will know how good we are."

In this way, many poisonous schemes against the Qin Army were born.


"Ovary, this is the news that Black Qilin brought back from the enemy. Each of these poisonous schemes has seriously affected us." Bai Feng said solemnly in Zhang Liang's room.

"What I am curious about is who your black unicorn in the quicksand pretends to be, and brought out such detailed news." Zhang Liang asked with a smile.

"Kirin directly killed one of the kings and directly pretended to be him. And it is recommended that Master Yi Rong be dispatched to assassinate the coach and the person poisoning the water source is also a black unicorn." Bai Feng smiled helplessly.

"That said, the black unicorn is the most heartless person. He also helps the enemy make plans. It's still such a vicious plan." Zhang Liang suddenly said silently.

"Ovary, how do you think you should guard against so many poisonous tricks from the Alliance of Kings?" Bai Feng asked curiously.

"We already know these poisonous tricks, and they won't have much effect. The most difficult thing to do is the full-scale war in a few days. We have to think of a way, or we will suffer."

"You first pass the news to General Meng in detail. I have a big brain right now and I have to go and walk around." Zhang Liang really couldn't think of a way, so he decided to go out and see if he could think of other ways.

"Uncle, you are here. Come with me. There is a game called Fighting the Landlords. I often lose. You have to come and help me." Not long after Zhang Liang came out, he was stopped by Tianming.

"Tianming, don't see anyone who is older than you, just call uncle, I am actually very young." Zhang Liang looked at Tianming speechlessly.

"Regardless of this, you can play with me to win this game first." Tianming took Zhang Liang and left.

"I haven't heard of any game of fighting the landlords. Who do you play with? Tell me about the rules." Zhang Youqi asked.

"I can't tell you now, you'll know when you arrive."

Zhang Liang didn't say anything, because he was forced away by Tianming.

"I fry, I fry again, I won, give money quickly, give money,,,"

Zhang Liang was dragged to the rest of the Mo family by Tianming. He saw everyone in a circle and didn't know what they were doing. He suddenly heard a familiar voice, and his eyes flashed with an unbelievable color.

"Get out, get out,,, the foreign aid I asked for is here."

Tianming asked the crowd to separate a passage. When Zhang Liang saw one of the people on the table, he was stunned there.

"Do you play cards, Brother Liang,..."

Huang Jianzhi amusedly waved to Zhang Liang who was stunned. ..

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