Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 826: Meng Yi, it's really none of my business

"What are you talking about? All the warriors sent here have been shaved off their clubs. How could this be possible? They correspond to the great master level of the warriors."

"Even if the Jindan stage powerhouses face them, they can only retreat. Now you tell me that they are all beaten by Meng Yi. We didn't wake up, or you were lying about the military situation." The Roman Empire monarch did not dare. Believing to stand up.

"Big, the king is forgiving, how dare the villain make false reports about the military situation, the warriors are really being beaten by Meng Yi, now Meng Yi sees what to burn, we can't get close to him at all." The soldier said with fear and nervousness.

"Stop him, stop him anyway, let him burn like this, sooner or later our materials will be burned by him."

"Send out all the remaining strange men and warriors, I don't believe his iron strikes, he is always exhausted."

"The key is to guard against the enemy's military camp. One person can't make much storms. I suspect this is the enemy's conspiracy."

"Also, let the guardian follow along, just in case, Meng Yi must die. Why are you still stunned, why don't you go soon." The kings in the tent gave orders one after another.

"I burn and burn, you come to catch me, hahaha,,,, can't catch me."

At this moment, Huang Jianzhi was arrogant and addicted. When he saw something burning, the crowds of soldiers wanted to stop him, but they couldn't even touch his shadow.

Just as Huang Jianzhi was about to burn other tents, suddenly a dozen violent sword qi enveloped him. Huang Jianzhi didn't show any expression at all, and casually slapped a dozen sword qi away.

"Finally, a lot of powerhouses came out, five Golden Core Stages, and more than 20 Great Masters, but are you really going to stop me? It's going to die."

Huang Jianzhi calmly looked at the more than 30 powerhouses who surrounded him, as if these more than 30 people still didn't raise his interest at all.

"Meng Yi, I admit that I missed my eyes, but do you think you can escape from our hands?" One of the golden core experts said with complicated and changeable eyes.

"I remember you, you stunned me and brought me here. Why, the assassin's head is wrong, and now he wants to beat me up." Huang Jianzhi smiled casually.

"You were caught by me deliberately. What is your purpose?" The strong man in the golden core period also knew that he had been fooled.

"I have no purpose. I'm just going out and strolling around. Who would have thought I would be caught by you. Well, it's almost burned, I've had enough of it, and I should say goodbye to you." Huang Jianzhi felt that it was enough and prepared. leave.

"Do you think you are still running away? Line up for me,,, me, man, man, where did the man go."

More than 30 top masters were preparing to do it, and suddenly they found that the target person had disappeared in an instant, and they immediately took precautions.

Thinking that the target person was about to attack them, but after waiting for a long time, there was no movement at all, and they were 100% sure that the enemy had escaped.


"Mr. Zifang, a small part of the enemy's camp is on fire. We really don't take the opportunity to attack them?" Mengkuo said a little unbearably.

"General Meng, I'm afraid you already know who set the fire. The enemies are not all idiots. They are already prepared to guard against our sneak attack." Zhang Liang said from a high platform overlooking the enemy camp.

"Well, your Majesty has already sent news. The person who set the fire should be a fairy..."

After Mengkuo got the news from His Majesty, he was also taken aback. No wonder Zhang Liang said that they would win this battle. It turned out that it was the immortal who came here.

"Although the fire was very strong due to the influence of the wind, they did not panic at all. They should have prevented us from attacking the fire very early. Looking at this scene, their casualties should not be large, but their supplies have burned a lot."

"It's troublesome. I thought the fairy would bring us surprises, but I didn't expect it to bring us such a big trouble. The full-scale war is about to advance." Zhang Liang looked at the fire, but his eyes gradually became solemn.

"Trouble! I don't like to listen to you. I just want your war to end early." Suddenly Huang Jianzhi appeared beside Zhang Liang and said heartlessly.

"Xian, immortal, Mengkuo worshipped the immortal." Mengkuo was also taken aback by Huang Jianzhi's silent appearance, and when he saw that he was an immortal, he quickly saluted in awe.

"Brother Zhi, you are planning to directly help us." Zhang Liang asked in surprise.

"Who knows, there may be a lot of blood bleed tomorrow, but,,, forget it, bye, I went to find Tianming to play poker." Huang Jianzhi yawned and disappeared silently again.

"Does the immortal mean,,," Mengkuo's face gradually revealed surprise.

"Get ready, maybe it should be over tomorrow." Zhang Liang walked to the Mo family to rest after speaking.


"What, you said that Meng Yi escaped in front of you with a secret technique, trash, a bunch of trash,," the Roman Emperor patted the table and stood up angrily.

"Damn it, did Mengkuo ask his brother to insult us? Damn it, it's too deceitful. When we are no one, right?" The King Hun thought it was Mengkuo's arrangement, and threw the glass in angrily as well.

"Shame, Mengkuo is hitting us in the face. Come and leave if you want. He is telling us that his brother alone makes us helpless. Shame, this is a shame..." Thought it was insulting them

If Mengkuo knew that the great kings of the Alliance of Kings thought so, he would look at his brother Meng Yi strangely: When did you have this skill, brother, why didn't your brother know.

"Mengkuo, Meng Yi, hateful, their two brothers must be laughing at us in the room at this moment. This is the first time we have such a shame. We must pay for the blood of their two brothers." Most of the kings were equally angry. .

"Has the fire been extinguished, what are our losses?" The Roman Empire asked with restraint of its anger.

"Mr., Lord, Meng Yi doesn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. He burned all our materials and grain. So our soldiers did not die much, but two-thirds of our grain and grass have been burned." The soldier knelt on the ground and said tremblingly.

"What are you talking about? Two-thirds of the grain and grass are gone. How is this possible? Our grain is broken into pieces. How could he burn two-thirds of our grain and grass alone? Have you made any statistics?" No The young king immediately stood up and couldn't believe it and asked.

"Sovereign, we don't know what's going on. Meng Yi seems to know the location of all our grain and grass. He burns a relatively concentrated group of grain and grass. With the influence of wind, somehow, two-thirds of our grain and grass are not there. Now." The soldier said in horror.

"What, Meng Yi, I won't let you go, puff,,,"

A certain unlucky king was spurted with qi. ..

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