Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 831: Dragon Ball Destroyed

"You did it intentionally. You touched my home three times in a row, and separated me three times. Did you guess that my cards were too smooth and didn't let me draw the cards?" Xiaomeng always feels that the young commander on the opposite side On purpose, it made her itchy.

Upon hearing this, the young commander directly chose to ignore Xiao Meng's words and made a fortune.

"What do you see, you are the head of Xiaoyaozi." Xiaomeng saw that the young commander was still invincible, and immediately transferred his qi to Xiaoyaozi.

I provoke someone, Xiaoyao Zi was very depressed, thinking to herself that the affairs between the women were really unintelligible, so she simply ignored everything, fetched a card, and played another three.

Huang Jianzhi saw that Xiaomeng was already eager to stretch out his hand to draw the cards, and he couldn't help but sighed: The charm of mahjong is so terrible, even the two iceberg goddesses Xiaomeng and Young Commander were fascinated.

"Wait, I'll carry,,, oh yeah, carry the flowers, ten taels of silver per person, give money quickly,,,"

Huang Jianzhi stopped Xiaomeng, and after a wave of manipulation, the other three people's expressions were a little depressed. It was them who lost, especially Xiaomeng's cheeks puffed up with anger.

"I blame you, if it wasn't for you to always touch my upper house, I would have touched myself a long time ago." Xiao Meng looked at the young commander hostilely.

"Why should a woman embarrass a woman? Sit down, what can you say?" Huang Jianzhi couldn't help but persuade.

"Xian Dao Zu, although we are novices, but you win every time, this is a bit wrong." Xiao Meng turned to Huang Jianzhi.

"What's wrong, I only played three games. I'm a veteran. What's the problem with winning three of your novices in a row? Do you want to pay and plan to repay the bill?" Huang Jianzhi looked at Xiao Meng suspiciously.

"Whoever relies on the account, money is something outside of the body, how can my dignified head of the Tianzong relinquish the account, but it is only a mere ten taels of silver." Xiao Meng said very unhappy.

"Then don't talk nonsense, give money,," Huang Jianzhi said, reaching out to the three of Xiaomeng.

"Really, it's really hard to understand that the aloof immortals would covet mortal money."

Although Xiao Meng muttered to herself, the movements on her hand did not stop, and she took out a dozen silver coins and gave it to Huang Jianzhi, as did the other two.

Huang Jianzhi heard Xiaomeng's murmur, but he ignored it, and carefully collected the money with a look of greedy for money.

"Let's continue, I don't believe that I can't touch it once." Xiao Meng said with an unbelief in evil.

"Stop for a while, haven't you seen anyone coming to me." Huang Jianzhi turned to look at the entrance of the yard and said.

When the three of Xiaoyaozi turned their heads and saw Yingzheng at the door, they knew that Yingzheng had important things to discuss with the fairy, and they were about to get up and leave, but the fairy stopped them.

"I will come uninvited again, please forgive me from the immortals." Ying Zheng said with a fist and saluted Huang Jianzhi.

"You come uninvited, can I still rush you to leave, let's talk, what can I do?" Huang Jianzhi asked indifferently.

"On behalf of the people of the dawn of the world, I thank the fairy for your action and wipe out the invading alien race. If there is no fairy for you,,," Ying Zheng looked at Xiaoyaozi and them hesitantly, and said.

"What benefits are you going to give me?" Huang Jianzhi directly interrupted Ying Zheng's long thank you words.


"I mean, I actually saved the people of Liming Tianxia. As an emperor, you shouldn't mean it. If you say so many thanks, it's better to be practical." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"Ahem,..., the statues of you immortals will be built in all parts of the Qin Kingdom for the people of the world to offer incense. If you need anything from the immortals, you can mention it to me, and I will use all the power of the world to satisfy you."

Ying Zheng didn't expect the immortal to be so direct, which made him a little uncomfortable, but after all, he was an emperor, and soon calmed down his emotions and said the rhetoric he had prepared for a long time.

"Disappointed, I thought you could give me the benefits that moved my heart, but I forgot that this is a mortal world, how could I come up with things that moved my heart."

"Well, after all, I am not the **** of your world. Your incense worship is useless to me, and I cannot stay in your world for long."

"After I leave, the dragon **** will turn into ordinary stones. I don't want them anymore. I will just collect all the dragon **** and make a wish to me to destroy the alliance of kings." Huang Jianzhi smiled and looked at the victory.

"This..." Ying Ying showed hesitation in my eyes.

"I know you have two dragon **** in your hand, but do you think you can collect all seven dragon **** before I leave this world."

"I forgot to tell you, I still have three dragon **** in my hand that haven't been put out yet." Huang Jianzhi lifted his finger, and the three dragon **** appeared instantly and turned between Huang Jianzhi's fingers.

Xiaoyaozi had long known that there were still three dragon **** on the fairy. Although there was no expression on their faces, they all felt that the fairy was very black.

When Ying Zheng saw the three dragon balls, he didn't know what to say. It turned out that three of them had been on the fairy, no wonder dragon **** were rarely born.

"If you don't speak, I will take it as your acquiescence, and then Dragon Ball has no meaning."

Huang Jianzhi didn't wait for others to react, and directly crushed three dragon balls. The crushed dragon **** instantly turned into lime powder, and the other four dragon **** were turned into ordinary stones at the same time.

Huang Jianzhi's quick start made them unable to react to the victory. Fortunately, Xiaoyaozi and the others said that there was a deep pity in Yingzheng's heart. His wish for immortality was gone.

"Xianren, how many questions do I want to ask?" Ying Zheng said calmly.

"Just ask, but it depends on my mood if I don't answer." Huang Jianzhi smiled indifferently.

"Can the descendants of Yan and Huang rule the world?"

Yingzheng did not directly ask Qin whether he could rule the world, but instead changed to the descendants of Yan and Huang.

"Do you think there is another force in this world that can stop you." Huang Jianzhi glanced at Ying Zheng and said.

Yingzheng got a satisfactory answer, smiled happily, and then continued to ask.

"Can Qin State be forever?"

"If I didn't show up, if I develop along the original path, the second generation of Qin Kingdom will perish. Now, it's hard to say."

"What, how is this possible, Fu Su him..."

When I heard about Yingzheng, I couldn't believe it. Even Xiaoyaozi and the others were surprised how the powerful Qin State would perish in the second life.

"I don't believe it, that's good, I will instill in you if I did not appear in this world, according to the original destiny, the memory of how your Qin State was destroyed." Huang Jianzhi instantly instilled a memory in Yingzheng.

"That's it, Gao Yao, Li Si," Yingzheng's eyes flashed with a gloomy light.

Huang Jianzhi saw the complex expression of Yingzheng, and smiled. Now that Yingzheng has this memory, I don't know if Qin will open up in the future.

"Fairy, can people live forever?"

Yingzheng knew that he was alive, and those people would not be able to overcome a storm, and it would not be too late to slowly concoct them in the future. Now he looked at the fairy with anticipation and asked the question he most wanted to ask. ..

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