Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 829: Faith collapsed

"Brother, are you unaccustomed to this scene, elder brother understands, after all, this is the first time you have seen such a cruel scene."

When Xiang Yu saw Tianming's expression of hesitation, he guessed that Tianming was not used to the massacre of immortals.

"Who is your little brother, I'm still your grandfather. Who is not used to it, it is normal for people to die on the battlefield, I just think they are a bit pitiful." Tianming didn't want to be soft in front of his peers, especially Xiang Yu, so he immediately went back .

"Are they pitiful? If it weren't for Big Brother Huang to help us, once the war broke out, if we lose, it will not be them, but us, that will appear in purgatory on earth."

"They are more than guilty. I support Big Brother Huang doing this. If you want to fight, hit them until you are afraid. It is best to destroy them all." Xiang Yu is a person who has experienced countless wars, and naturally knows how cruel the cost of war failure is.

"Tianming, then you have to learn from Xiang Yu. To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself. If you win, you are right in everything you say. Once you lose, you only have to be slaughtered." Yan Dan was beside him. Said something.

"Tianming, there are still many things you have to learn. Sometimes national dignity is more important than fate." At this time, Guyie rarely spoke.

"Uncle, I know." Tianming thought for a moment, then nodded heavily.

"It's so cruel. Is this a fairy? More than five million soldiers are inferior to ants in the eyes of the fairy. They are too vulnerable to a blow."

"It turns out that the gap between the immortal and the mortal is so big, it's not just a level difference, but also..."

"Great, I really appreciate the fairy for helping us, otherwise once the war starts, I don't know if I will have a chance to return to my hometown alive, and I sincerely thank the fairy for helping us."

Everyone in the Qin State camp saw the soldiers of the Alliance of Kings being crushed and slaughtered, and they were first happy in their hearts, and then even more awed and worshiped the power of the immortals.

Mengkuo saw that the enemy's number was gradually decreasing, and their expressions slowly showed joy. If an immortal took action, he could defeat the enemy without abandoning a soldier. This was more exciting than anything else.

"More than five million lives are gone like this, hey, lives are really fragile." Zhang Liang saw the enemy camp of Purgatory on Earth, and there were few living people. Involuntarily sighed.

Huang Jianzhi looked at the situation and snapped his fingers. Countless lightning strikes, the rolling magma slowly disappeared, but the camp of the kings was still similar to the purgatory on earth, with uneven scorched earth and thick smoke everywhere.

"Yes, there are still thousands of lucky people who survived, and their luck is really extraordinary." Huang Jianzhi glanced at it and said.


Everyone in the Qin State camp heard the immortal's small voice, and took a deep breath in their hearts. More than five million soldiers were gone, leaving only a few thousand people who were dispensable.

If they are not 100% sure that the immortal is on their side, I am afraid they will stay away from this demon butcher in fear.

After all, the more than five million lives were not dying out over time, but were deprived of them by immortals in less than half a day.

"Fairy, there is scorched earth and smoke in front of you. My soldiers may be in danger if they enter."

Mengkuo wanted to send people in to catch the living enemies, but when he saw the disaster area left over from purgatory, he didn't dare to send people.

Others also saw the traces of the disaster left by purgatory, and swallowed uncontrollably. The thick smoke gradually dissipated, and they saw densely packed bones on numerous uneven scorched earth.

Most of the corpse was turned into coke and the other half turned into scorched meat. Many residual limbs covered the entire battlefield.


Many people in the Qin camp felt a little unaccustomed to vomiting when they saw this scene. It was **** more than hell.

"Well, I've played with it, and accidentally turned the fertile land into a dead land. If you don't deal with it, this land may not be restored in tens of thousands of years."

Huang Jianzhi slowly raised his hand and used the power of the Five Elements to restore the dead place in front of him, and an invisible and vital force spread to death.

The bone scorched body slowly decomposed and disappeared, and the uneven scorched earth gradually disappeared, and soon the land returned to its original appearance.

Although everyone in the Qin State camp knew that immortals were omnipotent, they were still a little surprised at the power of immortals when they saw that the purgatory disaster area was so simply restored to their original appearance.

"Go, bring the twenty-odd kings before me." Huang Jianzhi pointed to the kings of the Alliance of Kings that he deliberately kept.

After Mengkuo heard the order, he personally led some of the troops to catch more than 20 kings in front of Huang Jianzhi, but the expressions of the more than 20 kings were different, and most of them were frightened.

"Devil, you are a demon,,, demon, don't,,,"

When the kings who were brought by Mengkuo saw Huang Jianzhi, several of them were frightened mad. Mengkuo saw that the mad kings were too noisy, and directly knocked out the crazy ones.

"Are you the devil, more than five million,,, that's more than five million lives. If you are slaughtered like this, you are not afraid that God will punish you."

The Maurya King knew that he was completely defeated, but he was not reconciled. He was even more upset with the countless soldiers he died. He wanted to question the so-called **** above all.

"God punish me? It's ridiculous. For example, if you go out for a walk and accidentally trample on an ant, how would you feel."

"Will others punish you for trampling on a dispensable ant? The answer is no. Then you say why God punishes me, just because of dispensable you, get rid of it, this is a joke It's not funny." Huang Jianzhi said casually.

When the king of the Maurya Dynasty heard this, his face changed, and soon his whole person became ruined.

"Why, why are you so unfair." The Roman Emperor also looked at Huang Jianzhi and asked.

"Where am I unfair?" Huang Jianzhi asked curiously.

"Aren't you a god? God doesn't treat mortals equally. What's the difference between us and them, aren't all mortals?"

"Why are you standing on their side, I don't understand, you tell me why." The Roman monarch asked Huang Jianzhi, pointing at Mengkuo who they didn't understand.

"Are you stupid, or you didn't collect all the information, don't you know that I am a descendant of the Yellow Emperor, they are all descendants of Yan and Huang, of course I am on their side."

"As for your words, to the descendants of Yan and Huang, you are a foreign race. Besides, you believe in the Western gods, and I am the Eastern gods. You have nothing to do with me. Why should I treat you equally." Huang Jianzhi laughed.

"You can come to help them, why our God hasn't appeared once, hahaha,, it seems that God has abandoned us." Many kings' beliefs collapsed. ..

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